Dannot Games, I had issues with the water system as well. The tutorial says that the water system is designed to be "easier and less punitive that the food" when, in fact, it is exactly the opposite! Since the tutorial made it sound so easy, I didn't give it much thought initially and lost an entire in game week of game play when I nearly ran out of water!
So, I reloaded and set about to fill EVERYTHING!!! It took me nearly two weeks just to fill them all... Toting water from the well to the barrels at the farm, then moving that to both vats, two well dips per barrel trip, two barrel trips per vat, then the five day wait for the first to finish then manually transfer that to the tank at the farm only to start all over filling barrels from the well, transferring that to the empty vat, refilling the barrels, then the other vat's purification cycle was finished so manually transferred THAT water to the tank at the farm then refilling THAT vat, then refilling the barrels... It is an ENDLESS fucking cycle!!! Filling and transferring water containers was ALL that MC got done for two weeks in game!!! I think I am finally ahead of the cycle at present and will see how much rain we get so I can hopefully stop making so many trips to the well to fill the barrels at the farm. However, it STILL takes two days worth of rain to fill only ONE of the vats and there are TWO vats to keep full. Those girls use way too much water! It is quite literally all I got done since making it past that point in the story. What the water tutorial SHOULD say is "Careful, this part of the game is designed to kick your ass, run you ragged and make sure you don't have any free time to fuck the girls!" SMH

My first thought was MUCH simpler... Grab a pipe wrench from the tool box, go out to where the water was shut off, turn that master valve back on and leave a note in a zip lock bag attached to the water valve with a zip tie that reads, "There are people living in this area. Please DO NOT shut off the water again! Thank you, the residents of this community." If they don't have zip ties, EVERYONE has duct tape! What a mess!!! The water system is so grindy that I don't even want to fuck the girls now... What a nightmare! Even now that I think I am ahead of the cycle MC will STILL need to spend at least a portion of EVERY day and at least one or two entire days each week just on water management!
I just hope I finally got ahead of the process here. Otherwise, this could ruin the entire game for me. I feel like the the Water Boy! "Mamma says... ma-ma-Mama says it's da devil!" Hahaha

Adventure ever on my friends, Phat