I've got an odd problem, starting with Chapter 22, the animations are in webm format, but none of them play...
I tried converting to a different renpy version, thinking it might be this (long shot I didn't expect to work... which didn't).
Also tried forcing a different renderer, which didn't work either. So I suspect it's the webm format itself. Anyone else having this issue?
They play just fine outside in any mediaplayer, they also play if I change the call to $renpy.play_cutscene("movie", loops=-1)
but then of course the animation gets skipped to the last still still scene shown before the animation when you click for the next dialogue line, which isn't what's supposed to happen. They just don't play in form they're coded in.
SOLVED: Looks like my persistent file was the cause, must have gotten corrupted at some crucial location. Deleted every save and persistent in sight, restarted and now they play...