Hey she is your "mother" after all, so no, we don't want her tu be used as cumbucket. :winkytongue:
For the older sister: yeah she is rebellous and wear some slutty cloth, but she surely doesn't want to be a cumbucket....okay maybe a little...
and the younger sister....yeah...naive....young, still I don't understand why she would do this things so fast, and more important: she is begging for more...man I play NTR, because I want some competition, not a sister who run's away after the first dick she got...especially when her first experience is ANAL. Man most girls doesn't want to have anal, and she beg's davide (who off course has a big black cock) to take her virginity....and the bad taste for me: she met him at 7pm at the barn, we got in the basement at 9pm (which is because these events are not correctly implemented) and in the night she get her ass fucked...woah....respect for the fastest, surreal, not really interresting "lil sis get NTRed"-experience...

But I hope, this is just for the paying patrons, who wanted her watch getting fucked...and maybe he qill decide to work on this events...
To the relation: I think, this is some weird system, I mean, talk to them, get minus-points at the night (why???) and when it's low they get fucked. Which there qould be an influence scala like in BB, which will shows you: "the NTR is coming, do something..."
But like every game in development, so much can change...I have hope...really :extremelyhappy: