VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Visit [v1.0] [Stiglet]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    honestly i was gonna give 3 star but cuz there is some good point i gave 4

    render is good
    storyline i don't really like it but it's a decent story
    plus point from this game is the fap mat(sex) is really good, much sex scene i love

    just ignore it if u dont understand what i write, cuz i just wanna give some star
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished my first playthrough of this today and it was great! Looking forward to trying out more routes.

    The characters were very nice and the animations were pretty good. I really liked the pacing as well. A good mix of lewd content and story. Would recommend!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun game with and ok story. Could've been longer but what we have is just enough I guess.
    Animations and renders are pretty nice.
    Models are really hot. Fell in love with the aunt.
    I felt like some choices looked not-so-important choices but had more effect on the ending than I thought. With walkthrough mod or maybe by being more carefull than me, you can avoid those of course.
    I think Dev went over the top with MC's dick but women looked like they were enjoying it :D
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good VN. Not too cringy dialog, interesting characters, lovely story. Just a bit of interaction tho, it could have a bit more. It really got a little weird for me with the mom figure being also a target but it had a nice wholesome ending. The models are very well made specially the young ones, and the animations are solid without many problems. Definitely a recommend for VN enjoyers
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    okay this is easily one of the best incest games on the site.
    the story is amazing the three main girls are just beautiful and different and their sex faces are just to die for, i felt helpless against these fuck me faces.
    the MC looks bad as usual i mean who still uses that same haircut...
    the outfits the girls wore were just amazing and super sexy.
    the scenes were close enough to each other that its fappable.
    my only problem was the skipping , there is 5 paths in the game that u can go to and they all share the same scenes except like 4 scenes or something, but the endings were not skippable even though u read the same text and seen some of the scenes the exact same way b4, that was annoying and a waste of time for me.
    so if u go with the mod u will most definitely miss scenes in the game.
    for example the cave scene has 3 variants with each of the main girls.
    hospital scene you either get haily or if u dont forgive her u get the hot doctor.
    and if u do get the doctor u can then enter her stall in the changing rooms while with haily and fuck the doctor there too.
    when u r back in the college if u messed up bad with haily u get the teacher instead not sure if this last one is treated as an ending scene.
    bottom line is its better u just skip the entire story to get to the special missable scenes, and dont choose the easy i am here to see ending option because u will miss like 4 scenes atleast.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A simple AVN that provides several paths (including harem) and circles chiefly around the theme of incest.
    Story is ok, it has a bit drama which, based on your choosed paths, leads to different outcomes; but most of the daily dialogues are kind of boring.
    Character models are very good from my perspective, even though both Karen and Nikki share the same face model, I don't mind that much.
    Character arcs are what makes the game interesting in the first place. Nikki, the de facto main MG, is hands down the most attractive and interactive MG of all three. Easily the only goddess in this game; Karen (your mom) is reserved at first but still very caring and lovely; it is kind of awkward to treat Haley as one of the three MGs in the game because I don't think her presence is "that" important than the other two. The majority of the interaction between Haley and other characters are just meant to spice up the story, so I have no interest to play her solo path.
    Not much gameplay and animation is ok.
    Overall not a bad incest-related AVN, the whole game for me is worth three stars, but man that hot chick Nikki is just something you can't miss, so easily 4/5 for me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked this game very much, but let's count the stars:
    1) Story is ok, writing is average. Sometimes nice, sometimes awful, not sure it can get some writing awards tbh (-)
    2) Characters are not bad, Character looks are Stunning.
    Nikki is main female character hottest, most active, True goddes of love and lust (++)
    Karen is also quite hot and lovely. (+)
    Haley is here Just to spice up the story, not bad Character but can't call her "love interest" tbh
    Side character are quite simple but nice and Hot (+)
    3) Sex scenes are quite Hot, closer to end become better (even boobs animation better in later scenes) (+)
    4) MC is standart imbecile with ultra big cock. Sometimes I hoped he'll Just accidentally die or lose his Balls) (--)
    5) Game is finished (+)
    Endings are not Just Endings but great "afterstory" (++)
    Tbh playing without walkthrough always ends with Nikki Solo for Me cause... She Just breaks my willpower, Why anyone needs other girls if there is Nikki? ))

    (--- ++++++++)
    Wanted to give it 4/5 at first but Nikki ending make this game worth 5/5 for Me.
    This game surely worth a try!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really appreciated this game: the plot is quite interesting, the girls are awesome, no minigames, no need for money...and freedom of choice! Some hero made a walkthrough so it's impossible not to have sexy times with every female character; multiple endings stimulate starting a new game.

