Game is optimized but not finished and it is quite code heavy apart from the graphics. Physics simulation is very demanding.
Steam files are 100% clean. No internet access necessary apart from downloading and no diagnostics or online functions.
I'm working on fall reaction system but the current version of it is way too demanding and tanks the frame rate. It will come for sure and I'm very aware of how it not being there makes the game less realistic. Trouble is reacting based on current rotation and executing correct animations in correct rotation based on the type of surroundings. It will be implemented when I get to it.
Thank you. I'm planning to add full needs system, even considering urination and defecation but haven't checked how would that affect or would it brake some rules of steam, patreon... That will also wait some more.
Considering crowd funding but want to have enough to show also thought Patreon should be enough. Also haven't checked if adult games can go on crowd funding sites.
For now there is a lot of work done on adding missing systems to the game and there is more to be done.
There is finally a new version of the demo available for free on Steam. I had to put a lot of effort on my job and had a lot less time to work on the game. With that said I did do a lot of work for this build.
There are three new systems added:
-comment system (character can now comment on what he/she is looking at with the press of the Q key)
-second part of the force interaction system (Force can now move the character even out of the ragdoll system. In this update there are water and wind systems added. They can move the character depending on characters action. Force moves him/her least when standing, more when walking and in water much more if swimming.)
-character reaction system (Character reacts to being in water current or strong wind or balancing on beams. This is first part of the a fore mentioned fall reaction system.)
There are also some smaller additions:
-two new stances squatting and kneeling with movement (some animations are not finished but it's functional)
-new masturbation animation sets for new stances for both sexes.
-added turn around command (R key) which makes the character turn 180 degrees in place.
-replaced swimming code with new one that can keep the character on the water surface while following waves or river slope. Old one worked with planes.
-remade half of the cliff face path to require new stance.
-remade whole river and parts of the banks with new force interaction system, detailed river bed and new water system(same as lake)
-added strong wind areas where you have to fight the wind.
Fixed a lot of bugs, hopefully all mentioned here and many internal testing revealed.
Next update will not take this much time as there was a big chunk of code that had to be remade at once for this one.
Anyway thanks for playing and I'll update you on next build.