Unity - Completed - The Twist [v1.0-0.52.1 Cracked] [KsT]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The best incest game currently i have been playing , patreon came up with those shitty rules just while ago but this game adapted it really well, the new characters every update with incredible 3D graphics and hotness . This ought to be the best game here.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Lot's of content, intricate story and hot women. I was disappointed about the graphics at first but then realized my quality settings where on low (fastest), changing that made big difference.

    Also, getting used to moving around the scenes and zooming in and out on the good spots took a bit of getting used to but man that is a NICE feature!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the greatest adult games ive ever played. If the 3D wasnt enough, the story is good and the progression with the characters is pretty reasonable. I also love that if you get tired of the grind, you can access the cheat codes and amp up your stats so you only have to carry on with the routes without worrying about that part. Theres a lot of content in this game and its definitely worth checking out.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, the fact that you can have the type of sex that you want, at least the more commom ones like anal, vaginal, blowjob, and it even let you do a "atm" scene, its great, I´ve never seen that on any game, so its awesome I would give 10/10! I also would love to support the creator, but I cant, at least for now.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really excellent game, I love it, for very specific reasons :
    1) The 3D: it's the only game I know of this sort (there may be others I don't know about), and the way it enables to view the sex scenes from all angles is just.really.great. It enables to feel part of it as no 2D games can.
    2) (and maybe I should have put it in the first place) I love the MC: he is confident, but also so tender, so sweet, "so cute" as the women of his life often say, and at other times so selfish and careless; he is a complex character who makes me really feel for him, something that rarely ever happens with other game characters.
    3) The relationship between the MC and his mother: this goes with 2) above, but this is the most tender relationship, and the most passionate, so for me, the most likeable; again it makes me feel for them, and imo, making a player feel for a porn game character or relationship is quite an achievement!
    4) Unlike some others, I like the point system; I like the slow progression and the fact that you don't really know what you should do next to move the story forward: it makes you explore and brings wonderful surprises when suddenly, the situation does evolve!
    5) The face expressions; I think that most of the characters' faces (including the MC's) are between plain and ugly (to the exception of the teacher), but very expressive (particularly the MC) - which most certainly partly explains 2) above.
    6) (the result of 1 to 5; hum... maybe excluding 4...) It's like no other game (that I know of), where a lot of other games look alike (some much better than others, some really great, but still in the same genre)

    Now, what criticism could I make? I guess the main one is that you can still have scenes that do not make sense anymore once the story evolves - the dialogues of thoses scenes should be modified depending on where you stand - but I guess this would make the coding (or whatever technical term goes here) that much more complicated. Oh, and conversely, sometimes you can see a scene that you should not be able to see yet, because you did not trigger a specific event that explains such scene. And it is definitely grindy... I like grindy, but there is such a thing as too much grindy...ness(?), right ? :)

    Anyway, to sum it up in a nutshell: great game!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Mercieless Grinding is a new title for this game. Much content but it does not give clues how to get what we want. Quest list needed, accomplishment list too... what we have done till now. Better notes, number of times with each girl. Level of their affection for player. Clues about what to do to get to the next lvl of affection. At first graphic was simply ugly but with time we can see that it is a way to distinguish this game from others. One it has interesting gameplay, two.. some characters are getting more and more interesting. Map is simpky ugly. In early version should be map in 2D couse it is hideous and makes older platforms slow like turtle. Even my 2 core 2GHz 1GB Graphic card platform had problems with this game. I play almost twoo days and after many trials and errors I decided to use walktrough.. without it would be simple torture to accomplish anything in this game. It shouldn't be dark souls but an erotic sim..
    It has this something couse I played in this at the very least 10 hours without walktrough.
    Next minus is how the game shows where are characters. Some of them are in places which they shouldnt next is save/load system. It is flawed. I was in a location save/quit then I loaded and where I am? In previous location.
    Biggest flaw? Grinding. Lesser ones. Hideous Map system,not balanced graphic, ugly characters, util one does not grow used to them. No existing road signs what to do next to accomplish something .

    What pros are there? Interesting animations in 3D which are one of the best made. Expressions of characters in those animations. Almost full day cycle for bunch of characters. Open world of day and night.. almost open. Interesting position in this aspect that it is not polished gem.. if there were better coders, graphic designers etc. Then the flow of transition between locations might be smoother..

