Unity - Completed - The Twist [v1.0-0.52.1 Cracked] [KsT]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the game it's different from other boring repitive renpy models. at highest quality, renders are good but faces are not to my liking(especially stepsis) scenes have free camera.Story is Good, and I especially appreciate the deatils in game(cards,photos,etc.). I really felt bad for giving only 3 stars after playing for a while, but it's not perfect to giveout 5 stars. it could be a 5 star game, if few things are improved
    1. Loading time: each time you travel from one place to other, loading time is longer , noticed that it is lower when moved to SSD. If you reduce this there will be a flow while playing.
    2. Improve the quest description or provide more hints( this is a huge turn off for me at least) you have to jump between walkthrough and game. Again it interrupts games flow.( take good example from famous RPGM games)
    3. Please add an option to skip the "seen text" , it becomes too repitive at times I get tired mashing my space bar
    4. Adding avatars on map to indicate where each character is located will be nice.
    5. Add an option to load in the escape menu or add buttons for quick save and quick load
    6. Grey out choice if nothing new is there in dialog or scenes
    7. It shows adrianna (photographer) is in studio but when reached, she's not visible outside. please fix this( not sure this is a bug or not I am in early stages of the game)
    8. Ugh! please remove kira in initial phase, there's no interaction with her is available and she blocks rebecca's storyline
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    As from the ressource it's ask for, It's maybe the biggest game I played here, alongside with "Adventure of Willy D".

    And well he's a very unique one.
    3D animated game with the possibility to most of the places and scenes moving the angle of what you see from a 360° caméra, that's impressive, couldn't even imagine the huge amount of work behind that.

    From the render aspect of the characters, for me it's subjective, at least if you play with the highest definition.
    Honestly the bodies are very appealing, and the faces are all at least okay to me, and some are pretty fine actually (Kira for exemple).

    The story or the plot is not revolutionnary but we're not playing it for this reason.
    But there are very good contents and brings a lot of hot scenes you are eventually willing to replay because you can see from different angles, so it could help from not get bored to grinding if you don't want to cheat.

    But unlike Willy D who manage to avoid it, the main concern who made the game less enjoyable is the fact that it's slow, if you don't have SSD (Hard Drive) it would be unbearable (for me) to continuing playing with the 10+ seconds of waiting each scenes to get loaded at some point.
    And for that it could be a bit annoying also to skip days or week and hoping that RnG is with you for unlocking the scene or the conversation you need to advance the quest or start over this process if you don't.

    But above all, this game is like no one here and for me it will be very well remembered.
    Congrats to KST for all thoses efforts and hope it's worthy for him.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR A phenomenal game that gives players more visual control of scenes than any other game on the site, while still offering a ton of content and variety. It is, however, held back by a messy plot that DEMANDS you use the walkthrough or give up. Desperately needs a Re-master.

    Ok, first, I used to love this game. I use the past tense because I stopped playing around version 0.3, not because I didn't like it just because life. Coming back I have to say, if ever there was a game on this site that needed a "Re-Mastered" version it is this one.

    The amount of "choice" you have is fun, but as other reviewers have said, the choice is an illusion. If you don't follow the walkthrough not even God can help you make it through this. The renders, the ability to maneuver the camera, the gradual slide into debauchery, the plethora of scenes it's all magic. HOWEVER this game is a plot MESS.

    If you're fine following the walkthrough TO THE LETTER this game is a 5 star game no questions asked, but if you want to dive off on your own prepare to hit frustrating gates of "wtf am I supposed to do now" and "wait how to I unlock this scene".

    I'd love to see this game continue to version 0.5 with a "soft" ending and then going back to clean up the plot. Keep the engine, the models, the scenes, even the order of events, just untangle the plot so that players looking for mom and sis only, or only the neighbor or whatever can do so by figure it out on their own.

    It's my belief that the reason this games rating has dropped from its once 4+ stars to 3 1/2 is due to how messy its gotten. Jumping back onboard after missing 14 versions has made it impossible to find the will to get back into it, I wouldn't even know where in the WT to look.

    I can't stress this enough, Re-master this bad boy after giving everyone a heads up that 0.5 is a "soft" ending (book 1 of 2 w/e) and I think people would be thrilled.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game, the possibilites and the content so far. Its all kinda randomized but only minor issues found (with Julia triggering night living room event) Kinda demanding on your rig, Unity at this quality is a hungry bitch. So be sure to play this on decent PC :lepew:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I personally don't like NTR but I don't want to be left out on the content, the game is grindy even with the cheats system. Other issue is that you need to follow the walkthrough in order for you not to get stuck, so I hope the next game will have more freedom.
    I love this game because there is a lot of content in it, and I mean a lot, the story progress is awesome, the passing is good, the characters are unique and have their own kink. One of the best games out there!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I'd call this less of a game and more of an animation viewer but with a 500 step walkthrough to actually see the scenes. The walkthrough part is mandatory since the game gives next to zero hints on what you should do next even if you read all the dialogue and and revisit scenes all scenes.

