Nice.. i think this update mainly deal with the dating system? I like how to creator is building up the mechanics from instead of just putting content to appease the en masse , meddling with the foundation later may be harder then. But it also mean this update content seem lesser ? Then again better bite the bullet now.
Personally i think both routes of the Nicole's date are dam well done , Nicole as usual great render...:heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes: ,
But the sudden appearance of a rival boss , kinda sudden for the flow of story.
ps .. creepy guy at the other table seem to have a redhead hot date , turn over pls...wonder what the creator intend with that arc:evilsmile:
And going on Alexis's date , great job on her date, even if i dun self roleplay , i think I might actually feel bad if Davide get his paws on her later... dam u game creator :FeelsBadMan: , setting this up....

Already waiting for the next update