
Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
How much of the game is unfinished?
Can you specify what you mean?

Its version 0.8.0 (0.9.0 for Patrons)
The next will probably version 0.10.0

The first number (based on my experience) stands for the completeness of the overall game, so it would change from 0 to 1 if the game was feature or at least story complete. A 2.0.0 version would probably be DLC or enhanced gameplay features/story that go beyond the base storyline.

The second number is version number, which means how many interations the game has. So far they had 8 (9) major releases with new substantial content (some more than others).

The last number is the patch number. Those are bugfixes, quality of life improvements and minor stuff.

They release every other moth if Im correct. Patrons always get it 1 month early. The content so far is average in terms of size. We got a good into and some story in the town itself. Probably enough for 2 or 3 hours if you play it trough. A handful of CG scenes. A sizable portion of them re-uses animations and cgs from other scenes though.

The story premise is interesting, but the story didnt progress that far yet and so far we have only started story arcs / paths for 2 characters (or 3 if you count your female supporting character I guess).

The experience I made so far was releases are sometimes substantial, sometimes not. Focus shifts from gameplay to scenes and back back and forth. The writing is prettys good for a game with its budget and genre. The cgs are not bad, they are just not as many. I think thats just due to the time it takes to draw them and the time they have at hand though.

TLDR; A game with promise, good writing, solid cgs (even though not as much quantitiy) and they also pay attention to gameplay and costumes and shit.


May 10, 2017
I meant how much until the game is completed, like main stories, cgs,/scenes bonus/side stories, etc. I know that it used to be that 1.0 means completed, but you can't really rely on that nowadays. So, how much until the the game is completely finished. Content wise, not time wise, though a rough estimation of that would also be welcome.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
A lot, story is in the beginning stages id say. Late beginning / early mid if I had to guess.

Vilsa Nara

Game Developer
Feb 4, 2018
I meant how much until the game is completed, like main stories, cgs,/scenes bonus/side stories, etc. I know that it used to be that 1.0 means completed, but you can't really rely on that nowadays. So, how much until the the game is completely finished. Content wise, not time wise, though a rough estimation of that would also be welcome.
A lot, story is in the beginning stages id say. Late beginning / early mid if I had to guess.
John's guess is actually right on the dot. So we've divided up the story into three acts behind the scenes. Right now what you have in your hands with 0.8 is the end of Act 1. We're currently developing through Act 2 now.

John is also right on the mark with how our versioning works. 1.0.0 will mean that the game can be played from beginning to end story-wise. We're hoping to have the game in a 1.0.0 state by the end of this year, but it's unsure if we'll hit that personal deadline.

Deleted member 516216

when i start the game it hangs and keps crasing on android help...


Nov 9, 2017
When I do the mission to clean up the stall in the town hall for Tiny I cant turn the quest in he just repeats the dialogue about me cleaning the stall.


Sep 9, 2017
when i start the game it hangs and keps crasing on android help...
As far as we know, this is an issue connected to ram. The game seems to want to take up more than the device can handle and so it just crashes. We continuously try and recude the amount of ram the game trys to use, but there's not much I can do to help you right now, sorry.

When I do the mission to clean up the stall in the town hall for Tiny I cant turn the quest in he just repeats the dialogue about me cleaning the stall.
My first guess would be that you missed either a spot on the floor (they can be a little bit tricky to spot sometimes) or you didn't clean the free stall. It's the 2nd from the right side of the upper 4.


Sep 24, 2017
How can I get the Seduction scene in the Bar? I need 60 Perv Points, but I've got only 50. Right now I've got the Jenna-Jewel Scene and the Defeat Scene in the bar. Is there a code I could use or I'm missing something?


New Member
Jan 23, 2019
Hello I am just telling what happened to me. The bug that occured solved itself in a weird way,
After defeating wildfire (using only the skill to destroy the barrels), the "Victory" disappear and, nothing. I am still in combat, can pause the game go in inventory. Every and did nothing. Somehow, by reloading the autosave, it I directly got the victory screen (even if I could see the character in start position) and this time, it successfully got the dialogue.

