Unity - Completed - The Twist [v1.0-0.52.1 Cracked] [KsT]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game, one of the best around right now with hot milf & young models.

    EDIT @2022:

    Still this is one of the best games in f95zone, seen lot of games in past year, none of the games come to this level, the 3d animations, 360 view, lovable characters, decent story, Good going dev.

    PS :

    1. You need dedicated GFX Card to play the game smooth.

    2. If you are playing in a multimonitor PC, you have to choose the monitor thats connected to GFX Card output as Main Display ( Right click desktop -> display settings -> highlight monitor connected to gfx card -> scroll to bottom -> Make this my main display or game will not use the dedicated gfx. ).

    3. If anyone having issue with GPU hitting 90%-100% & going over 70C leading to hang or crash. just limit the fps to 30 in options ( its in same location of load save ).

    1080p @30FPS High . now my gpu rarely hitting 90% and stays around 60C.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    unnecessary paywall to save/load...terrible way to attempt to get more patreons. if youre not making the amount of money you would like to as a content creator then maybe you should create more content. if people like youre content they will support you in order to continue creating content.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    excelent game! one of the best games ever, good history, great design of models, really kinky and hot scenes, just hoping if there's gonna be more Danielle and Michelle content, maybe Rachel too, is like a Sex version of the sims.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Implemented paywall so you cannot save or load games. Retracting my support of the game and all interest in ever supporting him again. Game simply isnt good enough to warrant a paywall anywhere. Its grindy, and buggy as hell.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Possibly one of the best porn games, and has loads of content to boot! Highly recommended you give yourself a few days off to play it through. Has many great characters and all of them have various events to do. Walkthrough is a must!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Update at V0.49, moving from 5 stars to 3 stars. The things that made this game good are still there, but the things that held it back have become too big to ignore. An out-of-game walkthrough is now necessary to do anything. The game has bugs that, once encountered, don't seem to be able to be fixed by using a different save game or fresh install. The dialog quality has become poor broken english. It's a shame, but I'm taking this off my 5 star list.

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  7. 3.00 star(s)


    ‘The Twist’ is a real-time 3D relationship building game that starts extremely promisingly and steadily devolves into an incoherent, frustrating mess.

    The Good
    Content, content, content.

    The story has a fairly run of the mill introduction for this genre. An absent/uncaring father figure leaves a young, horny guy, alone with a frustrated mother and a sister discovering her own sexuality. The player steps in to fill the void while discovering other playmates along the way.

    Where ‘The Twist’ shines in this regard is its absolute unwillingness to leave players blue-balled with dead end sexual pursuits. If you see a woman in the game, there’s a better than average chance that spending time building your relationship with her will prove fruitful.

    Fantasy Island.

    ‘The Twist’ addresses many different neighborhood fantasies, especially for fans of netori, a sub-genre of NTR that sees the player assuming the role of partner-thief. Mother/Sister/Aunt fantasy? Check. Married teacher? Check. Best friend’s mom? Lonely widow? Bored store clerk? Check, check and check.
    The Okay

    ‘The Twist’ is not an overwhelmingly pretty game. Some adjustment is required to get used to the uniquely styled models. The fully 3D and real-time scenes and environment make up for this shortcoming quite nicely. As does the fact that every sexual encounter is animated.
    The Less Than Okay

    ‘The Twist’ starts off with objectives that, while requiring some maneuvering, have clear paths rooted in common sense decisions. These are supported by a journal function that’s nicely out of the way until you absolutely need it. The train of thought was simple: Players are tasked with something, players fulfill that task, players are rewarded with advancement in their relationship with whichever woman or quest they’re pursuing at the time.

    And then, for no reason at all, that simply ceases to be the case. Which part? All of it.

    Paths quickly become obscured by an increasingly random relationship point system. Tasks lead to other tasks that are locked behind characters players have yet to meet. And these characters have unlock requirements that can be downright impossible to meet reliably without having to check out a walkthrough. To add to this frustration, journal tips become ever more vague or scarce, exactly at the times that you need them to be a constant. With the game still so early in development, however, I expect the majority of these issues to be ironed out eventually.

    Time Sinks & Continuity

    The issues with aimlessness lead to what, in my opinion, are the worst parts of this game in its current incarnation.

    Almost as if by design in order to bloat time played, the chain of tasks become ever more bogged down with objectives that require you to wait several days to full weeks. Because of the point system and how it limits advancement, players can find themselves running into a situation where they’ve maxed multiple opportunities concurrently and feel they have no choice but to simply skip days, hoping that the game’s semi-random encounter system will finally see fit to put them in the right place at the right time.

    Finally, let’s talk about that semi-random encounter system. For the first few characters that the player meets, the relationship tracker usefully shows their exact locations if they are located anywhere on the map. For the ones introduced later on, however, this is not the case. Why? Because scenes are rolled from a selection of probabilities in certain locations. This is sometimes influenced by the point system and due to this, on a couple of occasions, I have run into situations where dialogue references events that I have not experienced or characters that I have not met. No huge spoilers, as this game is fairly transparent with its intent most of the time, but obnoxious nonetheless.