    0.19 final.. what I can say, it crashes so there is no possiblity in finding pleasure by playing this gem. Earlier version did not crash, this one crashes in almost any situation so.. gem is starting to look lik garbage. Its unpleyable if it works like this.

    Fix it and I will change my rating of this game. 0.16 or 0.17 got from me 4 stars 0.19 just 3. Crashing is damn annoying
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, no question. I think there needs to be a hint system or something to give you a clue where to go. I even thou I have spent a good bit o f time waiting there I Still no idea what the Park is for or what I should do there.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this rating as much on how I think the game will be once it's finished as how it is now, so a lot of speculation.

    It feels like a RPG maker game that has evolved into 3D, but in a good way; keeping good elements and improving on others.

    I don't like reading walls of text, but I do like to read the story if it's interesting and well written, I would call this Twain of course, but as far as "adult games" go, it's pretty good.

    Basically, I had fun playing it and if they keep going like this, the finished product should be well worth playing!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Very decent 3D, same old incest story. However half of the scenes are static. A lot of them are presented with static 3D renders. So the only usefull feature of 3D is the rotating camera in some rooms.

    Everything else can be done with much higher quality and impact on the viewer in static renders.

    I cannot say if it is playable and with decent story, because it was stuck after 15 min of playing. Another downside of 3D - it requires much more powerfull PC and complexity it brings with graphic cards, drivers, etc.

    So please make it with hi amount of high quality pretty static renders next time.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Benn Swagger

    Rating made for v.014
    I really want to give 5 star, I really do. But as critic, I should consider the bad too, not just the good.
    Pros : Animated sex 3D, lot's of vagina, interesting dialog.
    Cons : The face of each woman are all the same ! & Navigation isn't ideal. Lack of quest hint. Render Setting are bad design (drop to 10-25fps this low poly game for no reason).
    Some didn't like as this had no story. But I careless about those opinion as this more like Simulation genre than Story teller VN games.
    I hope they fix and perfecting their works, then I will instant rating it as 5 Star.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Another game in the popular incest series.
    Just another game?
    Not really, it`s one of the most original around.
    The MC and his siter are adopted so it`s not really incest but very close to that.
    The game is linear and not extremely difficult to solve.
    Grinding is kept to a minimum.
    For me, the best part is that you can zoom in on scenes or even "fly"around them, creating a different view so a repeated scene looks almost "new.
    And it`s fun as well!
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 30700

    This Visual Novel Plays very easily. It always has quite a few choices and routes to take. It doesn't require that you grind too long to get the stats that you need, just that you complete certain tasks to progress the story. There is always something to do, pretty much all day. The graphics are not as good as some other games, but The fact that you have animations and the ability to move the camera angles all around the room, more than make up for that. All in all a fine game with significant development/progress since its inception.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I congratulate you for this game and especially for dialogues and rendering real-time scenes with the ability to move around the characters. I really appreciate that much update is done in short time and unlocked the option without a condom.Astent to complete the map, to unlock the scene with the sister in the kitchen and at the pool, maybe more scenes with the mother and especially can discover And start a story with the biological mother. He might try to bring it to her and seduce him in that sense because that would make him an important sum of money that MC inherits, or something similar. It would also be inatractive for the stepmother to remain pregnant with the main character and continue to have sex. Perhaps the introduction of the father to be mistaken when he is not careful, on the sly would add a touch of savor to the story. I'm sure you find a way for the story so far so good. Thanks for your continued attention and success!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    at first it was good the animation are amazing and the characters are really good,but now it's just repetitive. It needs some new challenges other that reach a certain amount of love or a little bit of MMF could be good or a plot twist a little sharing, right now is a straight line and is kinda boring
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a fun game with lots of content already at this early stage.
    Game play is pretty straightforward with some hard puzzles. Though models could be better, the facial expressions and movement are spot on IMHO.
    Also a nice touch of humor and you've got a good game!
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Review as off .11b
    agree with above reviews. The game needs a quest/hint system.
    The models need a little more work buts still early in development.
    It does feel very grindy and im hoping this is because the content isn't all there yet
    the almost exclusive MILF content is boring
    the over exaggerated ass and breasts are a huge turn off
    the sex with condoms and no end way to get rid of them is a huge a disappointment (hoping this gets changed soon).
    many of the scenes don't update with new unlocks such as mom on the couch or or mom at night who will only use condom but in the kitchen and shower you can convince her not to use one.
    The plus side to most of those is that a message was put in that the content stops there till a future update
    There should be easter egg content such as the panties as long as it doesn't have lasting effects on the progression of the game. But a menu that shows how many easter egg events exist and and how many are found would be nice

