GayLord Jesus

Oct 9, 2021
Finally, MC gets to do something rather than simping around with upstuck Leyla. However, it's a pity that not even Kali stood by her father, now she being a short temper I'd assumed she'd want her mother's tormentors punished. But alas!
Very disappointing children that learned nothing from their training and past encounters with witches.
Little pup also wants to backstab her King, not a very loyal puppy I'd say.
The other route is cringe worthy, not even suitable for the mood for this serious plot. Hopefully we get some cool action sequence. It has been ages.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Great update. I'm actually on time. This update was tense. Like I said last update, I don't blame Leyala(and Naya) for reacting the way she does with it. She was raised amongst humans and can't help but think like one. It's her "my way is better" attitude that honestly makes her a bit obnoxious and irritating.

All that said, if it wasn't obvious, I'm doing some witch hunting. They played with fire too much so they should be burned, no exceptions. I don't care how Leyala and Naya may feel about it, they have to learn that the world doesn't care about their peace loving ideas and that irrational naivety should not be allowed when millions of lives are on the line.

I was actually pretty surprised Kali wasn't all the way on our side. I suppose that's just her supporting her twin. She did at least agree that if the witches kept fucking around, she won't care anymore. Daddy Lucius on the hand is ready for the purge. Listen, he was stroking my ego so hard, my pants couldn't contain the raging boner that was forming. I'm not gay, we're just in a bromance.

I could not take it with Kagome though. She just popped up out of nowhere and said "Family before hoes". The messed up part is, I don't even know if she meant the witches or Leyala, Kali and Naya :KEK: . Jeez, that fluffy ass pink vixen has no filter. I guess my cock will have to do. It's readily available to fix her behavior. I'll also openly admit that I caved and fucked the Pythonium out of Lilin. You just can't dangle something like that in front of me and expect me not to cum.

Anyway, like I said, it was a great update. Not going to hold you, pounding Mei was extremely hot. That scene was done so well there. Especially the angles and how she looked and moved. It was actually my favorite this update. I'm also looking forward to the witch hunt, with nothing but extreme prejudice. They were warned and still were being arrogant.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
There are 2 things I love in adult games, muscle women and romance.

I've really enjoyed the dynamic between Atlas and his bond mates. The love, the mushyness and the cuddles. I was all on board giving Ley her chance to help the witches. I was 110% on board with her plan because love is in the air.


The bitch witch fucked around and is going to find out.

The girls had their chance, they failed. It's gonna cause some issues in the relationship but I really wanna wipe that smug grin of that witches face ... along with the rest of her head.


May 11, 2018
This game has improved a lot in terms of animations and renders from its initial days.
SeptCloud could you please provide some info or hints how you improved upon your renders. Did you change your render engine? What kind of light setup you use etc.. in daz for renders? If possible could you reveal your workflow or some references outside?
Your help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance


Active Member
Mar 1, 2022
Great update. I'm actually on time. This update was tense. Like I said last update, I don't blame Leyala(and Naya) for reacting the way she does with it. She was raised amongst humans and can't help but think like one. It's her "my way is better" attitude that honestly makes her a bit obnoxious and irritating.

All that said, if it wasn't obvious, I'm doing some witch hunting. They played with fire too much so they should be burned, no exceptions. I don't care how Leyala and Naya may feel about it, they have to learn that the world doesn't care about their peace loving ideas and that irrational naivety should not be allowed when millions of lives are on the line.

I was actually pretty surprised Kali wasn't all the way on our side. I suppose that's just her supporting her twin. She did at least agree that if the witches kept fucking around, she won't care anymore. Daddy Lucius on the hand is ready for the purge. Listen, he was stroking my ego so hard, my pants couldn't contain the raging boner that was forming. I'm not gay, we're just in a bromance.

I could not take it with Kagome though. She just popped up out of nowhere and said "Family before hoes". The messed up part is, I don't even know if she meant the witches or Leyala, Kali and Naya :KEK: . Jeez, that fluffy ass pink vixen has no filter. I guess my cock will have to do. It's readily available to fix her behavior. I'll also openly admit that I caved and fucked the Pythonium out of Lilin. You just can't dangle something like that in front of me and expect me not to cum.

Anyway, like I said, it was a great update. Not going to hold you, pounding Mei was extremely hot. That scene was done so well there. Especially the angles and how she looked and moved. It was actually my favorite this update. I'm also looking forward to the witch hunt, with nothing but extreme prejudice. They were warned and still were being arrogant.
Team Lucius always


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2021
There are 2 things I love in adult games, muscle women and romance.

I've really enjoyed the dynamic between Atlas and his bond mates. The love, the mushyness and the cuddles. I was all on board giving Ley her chance to help the witches. I was 110% on board with her plan because love is in the air.