    In all, ‘The Twist’ remains one of the best games of its genre in development, despite some issues that will hopefully be ironed out as development continues. It is a must-follow for fans of what I call ‘soft’ netori, the sort that isn’t defined by hostility and sexual violence.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game, with good graphics, many characters and quite entertaining, deserving of outstanding but out of things like the difference he asks to buy compared to what you win or the scenes in which only the probability enters so that you get one or the other
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Tons of content. Well realized story and characters.

    Animation and world looks a bit dated but has its own charm and style. Right amount of immature primary and secondary characters that come across in the writing.

    Good on the dev(s) to include cheats in the game.

    Especially considering the amount of grind. This is the unfortunate part of the game. Looking at the amount of content, dev(s) should consider removing the grind including rng and day limits.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for version 0.33 of the game

    We have a good one here.
    This game is one of the whales.

    It's massive. It has a ton of content. If you only play for an hour or two every other day, it can literally take you weeks to complete.

    The story is nothing spectacular, but it's fine. You're a strapping young lad, and as it tends to be with these games, you slowing start to gain the favors of the many women around you, until you get to have sex with them all.

    The graphics, well, you won't find any pre-rendered animations in this game. This is all live 3D. As such, obviously, the animations aren't as "good" as in other games. However, you get to play director, move around the room as the sex scenes play out, look at it from whatever angle you wish.

    Speaking of sex scenes; They are probably this game's strongest part. There's a ton of variety in positions, a lot of different fetishes, many girls with different body types. It's amazing.

    Now, in terms of grind.. Is it grindy? Kinda, but not very.
    You do have to repeat scenes a couple of times to increase scores, BUT, once you've repeated a scene a couple of times, and reached the maximum score that this particular scene allows you to raise, in most cases, you won't ever have to do that scene again. Or at least not in the same form. For each "bracket" of points, if you will, the game will present you with new paths, new scenes, and new stories. It's really well done.

    I am comfortable in saying that in most aspects, this game is one of the best games we have. Like, literally top 5 material.

    Unfortunately, however, there is one MASSIVE problem with the game, which is what lead me to give it a 3-star rating despite all the positive statements I made above:

    The RNG of getting a scene to trigger, that is needed to continue the game's story.

    You won't really feel this for the first 10-20 versions of the game. But as you progress through the game, the specific trigger points start to get more and more packed with potential outcomes. It gets worse and worse.
    It comes to a point, where you end up going through WEEKS AND WEEKS AND WEEKS AND WEEKS of ingame time before you FINALLY manage to get the scene triggered that you needed. It is immensely frustrating.

    Combine this with the fact that skipping through ingame time / days is a very slow, and annoying process. (get rid of those long black screens, get rid of the delayed text popups, get rid of the extra-slow transitions between screens. there is no need for them whatsoever)

    If the dev finds a way to solve this problem, i.e. by giving us some way to control the outcomes or contain the enormous levels of RNG, this game could become TRULY FANTASTIC.
    Until then, I can only recommend this game to you if you feel that you are a very patient person.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Some good content hidden inside the shit performance(and graphics).
    Gives you a little bit of "freedom" with the renders and gameplay, but you pay a high price with you Disk at 100%, CPU and GPU fans going crazy, even a mining virus would not do that.
    It has some good content (And tose are the only Good thing in this game), but for the good of you PC stay AWAY from this game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The Twist (v0.32 final)

    This game is good. the graphism arent extraordinary (but maybe its just because mty pc is bad and well.. cant run perfectly)
    the characters are good, the differents places to visit are all pretty nice.
    moving around is a bit hard at beginning, but once you got it, its fast and easy.

    i did not give it 5 stars because its not perfectly optimised for me. i know my pc is shit, but the game is still a bit laggy sometime and eat tons of my CPU/GPU for some reasons.
    the story is .. well.. okay i guess, its kind of classic story we see in lots of different games.

    all in all, its a nice game, a full 3D game with lots of work in it. deserve a try and keep an eye on it. its constantly updated (even if sometime , the udpating system is a bit confusing due to the "final" used instead of "public/bug fixed" .)

    a sweet game. :giggle:
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1263332

    This is, in my honest opinion, the best game on the site. Great story, great graphics, great scenes, consistent updates, easy-to-follow walkthrough. This game has it all. The only thing i could mildly complain about is there are not enough characters, and that is really just me nitpicking. The game does start off a little slow, but actually has a pretty great ROI after you get halfway through the story. Highly recommend.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    this is really good work. good graphics, good animation, good story, I think this is one of the best works I've seen.

    in general, concept and implementation of this game closes all minuses.

    and don't forget stability of the release new versions
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 34473

    I personally consider him one of the best game right now, he has a well-built story with new releases every new release, the characters are well made and interesting, those who play can choose and change the dynamics of the game, constant updates and always new and It is not easy to go ahead in the game, so the player takes time to finish each update.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing this review after v0.29 FINAL version so keep that in mind.