    I don't know what the point of this is, the story is pretty much non existant everything simply laid out to grind relationship points towards the next animated scene. Think of it like an Illusion Studio game but the only interactivity allowed is to move the camera around .

    The character models have really bad copy and paste faces the bodies are appealing and have their own charm but the faces are a real turn off.

    Overall if you just wanna see the animation get an updated save and just go through the scenes in the house, otherwise spend the next few hours grinding relationship points and spamming the "next day" button hoping you made the right triggers for the next scenes.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is real pain to play, in order to progress and see scenes you have to deal with layers of rng on top of rng on top of rng. All of this just to see average looking scenes after grinding relationship points... And yes, rng is also involved in grinding.
    I have never dealt with anything as annoying as it. You want to play without walkthrough? Good fucking luck finding anything.
    And lets not forget how slow game is,waiting for letters to crawl on the screen or risk skipping dialogue by clicking, or transitions between scenes taking forever, etc.. do yourself a favour and use cheat engines speedhack at 5 times speed. It makes things more manageable.

    I hesistate to call it a game, it's more like exercise in patience on players part with disappointing reward (sex scenes).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Whenever I rate a game, it's not a numerical vote. It's what the stars say, aka "Excellent". Is it the best game on the site? Maybe if the models weren't so fucking hideous, it would at least be a contender. So no, not the best.

    THAT BEING SAID! The game is hot. The game is actually a game, where you go and do stuff and you grind for points to progress. Hey, I didn't say it was an amazing game - but it's good. You do need to follow a stupid walkthrough or you'll get horribly lost. So there is that.

    All in all, the game has a lot going against it. But I freaking love it. I like deciding where to go and what to do, I actually like repeating events, I like how the events progress.

    What's wrong with the game is mostly obvious: The models, the grind, the stupid progression order and unfathomably dumb moon-logic events. So what's good about the game?

    • The initial slow burn
    • How you start slowly corrupting everyone arround
    • The descent into porn madness

    It starts off light and boring. The walkthrough also isn't that great. I had no idea that you could wake up at night, and instead of doing a single thing that would instantly end the night ... you can wait for time to pass to trigger events (like sis masturbating at tv). ALSO - ANOTHER NON OBVIOUS THING! You can open the relationship pane, and see where people are. No need to wander around the house like braindead zombie!

    But after awhile it descends into pure madness. The good kind of madness. By step 50-something I was already pissing down mom's throat - in a 850+ point long walkthrough. That's not even the insane part, you're just getting started.

    So in conclusion, I absolutely love the game, and absolutely hate the models. It's not a stilistic choice, it's just bad. If this game had models like that other incest 3d game where you walk in a ship ... even that would be much better. And that game is not famous for good models.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't believe this story/game is still going on, let alone people actually download it.
    Has to be in the top ten for the ugliest most boring games.
    The Models are hideous, the female characters all look like extra tall; messed up amazons.
    Game is buggy as hell, i played a few times as the updates came in. Always has bugs and has to be cracked to able to save anything.
    Story is boring, where is the excitement in any of it.

    Just a big mess of a boring story/game, is all i see.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I hate to give this game a bad review because I do see how much work has been put into it, and I also see what they were going for. But with that in mind there are multiple issues that make this game very undesirable to play. I am sure that throughout development many of them can be solved but until that happens I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't as patient as a saint.

    1. The transition time between scenes is too long. I have a very fast computer and I would say the transition between areas is around 2-5 seconds, which might not seem like a lot but when you are talking about going between hundreds of scenes it adds up quickly.
    2. I see what they were going for with their 3 modeling and I think it is a unique and valid method to create a game like this but the issue that I have is that the quality of the assets have suffered as a result. I got a massive "uncanny valley" vibe from this game where the character just looked like very strange representations of humans. The shading and textures of things like faces and bodies was all wrong and just didn't give me a great feeling and was not attractive.
    3. Its kind of strange how literally everyone hates the main character from the start, you can't talk to your mom, your sister, your teacher, or even your supposed friends, just plays out as if no one has any time for your character, I see why they might want to make that choice as it gives them something to build up too, but this experience felt a bit excessive.
    4. The town doesn't look very good, just like many of the other environments it seemed kind of lifeless and sterile, and the reference points weren't particularly attractive. I think that there should be more non essential assets in the game to give it some life, if you are going to develop a 3d environment for interactive scenes in every place you go then you should make it seem more alive and fill it with more assets. What is the point of being able to pan around your bedroom if the only things of importance are a computer and a bed, and aside from those 2 things the room is barren.

    To be fair I did not spend a lot of time playing this game, it immediately had multiple glaring flaws that made it unplayable for me, that is not to say that others wont find enjoyment in it, I just did not. I think with an update to the art style of the main characters, a better looking town, perhaps with labels that are always visible, and a smoother transition between scenes this game could be a gem, but in its current state I am going to have to pass.

    This is a review of version 0.42 Beta 1
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphics are very good where it matters and the animations add much to the immersion.
    Story is decent with the right balance between xxx and other events.
    The best part is that the Dev is persistent delivering a good amount of content with each update.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Great story, excellent sex scenes, little bit buggy sometimes. Follow the walkthrough for a better understanding of the game, also twist 2 might be coming soon.