The bitch witch fucked around and is going to find out.

The girls had their chance, they failed. It's gonna cause some issues in the relationship but I really wanna wipe that smug grin of that witches face ... along with the rest of her head.
They discussed it on the way in. Atlas made it pretty clear this would be the bitch queen's only chance to come clean. I wasn't surprised with Leyala's reaction. I guess I can see Kali supporting her twin. But, I chose to mentor Naya and I expected some support... Maybe SeptCloud wrote it this way just to give us all a chance to give Atlas some backbone in the bond. I love the concept of the bond and all three girls personalities but, maybe, it was just time for Atlas to step up and take the dominant position and show some real loyalty for HIS mentor. Gotta set the example through action, they say.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
They discussed it on the way in. Atlas made it pretty clear this would be the bitch queen's only chance to come clean. I wasn't surprised with Leyala's reaction. I guess I can see Kali supporting her twin. But, I chose to mentor Naya and I expected some support... Maybe SeptCloud wrote it this way just to give us all a chance to give Atlas some backbone in the bond. I love the concept of the bond and all three girls personalities but, maybe, it was just time for Atlas to step up and take the dominant position and show some real loyalty for HIS mentor. Gotta set the example through action, they say.
I never saw Atlas as weak. I just saw it as him giving his bondmates and mentors daughters the chance to step up.

The main reason I went and told Lucius is because all the women pushed me the wrong way. Ley is, as Atlas said, setting their realm for a fall and making them look weak. I get she wants to try and save everyone but in this situation, she can't. The witch kept pushing and she needs slapping back down.

If the girls had sorted it this time around, i'd have stayed on their side but not only did they fail to fix the issue, they are making things worse.

I don't want to ruin things with the bondmates, I do love that dynamic but the peace and love Ley is looking for isn't going to be found in worlds run by very powerful, very ancient beings with grudges and homicidal tendancies.

The longer they take sorting out the things with the witches the bigger a laughing stock they become until all the realms see them as nothing but a joke and mass wars kick off.


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2021
I never saw Atlas as weak. I just saw it as him giving his bondmates and mentors daughters the chance to step up.

The main reason I went and told Lucius is because all the women pushed me the wrong way. Ley is, as Atlas said, setting their realm for a fall and making them look weak. I get she wants to try and save everyone but in this situation, she can't. The witch kept pushing and she needs slapping back down.

If the girls had sorted it this time around, i'd have stayed on their side but not only did they fail to fix the issue, they are making things worse.

I don't want to ruin things with the bondmates, I do love that dynamic but the peace and love Ley is looking for isn't going to be found in worlds run by very powerful, very ancient beings with grudges and homicidal tendancies.

The longer they take sorting out the things with the witches the bigger a laughing stock they become until all the realms see them as nothing but a joke and mass wars kick off.
Couldn't agree more. I don't see Atlas as weak either. But, as you say, trying hard to provide space for his bond mates to grow into their roles. This is also one reason I was taken aback during the scene. All three are essentially discounting his experience and understanding of how things work "IRL" - so to speak. The bitch queen has to pay. Unfortunately, many of her subjects will pay as well. I hope future dialogue will provide opportunity for Leyala, Kali and Naya to gain a little more respect for Atlas and his loyalty to Lucius as well as his dedication to the realm - 'cause you know Ley is gonna be pissed that he lied. That's the part I take exception to. I wouldn't have lied. I'd have just told them no - pulled rank. They might have still been pissed. But not in the same way. Hehe... ah, drama...:love:

Deleted member 4865569

Active Member
Apr 26, 2022

Ley been getting on my nerves TBH.

She is too naive, and she has no experience of being a ruler.
She doesn't have the mindset that Atlas have, nor her father's, which he has been ruling under Lucius for centuries. He has been in war, and he knows the mindset and how cutthroat you need to be to rule.
I get she wants to save the witches, but atlas gave them a chance to come clean, and they still decide to poke the bear and yea, they about to get mauled and I cannot wait.

But I get it, She is still new to this new world, So I understand to an extent.

I expected more from Kali TBH, To me, she is somewhat like her father, well I thought she was.....
The way all three of them are doubting and questioning him is not a sign of loyalty, who suppose to be his bond mates and stand by him...

I get them having some morals, But in this situation, The witches crossed the line, and they deserve to get what is coming to them.

It seems ley, naya, and kali haven't learned anything at all from the training and little experience they gained.
Kali and Ley should be the most pissed out of the bunch since it involves their mother and father....

Morals gets thrown out of the window in these cases.

Should have told Ley to STFU and deal with it.
He is the leader of the pack regardless.

