Thanks for the love! We'd like to have Jenna's corruption take a part in combat, but we don't want to implement a system where you have to lose because that's a little counterintuitive from a game design standpoint. We try to spin the game in a way that rewards the player for winning and that's why you get the better scene when you actually win the Leath fight. Having a collar would be an awesome addition, and we'll try to look into adding that in a future update.@Vilsa Nara I have to admit I found a game I really like. Your design of Jenna is awesome, story you are presenting is also awesome. I hope you will continue (and develop more) those BDSM/Dom/Mind control fetishes.
About 'vibrosuit' I think it has a huge potential for this game, you have a lot of possibilities what it could do / what could happen to Jenna. As said above, suit infected with virus is really interesting idea. (My opinion) Also, in a moment she wakes in that cell she could have a 'collar' or something like this around her neck that would be dormant that time but later in game it might activate.
I was also thinking if you are going to implement a 'corruption' system for Jenna which could be useable (g.e) in battles. Something like if she loose a fight, she would be used by enemy soldiers. If she lost XY fights, she would unlock ability to seduce a soldier when 1v1 and close to him. If she lost/seduced YX times she would upgade her 'Seduce' ability and would be able to seduce 1v2 soldiers if they were close enough.
Anyway, keep up the good work
Your supporter![]()
Splitting this into two posts, cuz it was getting a little bloated.
So the trapper already has some vibro-gimmicks. Robots and machines are always fun for fetish-stuff.
Some sort of seat that Jenna sits down in and traps her would be interesting.
I'm super against in preg, birth or bugs. So if those things are in the game, I'd prefer them to be easily skipable.
Comments on combat...
Shooting and moving reminds me of Xcom. Is there functional Cover in this game?
Edit: Looks like aiming is LOS, so cover does sorta work.
Secondly, Jenna doesn't actually feel that mobile.
She has three dashes, but their range is pretty limited, and her on-foot movement is laughable.
She has three actions per turn, but you can easily blow all three just moving a handful of tiles.
Edit: Didn't realize that dashes recharge per turn. I assume you're intended to dash every single turn then, or multiple times per turn.
That makes Jenna much more mobile.
For the boss-fight, it feels like you should have a way of taking the engineers down yourself.
Blowing up their mines (by shooting? Dashing through?) while they're standing in the radius?
So you have a choice between getting them sex-cannoned, or just 'defeated'
Actually, the grenadier's bombs should really hurt their own people too. It's nice to have more options to take the bad-dudes down with.
Will this boss-battle always be a failure like this, or will there be a way to win without getting hit with the sex-cannon? (exploding computer console damages her armour and the rest happens as normal?)
It doens't much matter to me, but I understand some people like to do 'pure' runs, where they avoid everything.
Seems counterproductive to me, but eh.
Edit: Exploring the abandoned base, and I'm really feeling that the phone/PDA thing could use some sort of map.
We're aiming for a lighthearted tone, where the main character is someone who wouldn't harm anyone that isn't a threat to her. We also want it to be silly and have that sort of contrast where a big hero is doing these silly tasks for someone else. She's never failed a mission, so she's extremely confident and that's why she's incredibly casual when it comes to this one. Imagine if it was Mario and he knows he's going to save the girl every time. She's not a cold calculating person that would take out some guy just because he's in her way.Ok, playing version 1.1 downloaded, runs much better.
First comment I have is on tone.
The game opens with someone having been kidnapped and raped, and then the first level begins and you go, what is essentially a calming walk in the park.
There's no feeling of tension. It feels like the first section of the game should be infiltrating a big-shell style military base. Metal walls and patrolling goons, not an idyllic stroll through the woods while peaceful music plays.
In the patch-notes you mentioned 'fixing' coffee-guy in 1.1, but I'm playing that and if this is fixed, I can't imagine what it was like before.
The main character herself keeps commenting on how stupid it is that she's doing this, even while she does it. Which only serves to highlight how dumb the segment is, while not actually doing anything about it.
She can't go over or through the fence?
If the only way to get through that fence really is with the guy's key, then the correct answer is to take it.
If he's deliberately obstructing a rescue-mission, then he's the enemy.
The correct response is to cold-cock him and take the key from his body.
Wasting time doing some asshole's chores while your friend is in the hands of people who you were just told are depraved and probably intend to 'turn her into a stripper' is kind of stupid.
Coffee-making is a decent intro to the quest-system and collecting pickups from the environment, but tonally, it feels completely out of place.
I'd suggest either A: scrapping the whole sequence. Maybe reuse the art for bending down and wet jumpsuit at later points. (crossing a creek in the woods?)
B: Moving it to another time. Maybe have an actual prologue before Karen is kidnapped? So there's no time-pressure and you can do dumb chores like this.
Or C: completely change the quest so that it makes sense for someone in Vibe's position to actually stop on her mission to do something.
For example, instead of 'make me coffee, bitch.' you need to go get the key from his hut, so her actions are still pushing the end-goal of moving forwards.
Maybe it's not a flimsy looking fence, but a big concrete barrier, and a door that can't be opened without power, so you need to trip a breaker or something before the door will open.
Grumpy-guy can be the guy helping you get past the barrier, instead of the asshole in your way who (for some reason) you aren't allowed to punch.
Alternatively, punch him.
