I'm actually looking forward to this WW update, the new additions seem really interesting and way more flushed out than the SOL attractive system. I had to stop using that because it seemed obsessed with keeping my Sims sick and ignoring any medication or health boosting things that my Sims did to combat the illnesses moodlets, which is stupid. Yeah sure, tea doesn't actually cure a cold but it can make you feel a little less like shit. Removing the age restriction and incest is a big hit to a lot of players and it sucks that Patreon has stepped in and censored Turbo, but since I don't use either of those options it doesn't impact me at all. Although that's not to say I'm against those options, I just rarely if ever use them. I think I used the incest option once, with twin Sims who were a drug dealer and a hooker, but even then I used the reward trait and not the global incest function.