
Game Developer
Jul 1, 2017
This is a piracy website for the most part. Don't get to mad if someone does upload a patreon only content (characters) version :p
I don't get mad I get sad =(

..., but "Get dick out of pants, or strip lady" isn't exactly on most of the games I play and I ant gotta fucking clue what to press.
Maybe include subtitles too for the moans/ "i won't let you get away with this." etc, maybe I'm deaf.
Right now you cannot manually take your dude out, but yeah I will be adding this for sure so you are not limited only to the sex scenes and you should be able to interact with it in other ways. I also need to add subsitles...

Maybe work on the tutorial first.
Yeah, thats as far as I have worked on the tutorial, I try to work on it but I also try to add some other nice things like the sex scenes that you can see activating the armchair and then sitting on it. To activate it look for a console nearby
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Game Developer
Jul 1, 2017
Even the best pirate must invest into his ship, this is our ship, we are its crew.

"We lift together" they say
OMG I have not heard wiser words.
Indeed if every single of you could invest even $1 on the projects you like that would be enough bread for that developer to deliver the game, once is delivered feel free to be pirates but at least you invested on it. <-- You didn't hear that from me.
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Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
OMG I have not heard wiser words.
Indeed if every single of you could invest even $1 on the projects you like that would be enough bread for that developer to deliver the game, once is delivered feel free to be pirates but at least you invested on it. <-- You didn't hear that from me.
If that was really the case, then you would be using a one-time payment crowdfunding model like Kickstarter/Indiegogo/etc. But getting paid once and being expected to deliver a complete product (you know, the way buying things has worked since the invention of fucking commerce) doesn't sound nearly as nice as bilking a bunch of morons every month pretty much endlessly, is it? I played a previous build maybe six months ago, and the newest "public"/F95 demo is basically functionally identical. If I had decided six months ago to be one of the gullible rubes who pays into Patreon scams, I'd be out $30 and have nothing to show for it; whereas I can take those $30 and hit up Steam or Humble Bundle or whatever and up with several complete games with actual content for the same amount.


Jun 30, 2019
if every single of you could invest even $1 on the projects you like ... once is delivered feel free to be pirates but at least you invested on it.
Balance, If everyone finds one project they like, put 5$ into it every 3 months, then upload it. post it here. Everything would've uptodate builds here. And we still would have an additional ~6-7 million per year in the stuff we like. But for that we need to do it, not just sit there and hope that it happens. We can have both, Money in the projects and piracy.

The art is to support the ones who don't fuck you over no matter how flashy their colors, and ruin those who do.

But getting paid once and being expected to deliver a complete product (you know, the way buying things has worked since the invention of fucking commerce)
You missunderstood what patreon is. You do not "buy a product" because there is no product to be bought. You support development. You sponsor someone to sit in a basement and code so a product can exist in the first place. What you get is a mere shell of a prototype which is nowhere near to being a product.

If you want to buy a product then unfortunately you have to wait until that product exists. That's the same reason you cant play farcry6 right now.

I played a previous build maybe six months ago, and the newest "public"/F95 demo is basically functionally identical.
Thats why a changelog would be nice. Anyway, what are you mad about? Are you angry because he can't code better? You are mad at something you got for free, you could have said no.

Also there was changes. Didnt he implement the sex thing for us? And we don't even back him. How are you still angry?

If I had decided six months ago to be one of the gullible rubes who pays into Patreon scams, I'd be out $30 and have nothing to show for it; whereas I can take those $30 and hit up Steam or Humble Bundle or whatever and up with several complete games with actual content for the same amount.
Which you for one didn't, and for the other know that you are sponsoring a developer, if you not happy with his performance then dont sponsor him. it's as easy as that. take your 5$ and put it somewhere you like. You shape the market, but shape it so it benefits you in the long run. We all have our resaons we pirate, For one we can't afford, for the other we have been burned enough times in the past.
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it anymore, We put our money somewhere, at least for me at the end of every month there is none left, so atleast with that little that we have we have to watch out even more where we put it.
Even if that means buying a legit arduino once in a while instead of just clones. Or buying a licence for that program one has used for over 20 years. Or pressing a donate button on a website i check twice a day. Choose one, that is someone who has the same dream as you, who works on something you want, who isn't some greedy asshole company and support them.