Use it as an intro to the combat mechanics. Have a big prompt that pops up when he pulls that 'make me coffee' line that says 'Press X to attack' and you just beat the shit out of him and take his key.
Also, minor note: In the current version, you trade coffee for the key, but Grumpy man still opens the gate himself.
Presumably with the key he just gave you.
For the rest of it... I'd say stray as far from Overwatch as you can. Do your own thing.
For fetishes... Straight, les, bondage. Could do some interesting things with a 'vibrosuit'
Getting her suit corrupted with some sort of virus that makes it randomly vibrate could be fun. Especially if she can't take it off because she needs it for her powers.
That doesn't really fit with the enemy you have though.We're aiming for a lighthearted tone.
He's not just 'in her way' though, he's actively preventing her from carrying out a rescue mission. That all but makes him an enemy combatant.She's not a cold calculating person that would take out some guy just because he's in her way.
But then again, you would not deploy something that could harm yourself right ? :]I can understand not wanting to mess with the bossfight, but the grenadier or the electric-cage (or other types of area-effect things that enemies use) should effect the badguys too.
Oh yeah, that's true. Trying to add all sorts of fetishes (specially ones that you yourself don't care about) can only end poorly. Better to pick a theme that you enjoy.Not to mention, i've seen too many promising games just left for dead because the Dev(s) were trying to please everyone, you will never achieve that, i rather have a fun game i can play more often then i game where its all the fetishes, all the stuff, but like 20 mins of contend :]
Yes?But then again, you would not deploy something that could harm yourself right ? :]
Like I said, I'm not talking about the boss-fight, so much as the grenadiers and trapper-type enemies.@iamnuff honestly i think you are reading into it too much, its the first boss fight, i mean does it really matter that much if the bombs harm them or not ?
Bummer. That's a shame. I'm a sucker for ''game over rape''. Would've been nice if, for example, losing to the regular enemies had a scene with them violating Vibe. Or at the very least have some CG during the chair scene, since that apparently only happens if you lose to the regular enemies.but we don't want to implement a system where you have to lose because that's a little counterintuitive from a game design standpoint.
I never said we won't have those sorts of scenes, we just don't want progression to be people grinding out losses. We want defeat scenes just like you, but it just probably won't say game over at the end of them.Bummer. That's a shame. I'm a sucker for ''game over rape''. Would've been nice if, for example, losing to the regular enemies had a scene with them violating Vibe. Or at the very least have some CG during the chair scene, since that apparently only happens if you lose to the regular enemies.
But oh well. If ''winning'' fights gets me scenes like the one after the Leath boss fight then that should be more than enough to scratch my ''rape on loss'' itch. Truly losing is winning and winning is losing.![]()
Well, shit, that's even better. I guess I misunderstood. Since you did say you didn't want to implement a system where we have to lose I assumed that meant there wouldn't be any scenes for losing fights. Glad I was wrong. I like defeat scenes where you can continue playing after more than ones that lead to a game over. Like I said, I have a ''rape on loss'' itch.I never said we won't have those sorts of scenes, we just don't want progression to be people grinding out losses. We want defeat scenes just like you, but it just probably won't say game over at the end of them.![]()
Bad endings are something we wanna approach carefully. We don't want them to be something you accidentally stumble into without a save, but (usually) something you consciously choose to put Jenna through. They're definitely something that we would like to have though, so no worries! These are just things that we'll figure out when we're later on development.Well, shit, that's even better. I guess I misunderstood. Since you did say you didn't want to implement a system where we have to lose I assumed that meant there wouldn't be any scenes for losing fights. Glad I was wrong. I like defeat scenes where you can continue playing after more than ones that lead to a game over. Like I said, I have a ''rape on loss'' itch.So this is certainly good news. I didn't think I could get more excited for this game. :eazyHype:
Only way it could get any better is if you told me there's gonna be plenty of ''bad'' endings.
Oh, of course. Stuff like getting a prostitute ending if you go too far into the prostitute path, and similar things, is what I meant. Clear, obvious choices that will result in ''less than desirable'' outcomes. Well, less than desirable for Vibe maybe. Not for me. :angel:Bad endings are something we wanna approach carefully. We don't want them to be something you accidentally stumble into without a save, but (usually) something you consciously choose to put Jenna through. They're definitely something that we would like to have though, so no worries! These are just things that we'll figure out when we're later on development.![]()
There's a defeat scene in the demo. Losing to either the grunts or the boss results in the same thing. Which isn't the same as the scene you get for beating (then being captured by) the boss.Well, shit, that's even better. I guess I misunderstood. Since you did say you didn't want to implement a system where we have to lose I assumed that meant there wouldn't be any scenes for losing fights. Glad I was wrong. I like defeat scenes where you can continue playing after more than ones that lead to a game over. Like I said, I have a ''rape on loss'' itch.So this is certainly good news. I didn't think I could get more excited for this game. :eazyHype:
Only way it could get any better is if you told me there's gonna be plenty of ''bad'' endings.
I'm well aware. Losing was the first thing I did.There's a defeat scene in the demo. Losing to either the grunts or the boss results in the same thing. Which isn't the same as the scene you get for beating (then being captured by) the boss.
I think it's meant to be. I'd like a more feminile face myself though.Hey this looks promising, I wish you luck with it.
One comment tho, does anyone else think something about Jenna's face looks slightly male like?