Comics Completed The Ultimate Goblin Gangbang 2 [Oreo-The Lewd Cookie]

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Jun 20, 2017
@tarzan999 you can grab part one via this link : although it doesn't have any story in it . But.....
Still fappable ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Enjoys !
Also yeah i think imma try making a simple game (VN) once i'm done with the new comic . Stay tuned !

Was about to aski if there is a first part! Thank you, tasty one!


Nov 26, 2017
Thanks guys , glad you all enjoyed it .
Also @ you're talking about those VNs right ? Sadly i'm still not familiar with that soft ( Ren py ) and i'm sucks at writing plots lmao .
well, im not familiar with the programing stuff either, but im good as a writter, creating stories , but i see that you have the main idea when you create your renders , its like a silent movie, its just to fill it up with texts ( good texts, cuz your work deserve nothing less than the best)

pm me if you want me to add some texts to any story you already did , or some new project, i do this as a hobby

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Nov 26, 2017
hi guys, after i saw this wonderful job today, i couldnt avoid to try to write what could be an intro for a game of this genre (goblins), i normally write for myself , but today i would like to share it with all of you , i hope you like it , or take it as an idea for a future game


The story begins far far away in another galaxy crossing the 5 intergalactic moons,

where there is a planet (goblinland) ruled by goblins, selfish monters , thieves, with murderer instincts ,
,but at the same time smarts and fast learning creatures.

5 years ago, a contaminated comet with a virus passed closed to the admosphere mixing the virus with the oxygen,

this virus attacks the female hormones, preventing the development of the female uterus, "the race is at risk of extinction"

the goblins crowd is gathered in the square of the royal castle, waiting for the speech of their king,
hoping that he has the solution to this deadly threat

------------inside the royal room-------------------

an eldest goblin,known as the black wizard ,
holding in his hands the sacred book of prophecies
says with a fearful tone, the prophecy has been fulfilled,
this is the end of our world.

everyone looked at each others,
and they whispered (this is the end, our species will disappear forever)

the black wizard raised the book over his head and looking at everyone said , unless!!! unless!!! unless!!!

the goblin king shouted in a desperate way WHAT, WHAT, UNLESS WHAT

black wizard

: unless we follow the prophecy,
, and do everything as the holy book says.

king goblin:
So is there a solution? our female goblins will be fertile again ?

black wizard : no, saldy there is no cure for this virus

king goblin : mmmm, WHAT ?
how the fuck are we going to save ourselves?

black wizard:

i knew this would happen,
that's why I dedicate myself to study the sacred book, observe the galaxy and here is the answer.
Now all and each of you pay attention

the prophecy says:
a member of real blood will travel to an unknown world, and will bring a species capable of engendering and giving life to our species again

king goblin"s son : that will be easy

black wizard: KEEP LISTENING,
It's not as easy as you think,
After spending years exploring the galaxy, I found only one world that will fulfills the requirements of the prophecies,
it is called Planet Earth

king goblin"s son : i will go ,
I will bring all the female species of that planet,

black wizar: yes , you will go, because you are the only young goblin with royal blood in this kingdom,

but if you interrupt me again, I will cast a spell on you that will let you speechless for the next 1000 moons

now and for the last time , PAY ATTENTION!!!

the inhabitants of planet earth call themselves humans, and the female gender calls itself women,
to be able to bring women to our world, they have to come by their own will

but first you will have to follow the prophecy steps as it is written or otherwise the human species will not survive when entering our world






king goblin's son raised his right hand

balck wizard: mmmmm yes ?

king goblin,s son, ccccan i, can i ask you something ?

black wizard : go ahead

king goblin, son : what that means ? i dont understand

black wizard: that means , that you will have to find these humans females and used them as a slave, rape them, make them suffer,
forced them to do what you want,
and somehow you'll have to figure out how to change all that pain for pleasure,desires and love,

if you can get them to feel that for you, then they will be ready to enter our world,

where they will be used for the survival of our species.

now,come closer, drink this magical posion, and you will
grow twice your height, because humans are giants compared to us, but dont be scare they are weak
take also this piece of sacred rock, you will use it to reenter to our world when you complete your mission,
and remember our wolrd is in your hands

to be continued

Dr. Jeepers

Sep 30, 2017
Top notch renders but way too soft for me, a shield to the head and a knife against the skin is not graphic violence (tag) in my opinion, I even have a hard time calling it rape when the "victims" give up this easely against such weak force, perhaps they where frozen by fear, if a wee goblin had tried to hold my hands and fuck my mouth I would have crushed him to a pulp and I'm not even a fantasy warrior and or mage :evilupset:
Jun 8, 2018
@Mr.Monster yes they were frozen by fear , they're ''inexperience'' adventurers remember ? . So yeah... shiet happens lmao .
Also @ that's one hell of a plot you got there , space gobbos ... fuck yeah . But how can they get to earth tho ? Did i miss sth ?


