I'm guessing
You're visiting Janice at night after 23:00, because to get the scene with Julia it needs to be before 23:00 when Janice is having a nap. best thing to do is be in Janice's room and skip an hour each time until you see Janice on the bed having a nap, before 23:00.
Sorry when i wrote sleeping i meant napping. ive been doing it the way the walkthrough states. because the walkthrough mentions to be in Janice's bedroom between the hours of 20:00-22:00. and ive done just what you said. gone into her bedroom and just waited continuously. and i start to get the scene but its like it doesnt finish if that makes any sense.
sorry for the wall of text but there is the part from the walkthrough that i am confused on.
461. From now on you can repeat the sex scene with Janice in the bedroom (step 356) this way: Go to the bedromm between 20:00 and 22:00. Catch Janice taking a nap.
Click on "Get on the bed". You have two options:
a) "Vaginal": Jason fucks Janice's pussy. During the scene click on "Fuck her ass" or "Cum". When you choose to fuck her ass, click on "Fuck her pussy again" or "Cum".
b) "Anal": Jason fucks Janice's ass and pussy. During the scene click on "Fuck her ass again" or "Cum".
When you click on "Cum", Julia enters the room. You have two options:
a) "Let Julia stay": Click on "Vaginal" or "Anal" to shove Jason's hands in Janice's and Julia's pussies or asses. You have two options:
a) "Janice": Jason fucks Janice's pussy. Julia shoves a hand in Janice's ass and Jason cums in Janice's pussy.
b) "Julia": Jason fucks Julia's ass. Janice shoves a hand in Julia's pussy and Jason cums in Julia's ass.
b) "Ask Julia to go away": Julia leaves the bedroom and Jason fucks Janice's pussy and cums in her.
Now i start to get the scene no matter which way i start either anal or vaginal, but i do have an issue.
Example: I go the Vaginal route and begin scene. during the scene i click on "Fuck her ass". when i choose to fuck her ass i dont get another choice to click on either "Fuck her pussy again" or "Cum". Jason automatically cant last long enough, Janice says she wants it inside her, so the scene changes (from whereever i had it to vaginal, in this case from anal to vaginal) and then i only have one option and thats the cum option. i click on it and thats pretty much where the scene ends. Jason talks about how hes glad that John is gone and Janice mentions how Jason should stop bringing him up in conversation all together.
Any help with this is much appreciated.