    I have to say, on my first run, the sound of orgasming women left me absolutely amused, it came really unexpected and I loved it! The only two flaws were footjobs and anal intercourses, but that was me not being a fan of these...activities :LOL:

    You know, I'm not a proper nerd nor geek (I'm still not sure of their meanings), just a simple guy who likes older women and gave this VN a shot (my only goal was banging Nikki ;)), so I'm not gonna tell you about graphics, renders and stuff, but if you feel alone and lack a lady's company (or MORE ladies' attention) this game is worth your time!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Yep. It's another typical story about some young college dude who never touched a girl but at the same time he has really large dick and ends fucking milfs with absurdly big breasts (as usual they go completely batshit after seeing MC's dick). We've all been there and already saw it. Nothing new in this area.

    But even with this typical story game is actually good. Cute models, decent animations and lots of sexy content. We have even multiple endings. So yeah. It's really worth checking out.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    play 0.12.5 with french trad (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    story: 2/5 Really very average

    characters: 2/5 The characters are rather badly written, the diversity is very low, the breasts are mountains, and the sex of the mc is a little too big (not that I'm a fan of realism on this, but this is too much)

    sex scene: 5/5 Nothing to say about that, a good variety, extremely good quantity, good duration!

    renders: 3/5 There is worse, but there is really much better

    animation: 3.5/5 I really don't understand why not having them just kept with the right "timing". The basic speed is sorely lacking in fps, when you accelerate there, it's very good animations and when you accelerate again, it's just way too fast, I don't mind that we are the choice, but still we have to that the 3 speeds are well worked.

    sound: There are some and that's a pleasure, even if the "groans" are more disturbing and redundant than erotic

    gameplay: 2/5 Multiple endings. Yes, but with very few choices (and all uninteresting and badly written) and which in reality is of no importance until the end scenes

    Overall this game is very uninteresting, fortunately the scenes are of very good quality, it allows it to have the average, otherwise it is not worth more than 2 stars
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    review based on 1.0(final) version
    - good cg
    - animations
    - too few content, imean- game is too short, near 1.5 hours(depend on reading speed) with reading some code . and this after 2 years development...
    - unobvious and unclear choices with hidden "character_points" behind. some(near half) choices not important... almost forget- only 10-12 choices is important, gj...
    - w/o wt or reading code player ll unable to reach prefered ending

    my real rating is 3.6 stars for that.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders of Nikki are so sensual. The plot are not complicate, but the decisions make the game.

    - render
    - sex scenes
    -Many path

    -few scenes with some intrestingpersonages
    - We will never see the second part :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of sex, hot models, doesn't overstay its welcome. Some might say that the characterization is a bit thin but it works fine for a porn game. Isn't intrusive with text dumps and the milfs are pleasant enough. You don't get much in the way of choices but there are some meaningful branches which affect the ending you'll get.
    A strong 4.5 stars.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a frickin masterpiece. I picked this one up from a thread poll and man am I glad I did. I spent the past few days playing this one so it isnt short. It's actually surprisingly long and thorough. When you pick the harem option it's legit. The story makes it happen in a fairly logical way, and the lewds cover all kinds of options. Speaking of the nice things about this VN is that it starts the lewds fairly early and it keeps them coming and coming. Talk about a treat. And the character models are believable for their age for a change which is really nice. The animations are plentiful and the speed up options along with viewpoint changes really add a lot of value. This developer is one of the few making a truly worthwhile product.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous ladies and hot, high quality sex scenes held together by something that barely resembles a plot. What's not to love. Personally, I did not really enjoy this game that much, because out of the female cast, I only like one, not to mention I especially dislike the one the showed up with the highest frequency. If you are not like me annoyed by some of these characters, and you are just looking for good time, I'm sure you will find one here.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Man.... what sexy rendered, nice plot written, and all around huge facial giving blast of a game this was. Highly recommended if you like 3D big tits, big asses, and big cumshots. The games plot was fire, and the multiple different endings make the game replayable.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The Visit is one of my favorite games to come back to. It's like comfort food, at this point: familiar and satisfying. Nikki in particular is hot as hell, but there's plenty of good scenes across the board. If I had to quibble, I wish there were more choices. The plot isn't linear exactly, but it would be great to have more depth and variety
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Well this was great game no question about it. While the story is nothing special, the models, character design and actual personalities of the characters make this game just plain old fun.
    Side note, I found the maid interactions hilarious.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Where do I start? The wicked cool animations? The awesome story? This game has it all, and then some. The females in this game are gorgeous, the mom and aunt are mesmerizing. And, their outfits are equally mesmerizing. You can tell the Dev spent a lot of time on every detail incorporated into this game. Even the music is good! But, I don't care about the music, I found myself entranced into the role of the MC. There's only a few games that have that magical quality, and this is one of them. Officially in my top 3 greatest of all time.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The visual are great but i'm really not a fan of the Aunt. The mother and girlfriend, the maid, all those are very good looking.

    Besides i found the choices rather poor and the story very short.

    So not a bad experience, but certainly not what i hoped.

    The passing of time in the story is not bad in itself but it contributes to this impression of a short game.