    overall i like the game it has potential to be very good and i hope i can come back and edit this review and take out the negative points
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best games out there

    -Based on a professional graphics engine, with an excellent graphic section
    -All the scenes are in 360 degrees, which allows you to choose the view you prefer
    -In terms of history, it is well thought out and written, is not one of those superficial games where you fuck all without even creating a relationship
    -It is a challenge if you do not follow the tutorial, there are things easy but others you have to look for until you find the solutions
    -It's not a game full of fetish perversions or sick characters, you do not need to threaten to blackmail or deceive, it is a game whose protagonist is more a conqueror or seductive galan, not a mentally ill

    -Save system is skipped one day, which can make you lose 1 week if you do not know very well what you are doing
    -Some actions require a certain amount of stats to have 100% success, I understand the reason for that decision, but at least I should notice that the action fails for such cause
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This game does a lot of unique stuff compared to the other stock Renpy/RPGMaker games, but it has a lot of problems that prevent it from being great.

    * Free camera
    * Animated scenes

    * Randomness. Sometimes advancing with a character involves doing an action that has a 50% chance, and if you fail you lose progress and have to work your way back up to that level, which might take several in-game days. It's maddening. The game doesn't respect your time.
    * Takes up a lot of CPU resources but doesn't exactly look like top of the line computer game material
    * Scene transitions are very slow. Some of it is the poor optimization of the game, some of it is extra delay for no reason. Try it with speedhack kicked up to 10 in cheat engine to see what I'm talking about.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    At one point you can follow an NPC into the school and notice something is going on but not what. If you come back another day, you have an extra option all of a sudden.

    But how are you supposed to know this?

    That applies to a lot of the game, there are no choices in the game to take different paths, you are constantly looking for the next spot you can advance the interwoven story lines.

    And all the time, as you go through each location to find out if there is something there, you have to deal with endless transitions that can't be disabled.

    If you are playing this without a walkthrough, it quickly becomes a chore and even with a walkthrough, you have to deal with a random number generator. If you are lucky, something happens on the first try, if not... getting the 3rd video can only be attempted once per week, without it you can't advance the story with your sister and I had it not drop several weeks in a row. Not fun when going through a week takes a long time.

    The game does quite a few interesting things but it falls apart as a game by simply becoming a case of following a walkthrough and hoping the RNG is kind to you rather then playing a game.

    Initially this game was going to get 5 stars, but every week the video did not drop removed a star. Well that and the fact there was nothing else to do in the game but go through a lot of fade out. fade in moments to get the next attempt.

    RNG is an adventure with a rare event is just a really bad fucking idea.

    The fact that the panties you have no way of knowing are there seem to require you to explore every area every time you visit it or are supposed to suddenly realise an object constantly described as useless now suddenly has a use.

    If this was an adventure game, this would have been a Sierra product. After LucasArts took over the Adventure Crown and showed how much fun games could be if puzzles weren't so obtuse.

    If you don't agree with the score, ask yourself, how did you know the panties were in the bathroom? How did you find the sleepmask to enable billy to get a blowjob?

    You reasoned it out? Or did you read it in a walkthrough?
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    3D graphics and the story line is good,Although the the game is in its early stage but its going good.Some of the features i like in the game are :
    Rotatably camera option is just great and the content in the game is just about right not too much of bullshit which i am generally seeing in the games now a days.Scenes are good and the way our hero interact with is characters is just amazing furthermore the options available what you want to do with the character is not limited. Maybe in future more interactive scenes may be added in various places of the house and more characters may be added to keep it more interesting like our hero's own family and stuff.
    Best Game among all available right now ......!