Unity - Completed - The Twist [v1.0-0.52.1 Cracked] [KsT]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is really not bad, it turns out that it doesn't take much patience to follow the story and enjoy it. It's just that i suggest you to lower your expectations if you are used to playing types of games like kinetic novels where the story is usually simpler and more straight to the point. Also of course, i suggest that you use a PC with medium to high specifications. This game is not very friendly for low ram.

    One complaint, the Walkthrough: i'm not saying that playing while using a walkthrough is bad, i like to follow a good storyline. But if only the walkthrough could be easier to access and practice, like an in game walkthrough for instance, somehow. I mean, what's the point of a game where you have multiple choices to make at one time, that offers you to be more creative and improvise, but still has to follow a game map called a "walkthrough" just so you don't "get lost"
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The Loading time is a catastrophe.

    When you cant write a code, who can load fasterthan the screen change in a n64 game, than stop it, and start something other.

    There are no more words for such a bad game, whichis more loading time than play time.

    And every other person who ignore that, - find a better life where youre lifetime is more worth that waitin for a black screenonly for wanking
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Some serious bugs going on here. The 3D controls don't work at all for me. In the tutorial when it says to hold the right mouse button and move the mouse around, nothing happened. Furthermore, all of the clothes and hair in this game are invisible. Most characters are just bald heads floating about six feet above a pair of shoes. Except for the MC, you can see his arms and a random chunk of torso. I couldn't get very far into the game because of these issues. Plus the game crashed completely every time I hit the Town Map button. Tried the game on multiple resolutions and the same was true consistently.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5552830

    This games is a drag. Adult game creators have been cursed with the absolute worst possible writing abilities yet this game stands out because of its bullshit gameplay. Playing this game without a walkthrough is torturous but you don't want to read through the whole walkthrough because it is a clusterfuck of every possible thing included in the game. It would be nice if the walktrough was segmented but even if that happened it wouldn't save this game. It is a shame because the game is a buried, shit-covered gold mine. It could be great but it isn't. This game is micromanaging to its finest. If you want to progress faster you'll have to constantly pay attention to where each girl is. However it is incredibly RNG and the women's schedules change and each location for the females have different possible scenes which are completely random. Either Janice is sunbathing on the lounge chair or on a towel. And the possibilities increase through the story. The characters and scenes are good though but the game is unplayable. Also there is absolutely no sound or music in the game. The game is also grindy as hell. Money is slow and earning points for the girls is painful. Question time how do you fix this game though? You remove the points system, add sound and music and have the characters' schedules be way more consistent. Am I forgetting something? Oh also the loading screens suck shota dick. They are like watching the door animations from Resident Evil.

    So in conclusion this game is the scariest adult game I've ever played.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is great i love motive of becoming new head of the family and cucking dad etc. but even without that it still would by good, scenes are nothing special but i liked it very much, models should get little more attention, i would rate it 5/5 but there is one thing that sometimes made me want to unistall this game and forget BUGS if you are not going with walkthrough there is a lot chance that something won't trigger and you can get locked.

    But despite all this bugs i recommend this game is really good and it's one of my favorite game
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Never ever it was so hard or funless to start and evolve in a game.
    At no point you have any information where to go, you don't even know the names of the persons. I have to meet XY - okay...who is that?! then all the waiting time in searching for the right place, time and person.
    all the dialogues seem like dialogues without brain.

    I may understand why people started playing this years ago but starting it after seeing all the other (better) games it is so not worth it...
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    As much as I enjoyed this game over the years, I couldn't force myself to finish its final version. It suffers from 4 ever-present flaws which will grind you down until you quit :
    1. Meh visuals.
    2. Serviceable dialogs.
    3. Poor performance.
    4. Atrocious gameplay.
    Meh visuals. Back when the project started, this kind of 3D visuals were rare in indie porn games. Unfortunately, they didn't age well. I'd say they are an acquired taste. If the preview images didn't send you to the uncanny valley, you may appreciate some of the scenes this game has to offer. The physics is not very realistic but the animated sex scenes still work.

    Serviceable dialogs. Nothing flamboyant here. I don't know how much the dev was making but apparently they couldn't bother with a writer. The fact that despite being completed the game still has many scenes wich end with "that's all there is to see in THIS GAME VERSION" irks me out.

    Poor performance. My PC was making more noise running this game than Doom Eternal. The performances and fluidity of the game is actually what made me quit. While the scenes were fluid even with max settings, the loading times were unsufferable. Every time you enter a room, open the map or end a scene you have to go through a 2-3 seconds black screen that just kills the flow of the game. I don't think it's actually true but it honestly felt like 10% of my game time was watching this black screen. It just grinded me down.