Nov 26, 2017
Also @ that's one hell of a plot you got there , space gobbos ... fuck yeah . But how can they get to earth tho ? Did i miss sth ?
im glad you like it,

i will post like a chapter 2 later today, and i will explain that part ,


Nov 26, 2017
chapter 2

the king goblin's son : is that all you going to say ? , drink this , take this to return and thats it ?
how the hell im going to go to that planet ? , how these humans looks like ? are they agressive ? is their world like our?

black wizard : i was talikng in general, now lets go into details, but at the same time we going to start with the hole process,
we dont have to much time to loose

king goblin's son : are we short of time too ?

back wizard : YES, the only possible way to travel
through the space is following an special ritual, this ritual have to be done when the
the star of orion aligns itself with the planet alpha between both galaxies , and this only happen once every 200 years , so lets not
waste our time and lets start with the process . we have only 2 days left until this event occur , we only have 1 chance , SO !!!

take the magical posion now and drink it NOW !!!

king goblin's son : ok, i will do it, i have to

the king goblin's son drank the hole bottle, everybody in the room remain in a total silent , a couple minutes passed when the
magical formula started to interact with his body,

the young goblin fell into the floor writhing in pain, his body
began shaking, drool was coming out of his mouth, while he was screaming loudy in pain , AH AH AHHHHH

king goblin: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ? my son is dying

black wizard : DONT TOUCH HIM , STAY BACK, and just wait and watch my king

the king's son body began to change ,his muscles began to grow as well as his height, ( queen gobling was whisppering , fuck he looks
like an orc now, my poor boy )

the king's son stood up from the groung , and throw a load roar, ERRRRRRRR, I FEEL SO POWERFULL NOW , ERRRRR ,

the roar was so powerfull and intimidating that even in the square of the castle was heard ,

black wizard : mmmmm, awesome, the magical posion did exactly what i was expecting , now lets procede with the next step

the black wizard walked away from the room and return with a bucket with water , come young goblin, i want you to stare at the water

for a moment .

the black wizard began to pray a prayer in a foreign language ( ILUMINUM !!! HUMANIS !!! )

the water start to showing some strange images reflecting the figure of women , some human villages , cities, places.

king'son : are these the humans ? is that where i have to go ?

black wizard : yes young goblin, they are

king's son : everything looks so different that our world , but i have to say that those women looks atractives to me somehow , i dont know why

black wizard : thats once of the effect of the magical formula you drank early, it will give you not only muscles , also will give you an irresistible desire for these creatures.

now, lets keep going , we still have a lot to do.

now, as you can see, the humans looks totally different than us, and could be impossible for you to go unnoticed while you are with them .
but dont worry about it, once to get to the earth you will adopt their look, you will be like a comun human been , BUT, as a human you wont be able to
perform your mission, so pay attention and i will explain to you how you have to procede

you will walk around as a human
but when you find one woman and you get exited , you will have to say these worlds before having sex with them ( transformus real )
and them you will turn into your real aspect,

do you understand everything so far ?

king's son : yes i understand everything great black wizard

black wizard : ok, i think everything is done , its time to send you to the human planet young goblin ,follow me ,
we have to climb to the top of the volcano ASGARD , there is where i will open the Intergalactic passageway .
great king , nobody else can join us , you must remain here, only the choosen one will be able to go .

king goblin : god globin bless you , we will wait you here my son, be strong and bring the salvation to our land ,

king"s son : i will, i promess ,

the king's son and the black wizard head up to the mountain top , and ........

to be continued

next chapter , our hero will get into the earth, and the fun will begin
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Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
Top notch renders but way too soft for me, a shield to the head and a knife against the skin is not graphic violence (tag) in my opinion, I even have a hard time calling it rape when the "victims" give up this easely against such weak force, perhaps they where frozen by fear, if a wee goblin had tried to hold my hands and fuck my mouth I would have crushed him to a pulp and I'm not even a fantasy warrior and or mage :evilupset:
I tend to agree with this. The girls seemed to be rather indifferent to what was happening, except in a few poses. They need looks of shock and horror. The goblins also needed to tie them up or something; the lack of any resistance on the part of the girls is a missed opportunity.

Great renders, though. Nice use of lighting.

I could have done without the ending, though. Just leave that part vague. Butchering the girls just harshes the toke.


Mar 14, 2018
Top notch renders but way too soft for me, a shield to the head and a knife against the skin is not graphic violence (tag) in my opinion, I even have a hard time calling it rape when the "victims" give up this easely against such weak force, perhaps they where frozen by fear, if a wee goblin had tried to hold my hands and fuck my mouth I would have crushed him to a pulp and I'm not even a fantasy warrior and or mage :evilupset:
I've written off 3dcg for a long time because last time I looked it was pretty rough (like 10 years ago). So anyways the stuff's lookin pretty nice now, do you have any recommendations on real dark stuff? I'm a big fan of Euphoria/Guro so nothing is too rough. Would be great, no sweat if you don't have time :)


New Member
Jun 4, 2017
Really great comic man. But I've always wondered exactly what type of render program do you and folks that make comics like this use to create them?
Jun 8, 2018
Thanks guys glad y'all enjoyed it !
@ that's actually an interesting plot , space gobbo travelled to human realm to fk bitches . I'd rate a solid 5/7


Nov 26, 2017
Thanks guys glad y'all enjoyed it !
@ that's actually an interesting plot , space gobbo travelled to human realm to fk bitches . I'd rate a solid 5/7
thanks, let me know if you want me to continue writting it, maybe u can take it, and make a game from it , who knows ,

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