    Games with actual gameplay, choice and text are rare in this industry. Add real time 3D rendering(soo lots of animations) it is golden. Game has simple plot(like any other porn), feels like 90s adventure games. It is little bit text heavy so people who dont like reading can use the walkthrough(which is little bit complicated IMO). Just wanna add; this is an indie game from indie developer so dont expect perfection or triple A treatment around every corner.

    +Actual gameplay with many choices and multiple fetishes.
    +Sandboxish. For now at least.
    +3D real time rendering with variety of body types and characters.
    +Well written scenes and characters. Most of scenes have lewd texts and most of characters have backgrounds likes, dislikes and feel like fleshed out well.
    +Lots of content even though game is incomplete.
    +Variety of good design choices and mechanics. Dont expect quick fap session while playing this. You have to actually live some pixeled chars life like real life.
    +Great humor and references.

    -No sound
    -Has a learning curve; even with or without a walkthrough you gonna need to learn the game to make quick playthroughs.
    -Monthly updates. I mean it is okay considering this is popular and people are using this opportunity to employ themselves. But i'm an old gamer so i like to see full products.
    -Not for everyone. Meanwhile game has generalist approach on sexuality(variety of fetishes so only focus here is sex). So some people may dislike it due to their favorite fetish isnt getting enough content.

    Last but not least, it is a game more than a sex game. If you enjoy playing computer games it is like a sweet treat with adult themes, sex and humor. I can only recommend this game to people who are looking for something to play not for quick fap sessions.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a huge amount of sexual content across multiple characters, incorporates a decent amount of fetishes and does it all in a 3D environment where you can adjust the cameras to watch the animations. Overall, a great amount of fun to be had.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This is undoubtedly the best real-time 3D adult game on the web. Although the development pace is a bit slow.

    So far, v 0.30 Final build (5 stars this time) (***** )
    Plot 4.2/5
    Sex & Stuff 4.5/5
    Graphics 3.8/5

    I believe the game needs the feature to customize individual outfits and items for NPCs, like various slave trainers games (e.g Akabur games). I know it won't be easy to implement in 3d but would definitely add a new dimension to this game and a whole next level gameplay experience...

    The game's way better with No Billy's path and the Dad gone... (It's optional but c'mon just drop them as they're unnecessary and shift focus on to more lewd content and fetishes, it'd be a burden off your workload and smoother for the storyline progression)

    Given how far the story has progressed and with the new BDSM dungeon, it'd be a treat to see some Maledom in action and bringing out the kinky side of the female NPCs specifically the MILFs.

    The devs should implement Slave Training Quests more.
    Add Submission and Love as a mode of corruption in place of rough and gentle mechanics (It's more logical that way).

    It needs more BDSM/Bondage related content and more sex toys should be added. What's a fetish adult game without a range of BDSM devices and items like Ball-Gags (Of various types), Cuffs, Chains, Nipple Clamps, Yoke, Rope Bondage, Slave Collars, and slave roleplay for female NPCs.

    Just imagine all the sexy female NPCs in slave roles especially Janice and Rachel. Also, more quests with Humiliation, PonyPlay (PetPlay) and degrading tasks for them of moderate to severe level should be implemented.

    Older Review For, v 0.25 Final build (4 stars)
    NOTE: Also the devs should focus more on BDSM or other fetishes since latex has got more than it's a fair share of content.

    KsT, just give it a thought... ;)
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 989013

    This game is awesome because it allows you to to choose what you wanna do.
    The Twist is probably one of,if not the best sandbox porn game currently in my opinion.
    I dont like the look of the main guy(Jason) He could be updated.
    Time matters in this game:So use it wisely !
    This is the game that hooked me on porn games,so it could do the same for you :)
    I think the game need a little bit of work here and there,but still it's a great game and it is a must play.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Ich give em a Average Rating.

    The Time for Play is very Long, but without walkthroug bad possible.
    The Choices influence the Relations of your Family and the Sexscenes.
    What i really like is the Gamesystem, you have something todo and at the top there is an "!" to find out what you Need to concentrate.

    The Story, basically you corrupt Peoples around you, and you are adopted and search your real Parents. The Mainstory, or let us say the serious Part/Idea is not existent really. you have to follow them, only because of more sexscenes or get better Points with one of the Girls.
    If you search an really deep Story, you will not find here.

    Go Play, read Hints, enjoy sexscenes.

    Grafic and Animation. ok, lets be honest ist not masterart. But: you can move the Camera by Scenes sometimes and if you dont matter about perfect Models you will have fun.

    I would say: Porngame, Long Playtime, Walktrough NEED, easy Food, perfect for a Weekend, (only for afternoon is waste)

    Fappingscore 7 from 10