Unity - Completed - Third Crisis [v1.1.0] [Anduo Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll start with saying: It's a good game, badly advertised+executed.
    (This is easily 4-5 stars if it gets fixed/finished.)

    As it's common for people to be confused what this game is about, here is a brief explanation:
    - This game does not focus on lesbians. (less than ~5 % of the content)
    - This game focuses on maledom, descent into depravity and female abuse.
    - This game is porn trope heavy.

    So, with that out of the way, let's get in depth:
    (For context: I don't use the median rating system)

    Story: 1/5
    The story as a whole drags behind a lot currently. It relies heavily on plot con. I'd rate it higher if not for the narrative dissonance and inconsistencies. (Like having fixed gender roles, except when it doesn't.) But, it has potential at least. The main issue is that you will follow intricately written story paths to suddenly run into a brick wall of "because". The sudden tonal shifts can be jarring. Like, the character actions have no progressive build up. As you can flip from pure good to "I guess I'm evil now!" simply just "because". It also constantly contradict itself with a slew of plotholes. (Such as the character making a definitive statement... then ignoring it the next scene. And it's never brought up again.)

    Originality: 1/5
    For originally being intended as an Overwatch porn parody, they did manage to make it its own thing. It does however suffers heavily from porn tropes. This is not necessarily a bad thing. But the game flip flops between trying to be serious and goofy. And obliging by porn tropes and fitting the story. It's telling two different stories at once. Whenever it's starting to tell a narrative, it backpedals so that it can shoehorn a porn trope in.
    Atop including rip-offs of several popular porn games.

    Renders: 2/5
    This is where the game takes a heavy hit.
    As, objectively: A lot of genres and paths: Are just "worse" than others. (Less content, and in objectively lower quality.)
    For example: Nearly all the girls share a copy pasted body+genital model. (But all have different hair, tattoos, piercings, etc.) Whereas the males have a unique model.
    The big thing about the game is it's "paths/routes". (I will update the review if this changes.)
    This game has a content>story with a bad>good value system when it comes to the porn. (The more you go for the "good ending" and follow the main story: The less porn you get. And vice versa)
    This is relevant to the renders: Since it decides if you get any content.
    For example: Having sex with a random hobo in town gives you multiple animated sex scenes with a finish. Whereas defeating a major boss and choosing the lesbian path, gets you a single, static image.

    Sound: 4/5
    Really solid. The composer did a really great job with almost all tracks.
    There was only a few situations where it got annoyingly repetitive. (Due to having to repeat certain segments) But that's more on the game design for having you to grind.

    Playability: 2/5
    It needs a lot of smoothing out. The majority of the game is quite fun and possible to play through. The low score is mainly due to the "forced segments". There are several parts that can be pure frustration. Often in the form of some obligatory minigame, grinding that takes forever or a poorly designed combat segment. You can use console commands to skip most of these however.

    Performance: 4/5
    It's stable. Rarely crashes. Can sometimes take a while to load certain parts. The gallery is rather glitchy though. It can break, crash or bug the game. Restarts can fix this in nearly all cases however.

    Bugs: 1/5
    There's quite a lot of them. Most can be fixed by console command, so... there's at least a work around in most cases. They're nuisance, but more annoying than anything.
    There is also several scenes either broken or missing from the gallery. Making it impossible to re-play certain scenes. Or you have to load a save with the scene. Defeating part of having a gallery.

    Animations: 2/5
    Same issue here as with the renders/graphics. You can be super excited for a scene with a certain character after a big quest. And: Then it can turn out that there's no reward for the path you picked. Which can be demotivating in a porn game. (Some animations can be a hassle to play, due to being interactive and how they control.)
    There are some absolutely STELLAR animations to be had. But there's also a lot of... "just there" ones. So the quality is very all over the place. It's simply too inconsistent to rate higher. Some animations are "duds". Some are masterpieces. They aren't really tied to any progress either.

