I have a little problem with Wicked Whims' attraction system, and was wondering if anyone is having the same/know what might be up with it:
When I enter the game of several family, they seem to instantly be attracted to their family members.
I'm trying to edit world, so I'm currently jumping between households, and upon start up, I notice that it's occurring especially for family members, almost as if it's a force push (Not a random, "roll and incest might happen", but a "100% family is madly attracted to family" situation). I've currently noticed it with the Charm family, Minerva and Gemma have both became extremely attracted to Darrel (who doesn't share this attraction, just with Emilia), and I have a family I made of father and son (Elder father, adult son), and upon start up, the father is extremely attracted to his son, but not reciprocated (I'm thinking this incest thing is purely on the attracted to sons/brothers side...
I don't know if this is a conflicting of mods, or I have a setting enabled or something (I don't remember enabling/disabling incest, my knowledge of incest in WW had been that it was a trait needing to buy in the rewards store, right???). Does anyone have a clue of what's going on? It might be a conflicting of mods, I'll do the 50/50 method later, but I'm just throwing a line out to see if anyone knows that WW have been upgraded to incest being a switch I'd need to fix in settings, or something.
Edit: I believe I found the issue, in WW settings, cheats, there was an allow incest checked, and I unchecked it, didn't have a problem with placing my father and son family. Strange, as I remember there being traits so unlocking incest could be character exclusive, but I'll figure all of that out on my own, later.¯\_(ツ)_/¯