    Atrocious gameplay. 2 things to note here : the grind and the structure. This game is horribly grindy and unplayable without cheats (or the walkthrough, I'll take later about it). I used cheats to get infinite money and compensate relation points losses but still, the game was tedious. You have to do the same scenes over and over again to progress but some scenes only occur certain days during a certain timeframe and they sometimes rely on RNG to be available. This will tend to push you to be bold and try to make things happen but the game will punish you for that. You can't tell when a relation has progressed enough to move to the next step until you've tried to do certain actions which will actually decrease your progress if done too early. Worse than that, the success of said actions is sometimes random, so you'll think you've progressed enough to repeat a scene (which is needed to advance in the game) only to be rejected and lose progress ... That's just bad design.
    As for the strucure of the game, well, you can't finish the game without reading the walkthrough. If you don't like exploring and just want to follow instructions, you'll have a great time ; otherwise, you'll just make it to a third of the game before being stuck. That's just bad design.

    If you're okay with the visuals and following a walkthough, the game is a 4 star expenrience with hours of content for you to enjoy ; otherwise, don't bother. I liked this game and wanted to see how far it had gone but it just continuously grinded my curiosity and will to play down. Shame, I really enjoyed customizing the tan and clothes of Janice and Rachel is a great MILF.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the first ever 3DCG porn games I played back then. The graphics are neat, and the main MILF is hot af. The only thing that sucks is that you must adhere to the walkthrought like is religion because this game has an insane amount of content and a lot of stuff you will never figure out and miss out if you play it blind. This might not sound so bad, because these porn games have to be played with a walkthrough 99% of the time, however, the earlier walkthrough entries need to be updated, since they don't reflect the changes implemented in newer versions. For example, there's things you can do much earlier, but they are on entry 5 hundred and something in the walkthrough. You will get lost scrolling down all that wall of text just to search for whatever that might be, and when you encounter that event in the game on the very first week, you will be confused because there's nothing written for it in the first lines of the walkthrough. You are presented with a step by step sheet by the developers, because they clearly meant for you to play this game step by step, but that sheet doesn't reflect what you are actually encountering in the game much earlier, because it was written as the game got updated, and it doesn't work as it was intended, because the game isn't actually entirely linear anymore.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Salty Lemon

    The Twist is a very grindy, ridiculously long game with poor performance, really outdated visuals and no sound. Sure, it does have some of the hottest sex scenes and milfs ever in the NSFW games genre, but getting them is simply not worth your time. If I were you I'd play something else instead.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Many choice, many possibility.

    But to get what u want u will need to repeat a lot of times same action.

    The fact event can appear with different hours is interresting.

    Sexual animation is a bit old as graphic
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    every update i install the game again, i have been waiting for the game developer to fix the error , the problem is that every time i download the game and play , i can play like 5 minutes then the game go blank with a error box.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    There are only a few 3D adult games in the market, The Twist is definitely one of the best.
    Here are the elements that impress me most:
    1. Radiant female characters:
    Mature milf , young milf , teenager , players can always find one which fits their fantasy woman. For me , my best woman in this game is curvy Michelle, she is the woman who reminds me "Life is far too short to no indulge yourself sometimes".
    2. Free to travel and act
    Even after finishing all the story content, players still can play this game in life route style. After school player can decide where to go , who to hang out with , whose bed to lay in. It is not as dull as ordinary RPG games.
    3. Easy to transfer
    The map system and the way of advancing is very simple and fast. Players don't need to remember too much about the infomation of places or rooms.

    There certainly will be more to talk about it , nevertheless these points are enough for me to give it 5 big stars.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Are there bugs? Yes. Is there a grind? Yes. Is it fun to play? Hell Yes! Sometimes a game can be good even though you gotta wade thru some crap. The Twist is one of those games. The amount of scenes and content in this game is pretty impressive. No gallery but the fact that you can replay scenes after unlocking them through the gameplay makes up for that. The volume of fetishes and kinks in this are awesome and the fact that if a specific kink is your cup of tea you have the option to avoid. For instance, I have no desire for pregnancy, so I just don't do that path and I really don't feel I'm missing anything. I strongly suggest using one of the two mods to lessen the grind. I did not find the game that difficult to navigate but it could use a better hint system. I look forward to Seaside Mystery as this Dev has me hooked! 4 stars due to the lengthy update gaps and small size updates.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes, the game is grindy. Yes, the game is clunky af. Yes, it's a pain to navigate around and get scenes to trigger.

    Why the five stats then? the games redeeming factors are its kinks and how well they're implemented. So it's basically the lack of other games filling these niche preferences. Here are a few examples:

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    Besides that Janice is hot as fuck and I look forward to see how her story will play out in Seaside mystery.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Despite years of development, The Twist is regrettably never going to be a good game because it's built on an unstable foundation of poor mechanical design choices which no amount of additional content will ever be able to fix.

    The Twist's adventure game-esque gameplay is frustrating and obtuse, requiring you to be in specific places at specific times to make progress with the characters in ways that are often grindy or controlled by RNG. Scenes never develop to keep up with the story- you can be pounding your mommy's pussy in bed every night, but whenever you replay the scene on the couch where you start by groping her tits she reverts all the way back to "We can't do this, we're mother and son!" Some characters are simply impossible to work out how to interact with- before giving up on the game I was stuck at the "show your teacher the video you recorded of her fucking one of your classmates to blackmail her" for ages, but couldn't work out HOW to do this, because the only way I could actually meet her was to take an after-school class with her where I didn't have the option of showing her anything. The only way to effectively progress in the game is to literally play through it with the step-by-step walkthrough in hand, because trying to play by discovery and experimentation is a dead loss.

    Technically it's a mess. The free rotating camera isn't a big advantage. the sex scenes would frankly just be better with predetermined angles chosen for best and most-erotic effect, rather that you having to manually swing the camera around trying to find a decent angle yourself. The models aren't very good either, being low-detail and looking like mannequins. Despite this, the sex scenes are still actually pretty decent, but the sheer frustration in getting to them because of the aforementioned poor gameplay means that "pretty decent" isn't really good enough. The game is also buggy as FUCK- I gave up on it after I went into the pharmacy to try and interact with the chemist woman, only to trigger a scene from much, MUCH later in the game where she's domming me and my mother (before I even learned that she's a crazy dominatrix) which replayed every time I tried to go back into the chemist, buggering up my game, and I just couldn't be bothered starting over from the beginning. And because of its custom Unity engine, the performance is absolutely GODAWFUL- it's a MASSIVE fucking game (over 12gb) despite not being very big or detailed, and it loads at the speed of continental drift.

    I gave the game 2 stars rather than 1 because I did actually play it quite a bit before giving up, rather than writing it off instantly as a piece of crap with no redeeming features, and it is possible to just persevere through all its poor performance and terrible design choices to engage in some pretty decent porn. But it's really not a very good game at all, making it very hard to engage with for a sub-par payoff. Not recommended.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This kinda had potential but it was so basic and ugly. Just felt like the character designs were bad. The story/writing was meh and although I liked the rotating camera thing in 3D, it just felt pointless. It also doesn't help that things can get quite buggy.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Awful performance, atrocious save system. Nothing has been done to fix these issues over years. Shame since the game had potential in regards to the events/scenes. Game needs a fan remake at this point in a much better engine.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the classics over the years . Unique system engine . There are plenty of stories and characters . Overall quality is good in F95zone . If you like tits , I recommend you play this game . If you like stories , I recommend you play too .
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This is not a million dollar AAA title, having said that This is now 100% another milk till dry title that will definitely fry your computer(Not literally but it might though! with this un-optimized junk coding & outdated engine version) after playing so many versions/updates over 3-4 years.

    As the name of the title suggests , there was a twist (& some story & gameplay with some decent scenes) but that whole saga ended @ v 0.27, i repeat the game ended at v0.27 & some might argue it was v0.29 was the ending or lets just settle on v0.30 was the "happy ending"? but now v0.50? How, Why, For What? (Sarcasm).

    Now here is the list of good ,bad & the ugly about the twist who skipped few versions/years or just starting out to play from the start
    • Get Ready to Damage your precious gaming rig & brain because this unoptimized garbage coding, 3D assests & scene management will likely burn your PC unless you play it on low to medium settings.
      Even then you might have to stear at a blank screen depending on your HDD/SSD/RAM speed.

    • DRM....yeah that thing on a crowd funded PC only indie adult game title ... nothing more to add, I rest my case.

    • Hint System Broken since day one, dev didn't even bother or can't fix it so you have to follow/read through walkthrough the length of some novels which ruins all surprises & gameplay

    • 12GB+ unpacked now for a lewd title built with Unity v2017?

    • Bugs on beta version, Bugs on release version, someone call terminator please :(

      is intolarable after a while even with walkthrough & sometimes event system will break because you have to redo a event multiple times or have to skip days.

    • Yeah, this is running for so long that I have forgot even the decent scenes that is why those bullet points are blank... sorry i guess the bad & ugly is what left of the title, there is more negetive point but now not even care to type about those.

    • MC already fucked everyone, now its orgy time .... yeeaah(NO)

    If you still want to try just skimp through to v0.27 & cross your fingers that your PC won't die(or you :eek:) then move onto kill some hours with Sims4 with :devilish:DD & other lewd mods.

    Fap to something else & Save a polar bear ;)
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Graphics for the most part and it would have gotten at least 3 stars because of that, however the grind is monumental and beyond a scale of grindyness that would have been thought impossible had it not been demonstrated here.

    The built in cheats (one would think) are added to mitigate the grind but that turned out to be the proverbial carrot, as it cannot overcome the tediousness of seemingly complete randomness that this game is built on.