I agree with you. Promotion is the key, although you do it in site like F95. People will know the creator, and when they like your work, and have money to support, they would support you on a site like Patreon. I guess around 1800++ patrons at his patreon come from site like F95.
About subscriberstar, Personally, I dont know their rules about porn/ grey side of incest. Do subscriberstar also forbid to promote grey side of incest game? The meaning of grey side is, they way that you do to cover the real of incest stories, such as instead of say Nicole as your mom, they said her as a landlady or something different. (pardon for my english to explain my opinion)
I used to support Saddog for a few times. The last month I looked his official info at patreon. He was considering to move to SS for example, but he was also not sure about SS regulation to a type of game like The Tyrant. He also described (if i wasnt wrong) to seek another platform, but since paypal didn't include as their way to pay the contributor, Saddog didnt choose to use it.