    Grammar: 4/5
    I didn't notice much issues. Some writing and word choices are a bit peculiar or weird. Mainly for clashing with the story and gameplay.

    Amount of content: 1/5 (technically a 3/5)
    This is currently the biggest sore point of the game imo. It has a LOT of content. But not a lot of content. It promotes having several "playstyles, paths and scenes". Yet currently: Only a few are valid. You can play certain ways. There's just no reward.
    For example, currently: If you go the lesbian path. You get a handful of animations. (One has a finish.) And a decent amount of pictures. Whereas if you ex: Go one of the prostitute paths: You get over 60 animations each, all with a finish, unique gear and cosmetics, minigames, extra story quests, dozens of pictures etc. (I will update if this changes.)
    This can make your choices feel undermined and railroaded.
    It currently makes the whole "path" thing come off as disingenuous. And thus: An illusion of choice.
    As: If you don't play the game "correctly: You get no porn. Which coincidentally defeats the purpose of a porn game.
    For example: You unlock more maledom content by starting the game. Then there's currently unlock-able femdom content in the entirety of the game.
    Hence my score to this category. Some paths have a plethora of content. Some even have multiple games inside them (clones of popular porn games). Other paths are still barren after 3+ years of development.
    To clarify: This has nothing to do with my personal taste of preference. In the current version. (Again: Will update if there are any changes) the disparity in quality and content is massive between the paths. (I strongly recommend you check out the gallery and/or a path breakdown to see if this game can offer you anything in the current version. Otherwise: You will likely have a bad time with no sex scenes.)

    Closing comments:
    This game has massive potential to be amazing.
    But it needs to either catch up on all the paths missing. (Which, they might as there's roughly 60 % left, based on the update number)
    Or: The game needs to be reworked, and properly advertised. So people stop confusing it for another genre.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    Music - 5/5

    -Ingame musics are too BEAUTIFUL, in some places i just left afk and enjoy the music
    -It makes story a lot enjoyable

    Story - 5/5 (for now)
    -Very enjoyable and creative

    -The Greatest story among the +18 games
    (the reason of (for now) : game is still developing so further in the story needs to connect very wisely it has too much potential)
    -There is good path and other paths so you shouldn't have to spam left clik and try to see some b0bies . focus on choices and paths

    Gameplay - 5/5
    ameplay is very comfortable there is no grind to "What the hell im suppose to do"
    -Very clear Ui and mission tab(very important one for me)
    -Controls are very much enjoyable
    -Fights are enjoyable although i don't like turn based combat
    -Some mechanics you will be seein in this game first and very creative mechanics

    Art - 5/5

    -There is good amount of characters(all with different abilities) they all stylish
    -Pretty good effort and results for animations
    -And good amount of clothes for main chracter


    -There is some bugs but that should done very easy , so no need to call this a con
    -Could be an update for new misson tabs

    i can say
    I played a lot female mc games and this story is unique and you feel the story
    give it a try but DO NOT PLAY LIKE "WHERE IS THE B0BIES" enjoy the game
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3174405

    Why 4 and not 5?*

    I thoroughly enjoyed the first 95% of this game. Attractive MC. Legit NPCs (through all paths in 0.31 and there are 19 fleshed out characters). Multiple (MULTIPLE) opportunities for corruption (e.g. 6-8 scenes in the "brothel"; 33 in the bar! . . . the list goes on and on). 37 animations (based on the gallery). Appealing art. Little to no grinding.

    Mechanics are great - gallery (use as a "walkthrough"), auto-play many key scenes, cheat console, auto-saves. Everything a boy could want.

    So why that missing star?

    I opened by saying the first 95% was great. Then. Well. Then the game started playing like a game. Puzzles. More combat. Unnecessary diversions (the WORST - avoiding the "things in the dark" and the "guards at night" - I wasted 30 minutes just standing still . . . really?). So I changed from "this is the greatest game ever" to "why are there suddenly so many game mechanics that are taking me out of the moment and are as annoying AF?!?"

