RPGM Abandoned The Thing That Came From Space [v0.3.2] [Ethernet Plague]


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Why would they remove something from the banner when that spider is going to be added in the next update or a later update as spider is one of the creatures the alien will be assimilating? At the moment it looks like spider - dog - and horse will be added to the game. The banner picture depicts what the alien will be able to transform into once they take over that creature/animal. So the banner picture is just all the creatures combined bottom part is the alien themselves middle spider top left horse top right dog the only one that isn't shown is the zombie. There was also info when doing the game where someone stated that in the one cave there was a spider spotted but that area is blocked off atm as it the spider and that area isn't ready yet. So later on that spider is going to be in game and a complete spider.
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Active Member
Jan 23, 2020
As a person who is heavily arachnophobic, the main image of the alien got me momentarily petrified...until I realized that it doesn't have any arachnid legs. Might just be me, but I recommend changing the model for the creature's head to something more absurdly alien.
You've probably already made the wise decision to pass on this game. I have a few people close to me who have a variety of phobias and it's not normally something you can change or ignore. A lot of people who don't feel that way have no empathy because they haven't seen firsthand how deeply ingrained it is. There are thousands of other games to play; you don't need the anxiety of playing this one. Games should be fun.
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New Member
Apr 11, 2019

Why would they remove something from the banner when that spider is going to be added in the next update or a later update as spider is one of the creatures the alien will be assimilating? At the moment it looks like spider - dog - and horse will be added to the game. The banner picture depicts what the alien will be able to transform into once they take over that creature/animal. So the banner picture is just all the creatures combined bottom part is the alien themselves middle spider top left horse top right dog the only one that isn't shown is the zombie. There was also info when doing the game where someone stated that in the one cave there was a spider spotted but that area is blocked off atm as it the spider and that area isn't ready yet. So later on that spider is going to be in game and a complete spider.
The dev did mention though that in the future, they'll consider filtering content for people who may either dislike or are phobic of one thing or the other.
As such, it might be in their best interest to modify the banner in a way that would at least avoid losing a good amount of people, especially since arachnophobia is among the most common phobias out there.

As a pretty big arachnophobic myself, I found myself in a similar situation where the banner almost got me panicking for a moment, until I realized there were no spider legs and it eased up a bit. I checked out the game to see what it was about anyway, because mom didn't raise no quitter.

And I can guarantee you that once the game gets a bit more content under its belt and has a way to pinky-swear that I won't see any images of spiders on my screen, I'll be more than happy to try it out, as all of its planned content appeals to my degeneracy.

So, to the dev, do as you see fit but I do think as well that going softer on the spider banner would be in your favor. Simply balance it out with a big ass warning about arachnophobia in the presentation page, this way you'll at least get people interested to see what's up and follow progress until you manage to have it filtered.
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

If the DEV is going to make them avoidable I'd just leave the banner as is and put a warning on the banner stating that the game does/will contain spiders but will be avoidable if you don't like spiders. That way everyone knows what is in the game and it'll be harder for everyone to miss the warning.

They can also put on the main page in bright colors this warning as well also put spiders under the genre spoiler followed by a (avoidable).

But as you know not many people bother reading warnings and what not as they're too lazy so the DEV would also have to put a message at the beginning of the game stating that the game will/does contain spiders but they can be avoided.

There will still be people that will complain about the spiders even if they are avoidable just like they complain about anything else that's avoidable in a game and many will not play a game that has avoidable content.

I also use ad blocker a lot on pictures that I don't like that I see on the internet. Once ad blocked it disappears.
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Oct 12, 2017

As long as I know what to expect I can just scroll past the image or what not, but the banner image does kind of jump out of the blue, and will probably catch arachnophobics like me off-guard.
I only thought that a jumpscare as a first impression to the game might drive away potential supporters (for example, I'm rather interested in the concept of the game itself, just not with the spider head)

That being said, I do agree that nothing can be suited to everyone's tastes, especially when so many don't even bother to read the warnings that are present. Even an in-game filtering option is a godsend at that point.
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Just a heads up but just copying and pasting someone's name into the chat box will not ping the intended person and will instead just show up under the alerts that someone posted in this or that thread. If you want to ping someone you must do the @ and then type the username after that or type enough letters for the person name for it to pop their full name and then you can click it to add then name and it'll ping that person. You can also try typing @ and then copy the persons name and right click the text box and go to paste as plain text and paste the name you might have to hit the space bar and then back space bar to get the persons name to pop up.
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New Member
Apr 11, 2019

If the DEV is going to make them avoidable I'd just leave the banner as is and put a warning on the banner stating that the game does/will contain spiders but will be avoidable if you don't like spiders. That way everyone knows what is in the game and it'll be harder for everyone to miss the warning.

They can also put on the main page in bright colors this warning as well also put spiders under the genre spoiler followed by a (avoidable).

But as you know not many people bother reading warnings and what not as they're too lazy so the DEV would also have to put a message at the beginning of the game stating that the game will/does contain spiders but they can be avoided.

There will still be people that will complain about the spiders even if they are avoidable just like they complain about anything else that's avoidable in a game and many will not play a game that has avoidable content.

