I have noticed with all mods (450+ models) your game will slow down a bit. This became slightly more noticeable the more models I recruited. I don't have a particularly modern setup and it didn't feel game breaky, just a bit sluggish. If you have a laptop or older setup your experience may be worse.
Given you only see 20 - 30 models a play through adding ALL models to a playthrough is a bit redundant as you are loading a lot of nonused data. It will also make the model achievements harder to get if you are one that likes to complete those.
Sorry, yeah I have been umming and erring about this one but I kept it in to make the player choices matter more.
Winning competitions requires two things. Your model's stats matches the judges interests which you can check in the office, and the second is popularity - again goto your office and invest maximum in your website as you will get more chance to get popularity cards. However each time you concubine a model you will lose a small amount of website income.
There are 8 different relationship levels and generic events that get played for some of these levels. Many girls however will have custom events for when they reach various levels. As only one event played after each shoot if there are multiple events to play for a girl there is a chance she could go up to the next level before all the events for the previous level have had a chance to play hence you may occasionally get a weird inconsistency like the one you have mentioned - particularly later on in the game when you boost your chance to get relationship cards.
This is a bit weird I agree and I will fix it at some stage!