The nice thing about piracy is you don't have to pay. You can just download and play, fuck it, and if its crap then dont care because you didnt get burned. those fools who paid for that crap did.
But if it isn't crap. And its a thing you want to see grow you should consider supporting it, in the scope one can afford, if that means 2$ every other newyear that's ok, who cares. We pirate.
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Nov 25, 2018
I will probably make some people angry but I tried the demo it didn't piss me off like AT ALL. I am happy with one character even. The synth is ugly. I prefer the original feline fatal or cat woman lol. Now she speaks too. Apart from characters you can do all you can do in the full version I guess or am I missing something here? This is not even a DEMO, this is 90 percent FULL I guess. Heck 10 percent demo? Be nice. I give virtual coffee see? Free. :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:
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Aug 1, 2017
What do you mean? Znel just posted v24. and v24 with bugfixes.

Correct me if i am wrong here. I cant play atm because i got a flatmate, so thats why i have to rely on what has been posted.

v24 is basically the patreon version as far as i understood it, just with 2 characters instead of 5. There has been changes between v19 which is the latest one posted here before and the current one which is on patreon. So for people like me, who currently cant play, a detailed changelog would be nice because we are curious too what changed.

Anyway I don't get what it is you all so mad about. I mean why didnt nobody upload anything? You could have. I wanted to see where this was going.

There is a guy, probably sitting alone in the dark basement, coding so i can fap on catwoman in VR. If you would've said that sentence out loud 20 years ago people would call you a crazy person. What is it really? Subbing to the 5$ tier every three months is like a pack of cigarettes. or 1/2g Weed or 1-2 beer in a semiwhat-ok-bar.
I am not saying EA, Epic or Actiblizz Fuck these greedy assholes. But thats exactly where they will go if they can't live from their own projects. Instead of more Vrporn we get more Call of Duties, more Fifas, more battlefields, more SoonTM from Valve and more exclusives on Epic. And i dont care about those, except if its Call of Duty porn.

I didn't back much in the past, but i think i can spare a couple of beers to the people who made the "VR everything fucks everything"-Simulator (VAM) once in a while. And i really want to fap to photorealistic vrwaifus in a few years.

So it would be nice if we for once didn't murder a whole genre again. Imagine, everyone registered on this board would take 5$ and just lift it in the air, that's 1.8Million$. If we want this nightmare of a gaming industry to end we need to do something about that. I am not saying one must spend their paycheck on donations, we are not rich here, But for me, i like This game, and i like f95. So the next time i go and buy a pack of cigarrettes, i give them each 5$ and buy them a pack too. And even if that happens only twice a year, half of us thats a million into porn. Our porn, which then gets posted here.

Even the best pirate must invest into his ship, this is our ship, we are its crew.

"We lift together" they say
Can I get a amen! Well put indeed.


Jun 30, 2019
Well you guys got played.

Pirate getting controlled by the product maker to stop looting his shit. And just gave you bones to compensate and he takes all the meat away.:ROFLMAO: and those that grab the bones are defending him.

the only reason why nothing has been uploaded yet is because nobody wanted to. so if you want that upload so badly why didn't you post it? nobody is stopping you.

dont get me wrong here, i am not defending him. i dont know him and i dont care about him. but i like vrporn. i never said support This project. i said support any project, and then upload it here or on whichever piracy board it fits. thats how it should work. everyone brings one upload and together we have everything. While also letting artists live. But if we just take everything without even thinking about support what we like all we going to get is half finished crap. 1 + 1 = ?


Active Member
Sep 30, 2018
This demo actually caught my interest and I think it's pretty solid so far. I'd like to see more tools in the future to torture and other things. One complaint I do have, is the disintegrator ray gun doesn't seem to have a way to recharge its 8 shots without restarting the full game.


Jun 30, 2019
Do we have to buy the game or are we gona get the full version here?
As soon as someone posts it here it will be here, so why dont you? Where do you think those uploads are coming from?
Dec 30, 2018
Thanks for the nice words and this is something very true, The Villain Simulator is not my master piece, TVS is my entry card to a life of an indie game dev, if I succeed with it then I will be able to deliver with it all other amazing games I have in my head, I would be able to work on them with my full potential on a full time basis and wont have to worry to maintain another job that doesn't make me as happy as making lewd games.

This thing with F95 is not an agreement set in stone nor even in paper, it was me humbly asking for help and thinking on a way to compensate for this huge help for which I am infinitely grateful because you might be the reason I will deliver TVS and eventually all those other games I am talking about.

Keep dreaming until it becomes your reality
Hey Znel since you're getting easy life here and it's been a while since the removal of the full beta on this site, could we at least upload the beta 20?
Like it lacks several stuff from the latest build and at least people here get an idea of the editor, which imho is one of the core functions of the title.

I'm not going to lie I ended up supporting you (when I had money at least) because I had the chance to try first hand the complete demo thanks to a friend.

Noproblem if you think it'd be too much, I'll cease the request

Keep up the good work!
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