hey came back with a report I can run it via wine with the sex scenes displaying here are the steps (tested on steamOS3/Holo iso (PC)
1) install wine-staging and winetricks
(Sudo pacman -S wine-staging winetricks)
2) setup your wine environment (default is fine)
(select no for installing wine mono and set the windows version to 10)
3) install dxvk,corefonts,ole32(ole32 may not be needed)
(winetricks -q dxvk corefonts ole32)
4) important!!!! move the Game folder to somewhere within the wine env (sex scenes won't show if you run it on your desktop for example)
example path ~/deck/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/<Game Folder>
Test by double clicking Game.exe
(Optional but recommended) create a symlink (Shortcut) to Game.exe on the desktop on KDE plasma (default desktop for steamos 3) drag the Game.exe to the desktop a popup menu will appear click "Link here"
ln -s /home/deck/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/(insert game folder's name here)/Game.exe /home/deck/Desktop (do not use ~/ it will corrupt your shortcut use the full path on both locations like in my example) (for some reason creating a link won't work so i recommend you to create a link to your drive_c or Program Files folder instead