I STILL want to know why people are hearing more of S4MP when any Sims 4 multiplayer subject comes up rather than SimSync, the reason is horribly lost on me.
LOL! The fact of the matter is: some people are really DENSE; they believe '
because something is locked behind a paywall, that must mean it is better' than stuff you can find for FREE. I guess this is another snippet which needs to be added to my
TUTORIAL thread. Many times I have been disappointed by content locked on Patreon only to find a week later someone already released a FREE comparable item which is even better! Patreon trolls love to use pretty graphics and brochures to sell you on the idea that their
sugar coated feces will 'make your sim life complete'. There are exceptions to this, some creators are dedicated and offer a quality product which eventually gets released to the public. My experience has shown that most of these paywalls offer lackluster content, it is best to save your money unless you know what you are getting beforehand.
Something else comes to mind: I used to be a webmaster back in the early days of the internet. Using proper keywords would help people find you. The developer of
SimSync needs to add some more keywords to their website for better search engine indexing. People will search for "sims 4 multiplayer' and sims-multiplayer.com (patreon) comes up before simcinc.io (free) in search results. S4MP is mentioned on more websites I have noticed.