Unity - Completed - Third Crisis [v1.0.5] [Anduo Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a great story but is not to dreadful and there are enough 'hot' scenes between the story parts. The game mechanics work great and are enjoyable. The girls look great, even though the style is simplistic and there are not a lot of animations in the scenes, because of the great story buildup the scenes are still great. Really enjoyed this game and hyped to see new updates.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Current version at time of review is 0.8.0 (0.9.0 for patrons)

    So far they had 8 (9) major releases with new substantial content (some more than others).

    They release every other month if Im correct. The content so far is average in terms of size. We got a good intro and some story in the town itself. Probably enough for 2 or 3 hours if you play it trough.

    A handful of CG scenes. A sizable portion of them re-uses animations and cgs from other scenes though.

    The story premise is interesting, but the story didnt progress that far yet and so far we have only started story arcs / paths for 2 characters (or 3 if you count your female supporting character I guess).

    The experience I made so far was releases are sometimes substantial, sometimes not. Focus shifts from gameplay to scenes and back back and forth.

    The writing is prettys good for a game with its budget and genre. The cgs are not bad, they are just not as many. I think thats just due to the time it takes to draw them and the time they have at hand though.

    TLDR; A game with promise, good writing, solid cgs (even though not as much quantitiy) and they also pay attention to gameplay and costumes and shit.

    Update in 2020: Main thing that I like about this project is the team actually delivers on schedule, regularily keeps patrons posted and makes significant progess (most of the time).

    So yeah, still a reliable and good dev I would support any time would have the money more regularily.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    story: well done and with lot of though.

    gameplay: very good

    draws: good

    charactes: well done

    scenes (erotic ones): very hot.

    conclussion: with a very cute main character, and nice story to follow and a entertained gameplay,
    you are gonna have a great time playing this game.

    this game deserve your time and money.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Third Crisis is probably my favourite h-game at the moment, the story is well written and interesting, the characters are very likeable (especially Jenna and her astounding pun-game!) the gameplay is nice and the art is really good .
    I'm excited to see where this is going!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Exactly what I look for in a game like this. Plenty of things to do, fun and interesting gameplay, controls like a dream, good storytelling, likable characters, and such great art. Looking forward to how this turns out.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A bit shocked that no one has felt compelled to review this yet.

    As a writer-by-hobby, the first thing I noticed was how organic the writing is in this game. Absolutely magnificent, really. They cover all their bases when it comes to suspension of disbelief. Wondering why everyone in town seems like "they just hit puberty?" There's a reasonable explanation for that. Need a believable transition into h-scenes, they're there and they're great. You get the point. By far the best written h-game I've ever played.

    Jenna, the MC, is very lovable. That's another hat-tip to the writing, I suppose. But she's just a very memorable character and her personality makes the corruption aspect of the game that much more enjoyable.

    The art is fitting. it isn't better or worse than I'm used to, but I think it really clicks with this game. Everything down to the font just seems like it came together seamlessly.

    The only gripe I really have comes down to personal preference. I like corruption to happen entirely due to interactions and exchanges with the environment, but it happens in large part due to mind control here, which is labeled clearly in the tags.