2.50 star(s) 6 Votes


New Member
Feb 19, 2023
Is there a gallery for this game anymore? In the individual chapters it would be in the title screen but idk if you have to unlock it specifically in this game or smthing


New Member
May 10, 2023
I am stuck at the part : " Find a good interrogator then go to the dungeon", since a long time. I could not find dungeon's location(even after building it) and I know interrogator is wonder woman but I do no what to do with that information , I have tried everything I could and still unable to proceed. Any hint/help ?


May 11, 2017
And there we go, never before was there anti cheat code in this game. But now there is. Making this game literally a torture fest, I take it that's what they want. The point is to torture anyone who wants to play this. After the club rework it was still playable with save editor. However poof altered save detected now exiting game.

So I'll keep at it, skew your anti cheat I'll break dat. Cheat happens.


New Member
May 19, 2023
Is the "gameplay" still the new atrocity or has it been reverted back? The game was a grind before but still chill, my god did it all change when the fire nation attacked.


New Member
Oct 28, 2020
OK so for anyone who doesn't want to go through the god awful grind of this game, here's an exploit I found.

1) Build a mission room and get a B girl, any will do.
2) Build the observatory and assign the B girl in there.
3) Save your game, go to the observatory and unlock a random scene in the gallery (costs 10k)
4) Reload and repeat.

The scenes will stay unlocked in the gallery so you can keep reloading and unlocking scenes. The only drawback is that you can unlock an already unlocked scene so, in that case, nothing will happen, this will get more annoying the less scenes you have left to unlock. But its still faster to do it this way than to do it normally.


Aug 5, 2018
So 1.8.3 has been out for a while now and further development appears to be on hiatus while another game is worked on. I was going to grind out a 100% save and guide so people could see that there is a decent game here but have been foiled by the game deciding my save was modified (I'd had to exit the game during a new day transition due to it hanging). So instead I'll put up my 90% guide and supposedly corrupted save in the hopes it helps people or people can help me. This guide includes all codes, intial stats, most dating choices and a tonne of hints/suggestions. It should be mostly correct but feel free to let me know where it isn't.

Reflections on the latest version apart from that admittedly very annoying save issue:
-I largely enjoyed the experience. I think the management is solid without being overwhelming, the art can be great and some of the date VN's are also good.
-I don't know whether the dev listened to my review in particular or if it's just because of general feedback, but most of my major concerns have been addressed in some fashion. The client room micromanagement has been slightly streamlined and better yet, when you gain access to AI control it almost fixes this issue entirely, albeit with bugs. The art is improving. The UI has been played around with and gadgets added to help with management. Some of the later date VN's are highlighting the girls' unique qualities. Many of these are nowhere close to perfect (largely due to engine constraints I believe) but at least the dev seems to take on board feedback.
-It appears to me that the game is wrapping up. There's no need for more girls, most of the current ones are finished and I think the story could happily end in the next chapter. Point being that this doesn't seem to be an eternal project.

Just in case the dev sees this, my gripes are (and I know not all of these can be fixed, more something to keep in mind next game):
-Inconsistent tone. The MC is a hypersexual buffoon in the main story, a management genius when I control him in the main game and a sweet yet suave paramour in the dating sections. This applies to the girls a bit too, dating-story-work they don't seem the same people. Art could be more consistent also, but I think this is improving.
-UI can still be improved using more tabs (I wish popups) and some more streamlining.
-The dungeon could be made more important by allowing girls to learn additional traits, rather than just replacements.
-An additional lab slot would be great.
-Some of the effects are still vague eg. the guard. However, I note that this has also seen improvements.

If you find your girls are stuck in the nether-realm of "room 7" or anywhere else, go to the void gate->search for girl->type "unassignall".
  • Yay, new update!
Reactions: LurkingSince1994


Dec 26, 2018
how do you progress this game everytime i start it all the money just goes - and all the girl become red in the moral thing this game used to be good but this new club and interface update is a shit


Aug 5, 2018
how do you progress this game everytime i start it all the money just goes - and all the girl become red in the moral thing this game used to be good but this new club and interface update is a shit
Here's the way I start. Not the only way of course but it should get you to the stage of having a head builder with I=9 and an influx of A and B girls.
1-Go to the void gate and type "goku" and "order69". Satsuki will end up as your head builder, able to build anything in 1 day and Ashoka will be your mission agent.
2-Put the 3 A girls in client rooms, making sure to get the highest income for each. You may need to play around with combos but should aim for 3k at least for each. Whenever your A girls are not needed elsewhere, put them to work here. At the start of the game, this is pretty much your only income so prioritize it.
3-Put the 2 C girls with highest Org in the maintenance room as cleaners. Leave the others until you need a healer or upgrader for your A girls. Don't heal, upgrade or buy C girls, they will all be redundant in 2 weeks.
4- End the day and repeat (rearrange your client rooms as necessary) until you can upgrade Satsuki. Put any points into her Int then build the mission room if you have the money (girls room if you don't). Use C girls for secondary roles like lab (int higher than 2 and high org) and 2nd builder (strength mainly).
5- Upgrade Ashoka's energy to 30 once you can and get her to run missions with a high org C girl as the controller.
6- Fill up lobby, maintenance and mission roles with A and B girls as you can. Save up 150k before embarking on the story missions.
See my guide in the above post for more details.

are there any tricks for money? Or can someone give me his saves?
My day 28 attached, though I recommend trying my tips before giving up.

What the fuck are the cara lab upgrades?
Orb Pills- 3k- Breast enlarger pill sold in store. 1 CG (Pretty uselss)
Nano Silk- 3.6k- Invisible clothes sold in clothes shop. 1 B girl (Useful for B girl)
Particle Geolocator- 4.2k+7.5k for shop- Teleport device sold in shop. (Slight convenience)
Alternate Time Modification- 30k- Change girl choice (eg. swap Belle for Elsa). (End game use)
Bio Helper- 30k- Can research twice a day. (Not amazing but lets you get through research more quickly if done first.)
So other than the nano silk, you can leave these until you have plenty of cash.


New Member
Mar 12, 2019
About the 1.8.3 version, I got this window message while clicking on "Deeper conversation" with Lara: The label "latalk7" could not be found. Anyone got this too?
2.50 star(s) 6 Votes