Hope it interests you, and sorry for my broken english§


Oct 19, 2017
Is there any way to disable autosave? maybe like save.autosave off in console? Also, I don't know if it's intended, but if you stand on a autosave tile, move back and stand on it again, it will save every time. I think it would be better to tie autosave to playthrough and use it as a sort of a checkpoint that overwrites itself.

Ssomething like this: saves>playthrough1>autosave1 writing itself at first autosave point, overwrite/turn autosaving off when someone steps on the tile again, saves.>playthrough1>autosave2 being created at next savepoint. Lastly, starting a new game creates new instace of saves like this: saves>playthrough2>autosave1 (in case of autosave point 1.

In current state, every time someone tries backtracking through tight corridor with autosave tile, new save is created, so at least an option to turn off autosave tile after activating it once would do wonders to oncluttering save list.

I would like to mention I just started plaing, so this might be a single bug at first savepoint, in with case, I'm sorry for this long and mostly meaningless post.

Vilsa Nara

Game Developer
Feb 4, 2018
Someone can tell me how to get the uniform to work at pub?
Where's the waitress outfit?
You can't acquire the uniform and work in the pub in 0.8. Only in 0.9. You CAN use the console to get the waitress uniform in 0.8. But it won't carry over properly into 0.9 when you can actually use it.

Is there any way to disable autosave? maybe like save.autosave off in console? Also, I don't know if it's intended, but if you stand on a autosave tile, move back and stand on it again, it will save every time. I think it would be better to tie autosave to playthrough and use it as a sort of a checkpoint that overwrites itself.

Ssomething like this: saves>playthrough1>autosave1 writing itself at first autosave point, overwrite/turn autosaving off when someone steps on the tile again, saves.>playthrough1>autosave2 being created at next savepoint. Lastly, starting a new game creates new instace of saves like this: saves>playthrough2>autosave1 (in case of autosave point 1.

In current state, every time someone tries backtracking through tight corridor with autosave tile, new save is created, so at least an option to turn off autosave tile after activating it once would do wonders to oncluttering save list.

I would like to mention I just started plaing, so this might be a single bug at first savepoint, in with case, I'm sorry for this long and mostly meaningless post.
There currently isn't a way to disable autosaves, but it'd be fairly simple for us to add maybe in 0.10. Autosaves are set up on a case by case basis. As we got better at setting up story sequences, we figured out better ways to use autosaves in a sequence so that they can't be spammed. The autosaves in the beginning of the game aren't setup properly and will exhibit the behaviour you're describing. We don't see it as a high priority to go back and fix these earlier autosaves right now.

I've had the idea in my head for a while to group saves by playthrough in the UI sorta like how you described, but it's again not too high of a priority right now over implementing new pieces of story content.

How can I get the Seduction scene in the Bar? I need 60 Perv Points, but I've got only 50. Right now I've got the Jenna-Jewel Scene and the Defeat Scene in the bar. Is there a code I could use or I'm missing something?
There are ways to get extra perversion by exploring and interacting with people in houses in Carceburg before that point in the story where the seduction scene pops up in the bar. You can enable the ingame console in options, open it, and type 'item.give musk jar' with no quotes to give you an item that gives you 10 perversion when consumed. Feel free to reuse as needed until you have enough perversion for whatever you want to do.

Hello I am just telling what happened to me. The bug that occured solved itself in a weird way,
After defeating wildfire (using only the skill to destroy the barrels), the "Victory" disappear and, nothing. I am still in combat, can pause the game go in inventory. Every and did nothing. Somehow, by reloading the autosave, it I directly got the victory screen (even if I could see the character in start position) and this time, it successfully got the dialogue.

Hope it interests you, and sorry for my broken english§
Thanks for letting us know! Seems like a problem with combat where it doesn't like to end properly if some error happens.
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