well im gonna look at it again when the terrible translation and the issue with the boyish MC is solved.
that will be at version 0.6-0.7 ??? lets see.
i kind of shut it off after day 1 and seeing how the story is from the posts here it would not harm to make the mom less stupid regarding the buisness she is in as a boss and owner.no one would be so stupid to sign some dokuments as an companyowner when he/she is drunk.....

thats is just unrealistic and ridiculous,even normal people would not be so naive and stupid to sign any documents when drunk.
secondly it would not hurt to make the MC less a douchebag with the change in his look and age.
i can look past that idiotic minigame when it is the only one but when the dev put a lot more of this in the game then he will kill it with that.