If this ruin the dynamic, well so be it.
I like the side chicks better TBH in some ways. (I still like the main girls, just saying, But not as much as the side chicks who I find more appealing with broader personalities. Kali imo is the one of have the most out of the bondmates imo.) But I do wish some side chicks were treated better by Atlas than just being his fuck and dip. *Cough* GINA *Cough.* Just having sex, with no feelings involved, does nothing for me.

Poor Gina man, loves a man that don't love her back, or probably never will. :(

I 100% sure Gina would have stood by Atlas in this decision.

But I digress. Imo, the queen and the witches are getting what they are owed, and I don't give a shit what ley and the rest of the bond mates say. At that point, Atlas should have just put his foot down instead of just hiding it to go tell Lucius, but I understand since if they knew, Ley will 100% be the main one to fuck shit up for Atlas.
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Nov 3, 2017
What i don't understand is why we can't be more dominating/naturaly subject Gina & Yuki... at least with Yuki what...
I mean we are born during antiquity era where slavery was the norm, the vampire society have slave & are still monarchy hierarchy, we are royaltie both as human & as vampire so i don't understand why we still need to stick by human modern rules ? The former queen & the bondmates thinking otherwise is normal, but the MC ? we don't even have a choice in the matter outside a weak "i like to be called master during sex, but you are still more than a servant & can have hobbies outside duty time"...
All the rest of the world can act normally but not us ?
Without behing unfair/brutal & treating them as trash, i find the MC far too sweet/kind for a ruler/noble
I dont feel the rank dynamic we can wait from a old monarchy society... the story if too tainted by today taboo/standard where slavery is wrong & you have to respect every humans like they are your equal.

Outside that the story herself is not bad & pleasant to read, still have to side with the others on the scene where we have to choose to either lie to our "father" or our bondmates instead of being what we normally are... a prince & the next king with century of knowledges & ground experience versus yougsters with only a few week experiences of rulling


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
What i don't understand is why we can't be more dominating/naturaly subject Gina & Yuki... at least with Yuki what...
I mean we are born during antiquity era where slavery was the norm, the vampire society have slave & are still monarchy hierarchy, we are royaltie both as human & as vampire so i don't understand why we still need to stick by human modern rules ? The former queen & the bondmates thinking otherwise is normal, but the MC ? we don't even have a choice in the matter outside a weak "i like to be called master during sex, but you are still more than a servant & can have hobbies outside duty time"...
All the rest of the world can act normally but not us ?
Without behing unfair/brutal & treating them as trash, i find the MC far too sweet/kind for a ruler/noble
I dont feel the rank dynamic we can wait from a old monarchy society... the story if too tainted by today taboo/standard where slavery is wrong & you have to respect every humans like they are your equal.

Outside that the story herself is not bad & pleasant to read, still have to side with the others on the scene where we have to choose to either lie to our "father" or our bondmates instead of being what we normally are... a prince & the next king with century of knowledges & ground experience versus yougsters with only a few week experiences of rulling
For what it's worth, Sparta (technically Laconia, but we'll use Sparta as the name) had several classes of varying privileges, including one for slaves, and they were generally treated relatively well compared to what you might expect (still slaves of course). Also, women in Sparta were actually treated extremely well, especially compared to other areas at the time. They weren't quite considered the equals of men if they had similar status, rank, and age, but they had a lot more freedom and respect than they would have had anywhere else in the world, so perhaps Atlas is influenced by that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
I get that making a game is hard, it takes time, and for every path presented extra work has to be done. That said, if you are going to present such polar opposite choices you are going to get blowback if you don't at least try for some sort of middle path. The choice at the end of the game so far is ridiculous, it's all or nothing. And what's worse, it doesn't fit the character building of Atlas so far. There should have been at least one other option on top of "Lie and tell Lucius" or "Support Ley". At minimum the one other choice should have been "Pull rank and tell Lucius without Lying". Even better, another middle ground choice to say something like "Do what you want, I won't stop you, but I won't help.". She's asking him to risk destroying millennia of work, life, and family because she's "nice".

Edit: Having read more of the replies in this thread I feel like I should point out that in my playthrough I'm supporting Ley. I happen to agree with her personally that what basically amounts to genocide with a few exceptions isn't the best course. My problem is that the choices presented at the end are limited and don't match up with Atlas and his character building.
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New Member
Dec 2, 2017
I get that making a game is hard, it takes time, and for every path presented extra work has to be done. That said, if you are going to present such polar opposite choices you are going to get blowback if you don't at least try for some sort of middle path. The choice at the end of the game so far is ridiculous, it's all or nothing. And what's worse, it doesn't fit the character building of Atlas so far. There should have been at least one other option on top of "Lie and tell Lucius" or "Support Ley". At minimum the one other choice should have been "Pull rank and tell Lucius without Lying". Even better, another middle ground choice to say something like "Do what you want, I won't stop you, but I won't help.". She's asking him to risk destroying millennia of work, life, and family because she's "nice".