I also use ad blocker a lot on pictures that I don't like that I see on the internet. Once ad blocked it disappears.
It goes without saying that you can't please everyone. Which is also why I was mostly aiming my comment at... "optimizing" the amount of people who's attention one can catch. I've seen quite a few people complaining about NTR or "family bonding" even when it was clearly stated that this kind of content was optional so this would be no exception.

But I still think that losing someone who read half of the warning and didn't bother to realize it was optional is more of a net benefit than someone who saw the banner and didn't click out of fear. After all, that's at least one step further into the game, meaning that those who don't read warnings surely won't click on a picture of a spider either, so those are a lost cause anyway. But someone who reads warnings still might not want to click on such a banner, because frankly when you're phobic it's usually the last thing you're tempted to do.

But I won't bore you with my ramblings any further, I'm quite sure I've said more than enough and the rest isn't in my hands. Whatever the case may be, I'll be keeping track of this game as it seems quite promising.


As a sidenote, would you mind telling me where that second picture of yours comes from in your signature? I recognize the design from Detroit : Become Human and I'm interested in what an adult game would have to show about that kind of world.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

The one in my signature isn't from a game it's one that I made myself just a little while ago in DAZ and then screenshot it. The girl on the right is Detroit Kara model that I used a child slider on to make her younger and the other one is a random female character that I did the same thing to.

ethernet plague

New Member
Sep 13, 2018
I'll take a look at what I've got to make the spider portion of the chimera thing in the banner a bit less distressing, though the next several days might be rather hectic and actually changing it might take me a while. Before or as part of the next update for sure. I've got arachnophobia myself (the render/model I used was distinctly not-real enough that it didn't bother me, I actually shyed away from another that did push realism a bit much), so I do understand that "get it the fuck away" feeling; even if I'm not getting it myself in this instance.

I very well know I'm never going to please everyone, but I can try to make it a bit more accessible. I'm pretty confident the ability to toggle certain content will be relatively simple once I get custom options figured out (I'm still learning as I go, as I've stated a couple of times).
Apr 28, 2020
Potential, potential, and more potential. This has been bookmarked and I wish you luck on making this game.

You could beat out Tentacular as best alien/animal impregnation game (y)

ethernet plague

New Member
Sep 13, 2018
0.3.2 was the first public release.

0.1.x was a proof of concept just to see if what I was trying to execute was something I could do on my own. Changing sprite with class change, setting form specific events and movement speeds. Basically just learning the basics of the engine, as I've never built a game in any capacity before.

0.2.x was the forest/campsite/town maps, messing around with guard/chase mechanics (still trying to get this someplace that feels right), determining initial forms, the time cycle, and determining that opening doors requires hands.

0.3 brought in the opening scene and some dialogue, with 3.1 and 3.2 adding a bit more dialogue, cleaning up some bugs, and adding the dog treasures.

Hoping to have 0.4 ready in the next couple weeks, assuming work and other obligations aren't too obstructive and I'm able to work around or through any roadblocks. Sorry I can't commit to anything more solid yet.
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Apr 27, 2019
0.3.2 was the first public release.

0.1.x was a proof of concept just to see if what I was trying to execute was something I could do on my own. Changing sprite with class change, setting form specific events and movement speeds. Basically just learning the basics of the engine, as I've never built a game in any capacity before.

0.2.x was the forest/campsite/town maps, messing around with guard/chase mechanics (still trying to get this someplace that feels right), determining initial forms, the time cycle, and determining that opening doors requires hands.

0.3 brought in the opening scene and some dialogue, with 3.1 and 3.2 adding a bit more dialogue, cleaning up some bugs, and adding the dog treasures.

Hoping to have 0.4 ready in the next couple weeks, assuming work and other obligations aren't too obstructive and I'm able to work around or through any roadblocks. Sorry I can't commit to anything more solid yet.
Take your time and do it right man so far so good just do things one at a time and work and one concept let say the dog stuff release some stuff when done then bugs then the next part and so forth just simply taking your time and releasing regular updates be amazed how that can make or break a game.


Dec 23, 2017
I'll take a look at what I've got to make the spider portion of the chimera thing in the banner a bit less distressing, though the next several days might be rather hectic and actually changing it might take me a while. Before or as part of the next update for sure. I've got arachnophobia myself (the render/model I used was distinctly not-real enough that it didn't bother me, I actually shyed away from another that did push realism a bit much), so I do understand that "get it the fuck away" feeling; even if I'm not getting it myself in this instance.

I very well know I'm never going to please everyone, but I can try to make it a bit more accessible. I'm pretty confident the ability to toggle certain content will be relatively simple once I get custom options figured out (I'm still learning as I go, as I've stated a couple of times).

I like this game!

In the useless and bizarre suggestion category, how about including a scorpion form with a dick tail instead of or along with a stinger?
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Nov 6, 2020
Content ends just shortly after getting the power-up for the dog form. Much my earlier versions were just learning the ins and outs of rpg maker; figuring out how to get it to do what I wanted. Reached a point where I felt I could at least demo it.
Should put a note on when content has ended or if we've found all the content there is nothing left to find, so we don't waste time wandering around looking for more stuff to do.
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