pimps help people get laid they can't be to bad right?
It depends on who you ask. If you ask the 'client', they'll probably agree, if you ask the woman being pimped out, however, that's a different story. But we can all agree the
happiest one is the pimp himself. Motherfucker gets paid to pimp his hoes out and still gets a piece of the pie too if he wants to bust a nut. That's a win-win situation in my book.

It seems you've lost the track of the context of discussion in this desire to argue.
Lol, if you say so, dude.
because MC's group of thieves until now wasn't anyone notorious (as they weren't doing any large scale heists) and didn't leave any real traces linking them to the small-scale jobs they performed, it'd be pretty absurd for MC to presume he was going to be arrested, tortured or murdered because he's picked up a girl at a club with a potentially suspicious tattoo.
Don't know why, but you seem too fixated on this "notoriety" part of their job, or lack thereof to be more specific, thinking that just bcz a group of thieves hasn't made a name for themselves on the market yet, they can't be dangerous (ask the dude they robbed at beginning of the story and see what he thinks about this) and/or highly efficient at the jobs they pull, and you prolly forgot Victor says something about his
contacts that'll help him find out who the sus, mystery,
seemingly sweet girl at the party was. This can only mean they do have a small percentage of fame, you agree ??
Speaking of sus, mystery girls... the MC's obviously a rookie making rookie mistakes, too stupid and horny for his own good, won't argue this, BUT you mean to tell me that those two bitches
coincidentally happened to be at the same time, at the same club with him and randomly approach his friend asking about him, not making it too hard for the MC to get one or both of them in bed only to see them fuck off to anywhere the next morning after they robbed him like the noob he was ?? That it ?? This was just a simple coincidence ?? Two bitches with the same cat tattoos like the girl from the party being there, asking his friend about the MC, approaching him, flirting with him, stealing his phone and everything he's had leaving him and his boi literally ass-naked and pulling an Instant Transmission on him the next morning CANNOT be a simple coincidence. It's absurd to think that.
You've chosen to argue me on the minutiae here

Bruuuhh, that's some lame bullshitting you tryna pull there, just stop it. I was making an observation in my reply to you till you apparently got triggered by the "getting tortured/murdered for information" part of it,
a scenario I presented on what could happen to a stupid person in his line of work. Still wanna talk details or trivialities ?? Read the quote bellow again and see how you confused
a potential scenario, a harmless example I gave, with
an actual fact from the game.
Oh yeah, forgot to post the quote bellow the last time. Seems like you missed this part of the overview when you kept going on there about how they are a group of small-time thieves nobody cares about doing small jobs...
You will join a handpicked team of specialists in a series of daring robberies set against the backdrop of a vibrant city. Strategize, plan, and execute high-stake thefts that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Semantics, right ?? But anyway, good talk, man.

To make a loong wall of text a lil shorter, this is the game's first update, and despite it being a substantial one, a thing that pleasantly surprised me, it's too early to say we know shit for sure. Whether I'm right or not and you are remains to be seen in the next updates.
Let's just wait and see how the story unfolds so we can use actual in-game facts and quotes when debating stuff or various
technicalities, not hypotheticals that only make us ask even more questions than give us an answer to the ones we already asked.