So this game has shameless puns, groan-inducing backronyms, and some Zalgo. What a gem! And not to mention good CGs, actual animations (hooray for Unity animation system), good story, some VA for adult scenes, and more.
In all seriousness, this is a great game, although a bit unpolished at the moment. This is a tactical RPG made in Unity, meaning a modern renderer and an UX that doesn't feel like pulling teeth every time you open a menu (looking at you, RPGM games). On top of that the game has no level up system (meaning no XP grind) and a very high percentage of unique boss fights. It's not overly challenging or anything, but it has some actual tactics. As a foundation for a porn story, it's way above 'passable' mark.
The story is excellent so far if you play the 'pure' route. Admittedly it becomes a bit silly if you decide to whore out the main character with reckless abandon, but I don't think it's fair to blame the writing for
your illogical decisions. That said, even the slutty route has decent justification (in case you've missed the prologue,
the bad guys win in this one, and the world becomes a sex-crazed dystopia with heavy doses of ambient mind control radiation).
Additional kudos for the second boss fight on the plant level. Can't say more because spoilers, but the writing was very much TOP UNF (although it was very obvious from the moment that character was introduced, that doesn't make the writing of that scene any less juicy). pacha_just_right.jpg
Hatefuck her when???
The game as of right now (v0.23, June 2020) is a bit rough around the edges. Bugs are not uncommon (although I have not encountered anything that I could not bypass with a simple quit and reload latest autosave), and some CGs are still placeholders. Some quests got stuck as unfinished in the tracker, although the story progressed just fine, and some other minor stuff like that. My biggest issue is that the perversion score is not balanced too well, you can get these points too quickly (and too many of them, you can get like 1500 perversion, it's just overkill).
tl;dr: great story, shitty puns
, thank god for Unity engine, decent gameplay, good CGs, nice animations, and some VAs. Has some bugs, but nothing serious. Easily 9/10 and a good chance to become 10/10 when all the bugs are weeded out and the perversion is re-balanced a bit.