2.30 star(s) 6 Votes


Game Developer
Oct 12, 2022
So I played the entire game and I mean the entire game because there is a way past the first demo lock, don't know about the second one so I am assuming, when the ship would spawn in.

Firstly, I like the visuals even though they are heavy on the hardware requirements side, but such is the natural effect of better development software demanding better hardware that majority of consumers don't have the money for sadly. The two (M) key animations are solid and I assume are a snapshot for the future which is promising in my eyes.

Strangely, I find the character customization preview to undersell how good the characters actual look. My advise is to just finish your character design and look at it actually in game because it looks way better in the actual game if you stopped playing based on the preview.

The actual gameplay is pretty much a rage game where figuring out where you go is half the battle and can and will absolutely piss you off, in my opinion. Especially if you have the experience I did and never used the (F) key to get to the end of the demo. Either way, it felt like my Amygdala was being "Harlem Struggled" against my will. (Don't look that up if you don't want to know)

The character has absolutely no motor function and ignores physics 90% of the time and will slip and fall on anything. If you are not spamming the (F) key, even at the slightest change of elevation, you will fall and take damage or even die almost 100% of the time. So before you even get into the game, LOOK AT THE GUIDE ON THE MENU, or else you will quickly develop a state of mania like I did beating the demo without looking at it and knowing about the (F) key.

There is a very safe way to ignore the extreme physics of this game however and I figured it out midway through my first playthrough through and that is to never ever walk. Walking is a beginners trap as stupid as that is to say. If you want almost 100% safety, punch to move. You will never slip as long as you don't punch more then twice otherwise you will do a kick and you will slip. You can even fall extremely far and be completely ok, I beat the demo in almost 5 minutes on my second playthrough versus my first 3 hour rage producing experience.

This punch to move strategy was what allowed me to climb the mountains to the left outside the cave and go to the house completely skipping the first Demo Lock and get the axe. DO NOT USE THE AXE after the first enemy you see, use the axe to deal the isopod scarab creature in the cave because it's stuck as you approach, then ditch it and go back to punch moving and (F) climbing up any surface.

Trying to use the axe is like trying to stick your dick in a cheerio without it breaking, it just won't happen. 99% of the time the enemies are to close for you to hit them and elevation differences will literally cause the enemies to run under you and trigger the falling animation which will kill you making fighting them a miserable experience and literally impossible. Just skip them and punch to move and use the (F) key to get to what I believe is the end of the current build which is the campfire.

All that said. Hope this helps people, I think the game will be great and this studio deserves support and the currant build is a good snapshot of the future. I wish the development team luck. Hope my experiences with game and some of the things I've pointed out help with the future build.
WOW, best beta test I had so far. Thank you.
Naturally that is not the only way to beat the game, you can walk and explore, just mind the angle of the ground and use F and crouch.


Game Developer
Oct 12, 2022
CHEAT guys! it makes it more tolerable :WeSmart:

Try running CheatEngine and scanning for value 100 as a float value type, then scan for a decreased value after an injury, then die and scan for decreased value again while in the game over screen, then press Esc, select restart game and scan for exact value 100 again, you should get 3 values like in my screen shot, if not repeat the process until you do, when you have gotten the 3 matching float values add them to your address list and lock them with the red x like in the picture
View attachment 2881520

Edit: possibly you will only need to find 2 exact 100 values as I am seeing now in my game

You can also use a similar scanning method with CheatEngine to give infinite stamina

And btw if you go off the cliff it will still instadeath you
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Feed99
Sep 4, 2022
Crouching, in my experience, only gets you slightly further. In the places where the ground is like stairs and triggers the pitter patter animation of going down stairs for lack of better terminology, is only when crouching offers a very slim safety net. Still worth doing of course, but very negligible. The elevation changes, even the slightest of changes, still manages to feel like you're in a slip and slide simulation regardless of crouching or not. That's my experience with it however.


Apr 7, 2023
ok i tried but this game is just unplayable, i died so many times not because of my mistake but because they game is so buggy like falling from 2 meter and i died with full HP, what is even worse is the fact that the game has no checkpoint or saving system so you have to restart from the begining everytime you die to stupid buggy damage mecahnic.
I think because MC just came out of years of cryo or what ever that thing was, maybe he/she is very weak and prone to death and also hanging out for a good wank apparently

Also there is check points thru the game and it is playable, my self and a few other people on here have played the demo thru to the end


Nov 9, 2019
If I should suggest things to fix as first, the movement, it's cool but also makes the character clumsy and just getting down the hill takes so many tries that the moment I got down and slipped I just uninstalled it... maybe my review is a little too low but for current state of game I'd say pretty accurate, I wouldn't recomend playing to anyone. Hope I'll be able to try fixed version in future to fix the review, looks like cool concept
edit: ( maybe just add save/load system, so that it's not like meatboy 3D )


Game Developer
Oct 12, 2022
If I should suggest things to fix as first, the movement, it's cool but also makes the character clumsy and just getting down the hill takes so many tries that the moment I got down and slipped I just uninstalled it... maybe my review is a little too low but for current state of game I'd say pretty accurate, I wouldn't recomend playing to anyone. Hope I'll be able to try fixed version in future to fix the review, looks like cool concept
edit: ( maybe just add save/load system, so that it's not like meatboy 3D )
You don't like the concept and for that rated one star.
Walking step by step makes you not slip unless the angle is way too steep. That will stay that way and there will be ingame options to make the character less clumsy like skill, shoes...
The system is a bit buggy at the moment but what you all refer to as a bug just isn't. It's meant to be difficult. Go hiking bare foot in the rain and see for yourself, preferably just after waking up for that is what the character goes through.