    I'm worried (well, as much as I would worry about a porn game) that the dev(s) are running out of original H-scene content and are putting their creative efforts into "game" content. That isn't what made all of us love the game.

    That being said, you CAN avoid some of it -- use the console to avoid the guards at night. During the storehouse raid if you get caught the difficulty level drops back to 1 (but you don't lose any progress). And they even added an "auto-win" button for combat. But those damn "things in the night" . . . need a button for those.

    In any case - play the game. It's great!

    *Yes. After writing the review I put it up to a 5, because it is just that good. Here's hoping it doesn't succumb to an overabundance of "game" elements.
    Likes: drea2
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    is a good game i love it good game play i wish good luck for the next version to the creator and i hope see the next version coming out very soon with more content i hope the next will be also nice like this version is
    i hope to see the next version with more content
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is a cut above the genre of H-games, very good, and the element of corruption is very well handled. Quite big, too. As of 0.3.1 it's got 170 scenes, so we can only imagine there will be a lot more by the time it's completely finished.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is as good as it looks and some. The devs are active and this game in it's current state is already well worth your time.

    Good writing, good art, fun mechanics. I avoided it for ages because I thought it might be one of those games released for steam which skimps out on sexual content but I was very wrong.

    The game is good, try it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    Summary: A fun, lighthearted adventure with plenty of lewd content that comes at a proper pace. With likeable characters and the best combat mechanics I've seen in an H-game so far, there's no reason you shouldn't try Third Crisis!


    Art-style: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    The art style revolves around defined lines and solid colors, reminiscent of a westernized anime style. Most female proportions are equal and show little variety (-☆), and there are no male characters drawn save for the guardsmen, who still don't show their face (-☆), but the realistic body measurements and animations (+☆) that accompany some scenes make up for this.

    Gameplay: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    The gameplay revolves around movement and completing objectives which are well defined and signaled. It's unlikely you will get lost, and the pace is swift enough not to bore you. As you explore, you are met with encounters, easter eggs and collectibles that make playing the game even more fun. The icing on the cake? A simple but interesting combat system without absurdly huge talent trees or complicated mechanics, but rather a turn-based system with limited actions per character in the XCOM or Shadowrun style.

    Just be aware that depending on your memory card, the game may crash on you and progress may be lost (-☆) but gladly, the developers included an auto-save system that minimizes the damage (+☆).

    Storyline: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    You're an hero has-been, who was captured and separated from her girlfriend, and now is on a quest to find her. The plot is not overly elaborate, complex, and full of names with a lot of syllables regarding long lore about the world, and personally, I like that. Additionally, the characters are very likeable, with special emphasis on the protagonist who is a very chill, optimistic and playful character without being irritating or dull.

    Grammar: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Because this game doesn't follow a narrative style, you're not presented with huge, ultra-descriptive texts with eloquent colloquialisms - and that's fine! Similarly, there are very few grammar mistakes or typos throughout the duration of the game.

    : 19
    Parameters: 4 (Art | Gameplay | Storyline | Grammar)
    Final calculus: 17/4 = 4.75 = 5

