Talking about NTR, I think it is the only genre where you can actually (d)evolve as a reader.
First stage: "Shock and Awe". You will read a NTR story ( or in our case, play a NTR game ) and be utterly devastated by it. You will want to kill whoever made the NTR content and you will want to kill those who love it. Fortunately, scientific studies have proven that it's very difficult to kill someone while beating your dick at the same time. Suicide is also very difficult to perform while jerking off - the only exception being erotic asphyxiation. Therefore, I do not recommend erotic asphyxiation while checking out what NTR is all about for the first time.
Achievement unlocked! You now know what it's like to be depressed.
Second stage: "Meh". Your heart and soul are gone. Your NTR resistance is at its maximum, but it came with a cost. Nothing can harm you anymore, but you can't feel anything either. You spend most of your time alone in the dark, thinking about the past, back when you were still alive. Every once in a while, you throw furniture to the ground, open and close doors for no reason and turn the lights on/off to see if someone out there is noticing you.
Achievement unlocked! You have now become a ghost.
Third stage: "Your own Doppelgänger". Now that you have died, the only thing left to do is to be born again - only this time, you are an evil mirror image of your previous self! Much like the victims in NTR stories, you have been corrupted over time. You now enjoy NTR to the fullest. When you read/play/see NTR, you don't imagine you're the Main Character: you imagine being the bad guy who steals the woman from the MC! Now you can be happy again - although this time, it's a more satanic version of happiness. In a way, you are one very, very twisted human being, but on the other hand, you don't mind at all! To be honest, you love it!
Achievement unlocked! You are one step closer to becoming a serial killer! Congratulations!
Fourth Stage: "???". Unlockable achievement: Become Mark Zuckerberg.