As for the optimization the game is just starting and by the time it gets finished the average hardware will handle it just fine as it does now. My wife's laptop handles it no problem. And we were optimizing for years to this level. World streamer is still in development and that is the ONLY unoptimized part now. Big one, I'll give you that, but the only one.
I'm a big graphics freak and won't sacrifice it unless I absolutely have to. Already gave up too much.

Save system is in the works at the moment.
Sep 4, 2022
Sadly, I "kind of" concur with the opinion of Dn2sm, considering there is no goal or rather reward for reaching the goal as it stands. There is no point in trying and playing other then to do so and the game actively makes it difficult to have that be an enjoyable experience due to its nature. You need extreme patience to figure out the nuisance of the movement system, which is both deeply in depth and admittingly jank at times, and a lot of people, in my opinion, just don't have the time to figure it out especially when there is no incentive to spend that time in order to do so.

It is why I am personally of the belief that maybe a third (M) key animation, or any sexual, customization, or item unlock could be unlocked for reaching a certain point in the demo or the end of it. To me, it always felt better to work towards the sexual content rather then have it handed out from the beginning, especially in a case like this game where it is so brutal. The brutal difficulty creates a certain worth and having an object of accomplishment gives that difficulty credit, but that's just me. A fine balance between difficulty and reward is my opinion on what would be healthy for the game.

I think such a system gives people incentive to actually play the game and comment it on constructively because they had to experience the content and feel rewarded by doing so, rather then walk out die a bunch of times, press the (M) key, Nut, and then uninstall and then no constructive feedback is shared, in what I assume is the common experience for a lot of people. I know it's nut and done for a lot of people. As a person once said "Ain't Nobody got time fo dat" *Snaps fingers*. Especially true nowadays. But, I think this game can be worth people's time if given time. You just need to be willing to share it. If you can and want to of course.

Edit: Just read the review, didn't know it was its own tab, sorry for being a forum scrub, anyway.

Optimization is an issue, but from my experience, what highly rendered 3d game recently has that not been a complaint. It is why I originally said that it is just the nature of improving software demanding far better hardware then what is normally affordable. The overheating concerns me because hardware, especially lately with how fast hardware is being shit out without quality checks to meet demand, is just to fragile to heat. I feel my case get extremely hot as well, but I am not a computer technician, so I can't confirm or deny that it is a problem for me, my cooling unit is pretty good. I understand it will concern and be an issue for lower end systems however.

Already commented on the movement, it is extremely sensitive and honestly, maybe toning it down or rather fine tuning and making apparent what you can slip on, what causes you to stumble, etc is the right move in order to open up to a bigger audience for easier digestibility of the game in its entirety, especially the mechanics. Which, being forthright here, the draw is the character model quality and the sexual animations and it will always be the draw and the reason people stay, I say that from experience and as a member among consumers, no one is going to stay because using your legs is hard.

I do think the review is harsh, but it also comes from a place of what most people are going to experience so, what am I say. Give it a chance and spend the time you want to spend on it. It's a player's choice to do so. It is a alpha at the end of the day and should be treated as such. Were pretty much alpha/bug testers so I think it should be reviewed from that lens. That's why I personally wouldn't give it a one because I think that's rated with the expectation of perfect functional game, but hey. That's the audience expectation mostly I find, so who am I to say. Just my opinions at the end of the day.

Either way, standing wave studio, just... Thanks. That's all I can say really. Keep on trucking.
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Reactions: BladerayW


Game Developer
Oct 12, 2022
That is my goal naturally. There is not that much of a reward at the moment but there will be. We are working on a new version of characters and equipment this time and when that is ready all this will be different. Won't be less difficult but will be less jank and more reward.


Game Developer
Oct 12, 2022
My point exactly. I know that it is still not perfect and that it needs more work but one star for all the work and money I put in over the years is rubbish.

I was making adult mods for 20 years without making a single buck. Made some of the first nude mods for few games. And I decided to make this for mod making is limited.

I'm doing this this way for I like difficult games, I need a challenge in order to feel accomplishment when finishing a game. One of the best games for me is Kenshi for that reason and that game is brutal. This game won't be that brutal but it won't be far either.

That said I know this demo is frustrating more then I would like but decided to publish for right now I can put less then half of my time in this and hope that some people will see the value of what I'm trying to accomplish and support me to grow my team and make this the game I want it to be. But I will continue making it even without support just like I was making mods.