    You have a cheat code too so you can progress faster and save files for eah versions. that's great too.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a real shame the gameplay is so horrible. Back when there wasn't so much content you could give it a pass, but instead of streamlining the dev has doubled down on the grind and created an unplayable monstrosity. The sex scenes are pretty hot and the 3D gimmick is fantastic, but they're just not worth the effort it takes to dig them out from under the mountain of grind and lazy writing.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    omer faruk

    I cant play this games because of CRASH! Everytime i take CRASH CRASH CRASH. I update my driver , game gaves me CRASH. I updated Unity game again gives me crash. I made crack game agains give me crash. I am gonna mad because of this game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been following this game since it was 0.13, I love the MILF hunter of a main character though I wish their was a plump bbw character. thought this game is missing some things like a gallery mode or a task list that works the amount of sex scenes is massive and covers a bunch on different fetishes
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Why is there a character ( that has nothing new in the update) blocking the new content? I can't even progress the first step of the new update because Kira is ALWAYS at school blocking the door to the classroom. I need to go to that classroom and talk with Rebeca about the homework, but the worthless Kira without any new content is there! and once a week when she isn't, that is the day when the teacher is naked and wants to have sex with you... Why is the developer so dumb and can not understand that the new content should not be so grinding especially when there are already more than 800 walkthrough steps when the game is still not half way done... The developer should give people the option in game to be able to remove characters from the game for a moment and then enable them back when they want to repeat their content
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    It seams to me tha its a game from the 90s`
    Graffics are really poor... if not terrible.
    bugged as ... and the story doesnt make any sence at all.
    the progression is a mystery to me ...

    if you never have played f95 games before especialy renpy give it a try (although you might nead a nurse to check your blood presure constantly)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty Good game and the characters are looking hot too. The thing I liked the most is there are too many hot scenes and lots of contents. Just the game is not speedy I mean if I click on any choice then it takes 3-5 seconds until then the screen becomes dark. Please fix it. I really like the game. everything else is perfect. Thank you. Keep it up.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I spent many, many hours giving this one a go. I tried restarting the game 3 times in case I missed trigger to an event mentioned in the WT. The story had potential from the description including 3-way, 4-way, etc. In the end the effort was not worth the payout.

    On first impression with the graphics I thought I was playing a perverted version of "The Sims 3". Compared to the many other 3D graphics games available this one is really, really dated. The 360 degree cam view gimmick is OK but not nearly enough to redeem this game. The game is extremely grindy with rng events thrown in to make that grind even worse. Straightaway as you begin the game the WT tells you at event #3 you are supposed to catch Janice the mom drinking heavily in the Dining Room. Thanks to rng she may or may not be there. Well if you are lucky enough then you are to find your sister Julia at the pool and again she may or may not be there and so on. This leads to a grind ad nauseum where you may or may not trip an event trigger. Eventually this tedium adds up.

    The WT is literally a book with 800 individual events that trigger others. Searching through that thing becomes tiresome, tedious and a real bore. It is easy to get lost if you miss an event trigger on one storyline while the others continue to progress. I had at least three events that I could not get to trigger no matter what I did.

    The M/C is a little perverted shit that does whatever he pleases including blackmail, prostituting his mom to his buddy, stealing from his friends and neighbors. In one event he steals an heirloom necklace from his neighbor (whom he's also trying to bed) to give to his mom so he can further get into mom's pants. He basically will do whatever as long as he gets his kicks and whatever he desires. He is beyond annoying as an M/C.

    Between "The Sims 3" graphics, the annoying M/C, and mostly the frustrating mechanics of the game I gave up and deleted the game and will not look back. I recommend passing on this one
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.40

    This game is a throwback to the ultra-grindy days of the original sisterfucker style games. The ones where you have to be in exactly the right place at the right time with the right object to advance a variable by 1, and the next phase of the relationship is unlocked at 10. Absolutely unplayable without a walkthough, and even with the walkthrough (which is eight hundred steps long) it's a chore. Of course a lot of stuff is gated behind random chance events so you might have to repeat an action many times before it triggers. At many points in the walkthrough you also run into obvious 'wait X days' padding. Much of the content gates off other content, so you can't even just choose a girl and pursue her, you have to do everything.

    Graphics wise the party piece of this game is the fully 3D rendered sex scenes. Being able to fly the camera around is fantastic, that alone earns a star for this game. That said I personally find some of the models, especially the mom, to be kinda ugly with bad proportions and faces only a mother could love.

    The MC is your typical oversexed complete idiot who thinks he is god's gift to women. The storyline sadly doesn't have anything interesting going on either. Everything happening is mundane and boring, there's no clever dialog or snapping writing. The MC has some light mystery elements with his past, but the dev doesn't seem very interested in them.

    It's a real shame the gameplay is so horrible. Back when there wasn't so much content you could give it a pass, but instead of streamlining the dev has doubled down on the grind and created an unplayable monstrosity. The sex scenes are pretty hot and the 3D gimmick is fantastic, but they're just not worth the effort it takes to dig them out from under the mountain of grind and lazy writing.