Edit: Having read more of the replies in this thread I feel like I should point out that in my playthrough I'm supporting Ley. I happen to agree with her personally that what basically amounts to genocide with a few exceptions isn't the best course. My problem is that the choices presented at the end are limited and don't match up with Atlas and his character building.
100% agree! I'm with you, I think the biggest issue for me is the explicit choice to lie. That doesn't fit with how Atlas has been characterized so far, at least as far as I can tell. He sneaky and clever, sure, but he's also loyal to those he trusts, that's the whole point of this issue. He's been honest and upfront almost to a fault with the girls so far, but now he's somehow unable to speak his mind? They can't physically stop him from telling Lucius, and maybe if he told them they could go together and try to find some sort of middle ground. If we're saying that them not telling Lucius makes the realm look weak, then him lying to the others makes him look weak as well.

Hell, even keeping the dichotomy of choices but having the "tell Lucius" option be overt rather than deceptive would have sat a little better, but really it could have easily had three options by going "tell Lucius", "lie and tell Lucius", or "don't tell Lucius". Then two of them are on roughly the same path and don't require much change in renders, etc. but would just change some conversations/variables when the girls find out. Could even give players who pick the lie option a second chance to decide later, to choose not to tell Lucius when given the chance and thus retroactively make his statement truthful, though given the quick turnaround that wouldn't mean much.

Still a great story, but it will be interesting to see how the next few chapters build/react to this.


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2021
I get that making a game is hard, it takes time, and for every path presented extra work has to be done. That said, if you are going to present such polar opposite choices you are going to get blowback if you don't at least try for some sort of middle path. The choice at the end of the game so far is ridiculous, it's all or nothing. And what's worse, it doesn't fit the character building of Atlas so far. There should have been at least one other option on top of "Lie and tell Lucius" or "Support Ley". At minimum the one other choice should have been "Pull rank and tell Lucius without Lying". Even better, another middle ground choice to say something like "Do what you want, I won't stop you, but I won't help.". She's asking him to risk destroying millennia of work, life, and family because she's "nice".

Edit: Having read more of the replies in this thread I feel like I should point out that in my playthrough I'm supporting Ley. I happen to agree with her personally that what basically amounts to genocide with a few exceptions isn't the best course. My problem is that the choices presented at the end are limited and don't match up with Atlas and his character building.
We may be getting a bit side tracked focusing on the potential relationship rift as a story branch. The warning on the choice screen points out that the branching is choosing between the Demons or the Witches. I think I was among the first to take exception with "lie" part of the choice and I agree this goes against my perception of Atlas' character. The other potential drama will be any effect on the "bond" because of the choice and, potentially, the "lying". I suspect the bond is stronger than that and hurt feelings will not (ultimately) be problematic. The cost of choosing the Demons over the witches may, more likely, be Seraphina as a love interest. She is likely going to feel betrayed, although, IMO, she should feel fortunate to have survived...


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
although, IMO, she should feel fortunate to have survived...
The literal devil wants to massacre her entire race and burn her realm to ash. Yeah, you'd think she'd be a little grateful to only have half of them get offed and to not only survive, but also be placed in a position of power and leadership instead of down in the mud.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
We may be getting a bit side tracked focusing on the potential relationship rift as a story branch. The warning on the choice screen points out that the branching is choosing between the Demons or the Witches. I think I was among the first to take exception with "lie" part of the choice and I agree this goes against my perception of Atlas' character. The other potential drama will be any effect on the "bond" because of the choice and, potentially, the "lying". I suspect the bond is stronger than that and hurt feelings will not (ultimately) be problematic. The cost of choosing the Demons over the witches may, more likely, be Seraphina as a love interest. She is likely going to feel betrayed, although, IMO, she should feel fortunate to have survived...
Yeah, that sentence I highlighted is why I went back and thew in my edit. It definitely was the "lie" part of the choice that got under my skin the most, but it's also the all or nothing aspect of the choices. That ties back to the first sentence of my post though, which is that making games is hard, especially with multiple branching paths. But I think you may be right in that it is just poor phrasing on getting us to pick demons or witches.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
And now for a completely different topic.

Am I the only one that thinks that the antagonist, the super powerful witch who also happens to be an incredibly powerful demon succubus is just...ugly? Basically a bad render, that looks weird? I mean Pale Ginger McSaggyboobs is the being that could seduce and best the most powerful being in all the seven realms?
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