
Oct 3, 2017
I presume that is a recommendation? :)
Totally, it's still quite early in development, like the tyrant, but that's one of the best games out here imo.
It's more like free roam visual novel with choices that does matter for now, but it will be more open since next update.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Just finished the BB Mod and was considering A new dawn, I have an orc princess to marry :), so will consider Love and submission as my next.... I presume that is a recommendation? :)
I can also recommend Wicked Choices and Depraved Awakenings as two of the better games out there at the moment. Both have great renders and good stories in my opinion.


Sep 30, 2016
Wait, is the basement still not accessible? Wow, thought the basement would have been completed. Been a while.


Dec 22, 2017
wow, I looked at the pictures ... if you get it all in the next update, the game will not be equal to myself, at last I will be able to split the head of that monkey with the funny hairstyle
So when do we expect this much-needed update?
I can not wait:tf:
I just can not understand why the hell you shaved the mother's head ... this is the scene with the shovel and ... I forgot the name of the monkey
Jan 19, 2018
hello to everyone can help me with some information why when I put a salvage in the saves I'm not going to go into the rescue I do not get the game I got off the site here when I give flowers to take me out of the game

which is most important to be raised from the picture that I put

the phase they do in either that you live the same or the phase and the night I lower 20 of the relationshiop


Feb 11, 2018

Could someone help me please? I can not quite handle the game yet. I have the walkthrough, but do not understand how I get ahead? The same stories start every day again! And how do I notice changes in the type of love or the corruption? At the end of the day is in the list with the women only: no chance in green :-(

Thank you

PS : This is a translation from German into English using Google translator :-D


Apr 30, 2017

Could someone help me please? I can not quite handle the game yet. I have the walkthrough, but do not understand how I get ahead? The same stories start every day again! And how do I notice changes in the type of love or the corruption? At the end of the day is in the list with the women only: no chance in green :-(

Thank you

PS : This is a translation from German into English using Google translator :-D
Game is in development so for now I believe the last day just repeats forever. Rather than cutting you off at that day you can try all different options for that day. I believe that is how it is working.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2017

Could someone help me please? I can not quite handle the game yet. I have the walkthrough, but do not understand how I get ahead? The same stories start every day again! And how do I notice changes in the type of love or the corruption? At the end of the day is in the list with the women only: no chance in green :-(

Thank you

PS : This is a translation from German into English using Google translator :-D
At the moment there is only this one day repeating. You can prolong some events by increasing love and corruption points with the characters. You can check your points via the phone. However, you need to keep a good relationship with the characters to be able to interact with them. You can do that by giving them gifts everyday and by interacting with them. You can find all information about the daily schedule in the walkthrough.


Also, momentan gibt es nur diesen einen Tagesablauf. Mit dem nächsten Update kommt dann das Wochenende hinzu. Du kannst einige Geschehnisse durch die Love- oder Corruption-Punkte erweitern. Diese sammelst du bei den Interaktionen mit den Leuten (farblich angezeigt). Damit du jedoch interagieren kannst, musst du die Beziehung (relationship) oben halten bzw. erstmal verbessern. Dafür gibt es seit der 0.2.6 die Geschenke. Diese kannst du per Handy kaufen und jedem Charakter einmal pro Tag (zu vorgegebenen Zeiten) schenken. Einen Überblick wie du mit welchem Charakter stehst, findest du ebenfalls im Handy.

Die Zeiten, wann ein Charakter wo ist und wann du Geschenke übergeben kannst, findest du im walkthrough. Achte auch auf die farblichen Unterschiede dort. Zu bestimmten Uhrzeiten kannst du zB. bestimmte Events mit Charakteren bekommen. Unter der Tabelle findest du die Events, die sich durch bestimmte Werte bei Love oder Corruption erweitern lassen. Ein Beispiel: Nicole (Mom) ist um 9 morgens im Club (per Stadtkarte) arbeiten. Wenn du 10 Love oder Corruption-Punkte mit ihr hast, verlängert sich die Szene etwas. Außerdem spielt auch eine Rolle, ob sie derzeit eine sehr schlechte Beziehung zu dir hat oder nicht, weil dann zB. auch noch das NTR-Event hintendran kommt.

Falls dich das jetzt überfordert hat, schreib mir einfach eine PM, dann erklär ich es dir nochmal genauer. ;)
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Could someone help me please? I can not quite handle the game yet. I have the walkthrough, but do not understand how I get ahead? The same stories start every day again! And how do I notice changes in the type of love or the corruption? At the end of the day is in the list with the women only: no chance in green :-(

Thank you

PS : This is a translation from German into English using Google translator :-D
It is still early development and not that much content yet.
When in your bedroom click the ! above your computer then click off to turn hard mode off Screenshot (116).png
To check stats use the contacts list on your phone Screenshot (117).png Screenshot (118).png

Es ist noch eine frühe Entwicklung und noch nicht so viel Inhalt. Wenn du in deinem Schlafzimmer bist, klicke auf! Über Ihrem Computer klicken Sie dann auf Aus, um den Festplattenmodus auszuschalten. Um die Statistiken zu überprüfen, verwenden Sie die Kontaktliste auf Ihrem Telefon
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2017
Es ist noch eine frühe Entwicklung und noch nicht so viel Inhalt. Wenn du in deinem Schlafzimmer bist, klicke auf! Über Ihrem Computer klicken Sie dann auf Aus, um den Festplattenmodus auszuschalten. Um die Statistiken zu überprüfen, verwenden Sie die Kontaktliste auf Ihrem Telefon
That machine translation is just hilarious. x'D

It put out the following sentence (translated back to English): 'If you are in your bedroom, click on ! above your computer click then on off to turn off the hard disc drive mode.'



Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 16, 2016
That machine translation is just hilarious. x'D

It put out the following sentence (translated back to English): 'If you are in your bedroom, click on ! above your computer click then on off to turn off the hard disc drive mode.'



That machine translation is just hilarious. x'D

It put out the following sentence (translated back to English): 'If you are in your bedroom, click on ! above your computer click then on off to turn off the hard disc drive mode.'

That's what I get for being dumb and using Googlex'Dx'D
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Feb 11, 2018
Hallo, Den Festplatten Modus ausschalten klingt sehr Komisch ^-^

was genau soll der Modus sein Hard Turn sein ?


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