how is it possible to win 2nd vr battle? There are too many enemies who almost 1 shot me, absolutely impossible. Not only this game is heavily bugged but also disbalanced
Edit: I wrote this with a Jenna who was using a Shortwhip in mind. If you only have Grav Knuckles you might want to load a save from before entering VR and buy and equip one.
In this specific fight you have two types of enemies. The 15s do good damage but die in one attack from Jenna or one Twirl from Jewel, while the 45s take 2 or 3 hits but they take a turn to set up their attack and thus aren't much of a threat.
Try starting by taking out the 45 point guy on the left. Move Jenna up to him, have her attack, move Jewel as close as she can get in one move, and Twirl. If you're lucky one or the other will Crit and he'll die, but otherwise he'll be left with a couple of HP. Everyone will move over and (if still alive) the close guy will set up his attack.
If the big guy is alive, Rocket Dash one square past him. He should plow into the wall and die. You should be close enough to move to a 15 point guy and Attack him, while Jewel should be close enough to Twirl another 15 point guy. (She may have to move first.)
From here you can pick off everyone else at your leisure.
I don't know how random this fight gets, but hopefully this gives you an idea of what to do even if it doesn't fit your starting locations.
Some general fighting advice:
As Ankhensenamun mentioned in the post after yours, the combat system is about positioning and movement. Moving away from enemies and around the obstacles on the map so they don't get to attack is important. (Commonly called "Kiting.")
Jenna's Restless Encouragement skill that both gives someone an extra action and lets them reuse the last skill they used is very powerful. Two Lovers' Twirls will kill many enemies, two Seductive Healings will either completely heal a character or heal two characters (useful to heal Jewel from the damage she takes from it). The action does not have to be the last thing they did; sometimes it's worth an extra move (or whatever).
Jewel's Seductive Healing has an important side benefit: until your next turn, you heal from Lust damage instead of losing health. Very useful against enemies that do more Lust than Physical, or if, say, someone is taking Lust damage every turn due to outside influences.
The Guard Armor gives you Rocket Dash, which lets you move very far in a straight line. Any enemies will be pushed away and will take a small amount of damage; if they hit a wall they'll take more damage. Jenna+Rocket Dash means you can probably push a line of enemies away and get back to your starting position (either via her third action or Restless Encouragement). Due to a bug, make sure you never select a square with an enemy when Rocket Dashing or you will likely become stuck in that space and have to restart the fight.