Jul 31, 2023
The developers didnt lie when they said "physics based" God damn. This demo is something else. The way the characters guts move while breathing, The realtime damage mech, the slipperiness based on how wet the floor is. The controlled descent mechanic (press F near a ledge or similar to descend in controlled manner reduces damage). This is enticing looking for a more completed story with more to do ingame.


Jul 31, 2023
My point exactly. I know that it is still not perfect and that it needs more work but one star for all the work and money I put in over the years is rubbish.

I was making adult mods for 20 years without making a single buck. Made some of the first nude mods for few games. And I decided to make this for mod making is limited.

I'm doing this this way for I like difficult games, I need a challenge in order to feel accomplishment when finishing a game. One of the best games for me is Kenshi for that reason and that game is brutal. This game won't be that brutal but it won't be far either.

That said I know this demo is frustrating more then I would like but decided to publish for right now I can put less then half of my time in this and hope that some people will see the value of what I'm trying to accomplish and support me to grow my team and make this the game I want it to be. But I will continue making it even without support just like I was making mods.
Dont worry about the negative reviews, This could be a milestone in Real time physics based games if done correctly. I look forward for more updates and try to support you through patreon as well. You will be the first.


Dec 1, 2018
I made a second run to see if I could do it differently and yes I could, but I tried first person view and.... :eek: FALL, FALL, AND FALL. I look ahead like normal folks do, but that play style had me tripping in both terms cause once you fall the camera stays but you see your body fling this way and that and sometimes you get a close up of your dead face.
  • Haha
Reactions: Feed99


New Member
Jan 8, 2021
Just finished it after 2 hrs of sweat, focus and determination. I really liked the idea of physics based walking, but there were a lot of times I felt like my character was straight up ignoring my inputs and had a mind of its own.

To give an example, at the mountain side parkour (I believe the 2nd checkpoint), after slipping and getting up, the character would face the cliff edge and even though I position my camera toward the path and walk, it would start walking straight and fall off the cliff. Another one is after getting up from a ragdoll and trying to walk forward, it would sprint until I let go of "w".

Also, -in my opinion- the camera lens effects look horrible. The chromatic abberation, the lens flares, the random noise that would appear near water and beginning cave... I normally turn off all lens effects in all games (except DoF in some exceptions) so this really made the game hard to look around for paths and dangers.

You talked about how damage is calculated from location and velocity, but literally after the first checkpoint and trying to go down the hill into the lake, my character slipped (normally) and fell 1 meter on the ass followed by and insta-death on full hp.

Apart from my complaints, I love the idea and execution, this game will hopefully conclude my search for an adult game that ticks many features on my checklist. My suggestions are: an option to reduce or disable lens effects, more detailed graphics settings, moving the camera, graphics optimization obv., and maybe a little more responsive movement. And apperantly I missed a few content so I'm gonna check them out now.

Great project, keep it up!
Sep 4, 2022
One thing I noticed, If you put in inputs before you allow yourself to fully get up. Your character will seemingly try to do all them at once and lockup like you've said OR it is because you put inputs in too fast before allow yourself to get up fully. I found you need to wait for a good 3-5 seconds before you start moving.

I don't actually know if it is either or, but I am sure it is one of them.


Dec 1, 2018
there were a lot of times I felt like my character was straight up ignoring my inputs and had a mind of its own.

To give an example, at the mountain side parkour (I believe the 2nd checkpoint), after slipping and getting up, the character would face the cliff edge and even though I position my camera toward the path and walk, it would start walking straight and fall off the cliff. Another one is after getting up from a ragdoll and trying to walk forward, it would sprint until I let go of "w".
I've found out that regardless of where the camera position is when you get up and press W your body will move that which ever direction it is facing. I've taken a few tumbles in real life and concur you will get your orientation mixed after a fall. Give your character a sec to reorient themselves then press which ever button you want. It will heed your command then.


New Member
Jan 8, 2021
I've taken a few tumbles in real life and concur you will get your orientation mixed after a fall. Give your character a sec to reorient themselves then press which ever button you want. It will heed your command then.
Wow this just adds to how real the movement is. I've never faceplanted in real life since childhood and now I understand.
Dec 7, 2018
Game has major bugs. Definitely True, Our MC is V20 Rock climber but cant walk pretty well.
When you use F to climb after climbing you cant control which way she goes for a sec she walk in a direction she was going before starting to climp.
After she gets up after she falls she also uncontrollable for a sec and can redamage herself stupidly.
You can abuse a bug of using right click as she goes to fight stance. She gain great hold to the ground not also ground she can also hold to the air, i mean she can basicly fly. I could end the demo in almost 5 min with using that.
walking is too unreliable character is not reliable when walking, instead of walking directly you should walk with right click, and if in flat ground instead walking you can run. So using walking is too dangerous for her. At one of my walkthrough i was able to get into the house and got the axe i was able to use it on the one of the crabs but use of it isnt easy as well. i was only able to kill it because it was stuck and not attacking me at all i had free hit on it. the other one i didnt try. i stuck in that cave after that she said something about bridge but couldnt climb there. and at other walkthroughs of mine when i got the house with the boat it was already end of demo so i dont know how to get there again. But overall it's kinda fun to play

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2.30 star(s) 6 Votes