Generate all renders twice with normal models and cow, will take a little bit more time (only processing time, same visual environments) and yet improve audience by x800 (0,1% -> 80%). Obvious strategic choice and still the same game for cow lovers.
I say this as one of those dissapointed that it wasn't a pregnancy fetish game (*first screencaptures can be a bit misleading

) that also would have liked a game like this (in that scenario and with the apparently good quality this one seems to have) without the weight gain kink: let people enjoy their kinks and not asking everyone to adapt it to your taste because it's not that easy as you claim it to be.
First, the whole gameplay is about that, so it's not just doing the same with slim and fat models, because it's about the weight gain itself. Many renders wouldn't even make sense with thin models (imagine, overfeeding scenes and all that), dialogues wouldn't make sense with slim models.
Also, even if you were correct about that, being so different the model types, posing the scenes wouldn't be the same, so it's not just change the model and extra rendering time, you would have to repeat the pose process again for mostly every render.
So, even if in an ideal world creating those two versions would be ok due to creating lots of interactive options in a single game... that is not realistically a possibility. It's really not that easy and what you consider so easy is actually asking for a lot of work and it would actually make developing time slower, would force developers to avoid doing things they want because the conflict between the two versions would be too much so they would try to make a middle ground that wouldn't be fully enjoyed by any of those sides and overall, it would be a worse final product for everyone. So let people also enjoy their fetish, this one is just not for you (or me, as I said, it's not my thing but you can´t expect everyone to adjust to you).
PS: I will not follow this topic anymore, it's a one message only thing, as I'm sure people actually interested in the game as it is will appreciate the conversation to be about the game and not people judging them and asking for unrealistical alternatives.