    Result: 5
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game hits right everywhere it counts : simple world yet full of meaningful interaction, the possibility to play the story by conserving the hero's original mindset without having to grind for days, and be able to enjoy all the smut as well. The scale is very-well thought, fights aren't difficult but still ask tactical sense, the art is very good, especially with the animations.
    Moreover, the story is simple yet interesting, which is quite rare. How many games end up corrupting the heroine for the sake of it ? Here, there is plot, even if it is light. Some characters alos show us that not everyone automatically becomes a pervert jerk like Klaus: Jewel, Throb, Bartender, you name them. The heroine is obviously an Overwatch ripoff, but the fact we don't interact with Overwatch stuff or characters other than Lena's lookalike makes us forget that fact (both tends to have a taste in pretty redheads thoughs ^^).
    In conclusion, a whopping 5/5 that the devs deserve well. If you have the means, give 'em a bit of money on their patreon, they worked for it and worked well (and still do !)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game isnt finished yet, but damn, its beautiful, its sweet and its erotic at the same time.
    I'm eagerly awaiting its continuation and finally its conclusion, because personally I can't wait to see the next bosses and to be able to fix the situation between Jenna and Karen, certainly without missing a bit of lesbian scenes, which are often the Achilles' heel of many other erotic games
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is phenomenal. SO much content to get into, great art, transparent about WIP parts of the game, and the story, THE STORY, it just kept going. To the point that I was shocked when I reached the "that's all for now" screen. My only issue was that the closer I got to the current "end-game" content, my game would freeze shortly after entering combat, but for a WIP game, I won't even dock a star for that. Great work Anduo Games!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I remember trying this game on newgrounds way back when - it was maybe one of the first two or three versions. I also remember hating it. From that I've learned two valuable lessons: 1) never harshly judge a game so early on in its development and 2) I was and will always be an idiot.

    Third Crisis is a really fun game. It also has a lot of content, though I"m not sure where the dev is in terms of finishing development. The art is unique and cute, the writing is funny and never takes itself too seriously and the actual gameplay is engaging. The story itself, basically the corruption (or not!) of the heroine, is not new but its executed in a fun and entertaining way.

    There are two drawbacks as I see it, neither of which are worth punishing by a lower rating. Firstly, the art can be repetitive and sometimes has placeholders. This is no doubt as the dev isn't finished the game yet.

    Secondly, the game needs a very general guide, just to give a heads up to users what to expect. The combat is straightforward, but even a combat guide would be useful to the user. The lack of a guide did not prevent me from enjoying the game, but I think the dev offering their own thoughts on the various paths and even some of the trickier combats to the lazier users is a always a welcome bonus - like a cherry on top of a sundae.

    With that said, it's certainly a fine game and I would be hard-pressed to determine what the dev could improve upon beyond anything I already mentioned. Try it, it's a lot of fun. It's lighthearted nature and cartoonish art may not be for everyone, but everyone should give this a shot. It's a winner.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that the game did crash on me once but I was running a bunch of other things at the time. Still, don't forget to save. Also there's an autosave which is a great add by the dev.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Alicja Erberg

    At first the graphics didn't catch my eye so that I didn't even want to try the game. If possible, consider changing it to something more spicy like e.g. a glory hole scene in a town hall or night bar tending scene for the thread image.

    1) the story is ok although very goofy but such is the spirit of the game. Everyone wants to screw anything that moves. I like the fact you can make choices that impact the game heavily story wise (rescuing Karen, town hall storyline).

    2) The combat for the most parts is ok/good although sometimes too tedious (as in: too many encounters - e.g. sublevel two) - would be great to have a speed slider there as well. The combat is simple but has enough depth due to different damages type (physical/lust + some extra like fire/water etc.) and skills like vibrosuit or jetpack and armor damages. I get a strong RPG Maker vibe from the game although the engine seems to be better than RPGM. The only nitpick is lack of pathfinding in a movement outside of combat. If I want the character to go to the door I should click on the door and she should move there.

    3) Pure route is possible although not that interesting for the moment. Meat of the game is in the slow (or fast) corruption of Jenny which mostly happens during side quests.

    4) Characters are well designed, they have their own distinct personality although very often one-dimensional. However, it is ok considering the storyline. The game doesn't try to take itself too seriously and character design complements that.

    5) Unique items - I like the whore outfit or the cum blaster. Would like to see more items that aren't easy to obtain (e.g. you have to achieve something in order to get them and not just go to store and buy it) .

    Got to go, I'll update my review later on.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Update v0.31
    I will add two star. I've played the game again and used the cheats with the console command in the meantime, and it works but isn't always working as it should do.
    Besides there is now an option to skip the fights so... But there is still some minigames that aren't fun.

    Gameplay : 2/5
    It's bad, but skipable for the most awful parts, or there is always a way to get around it.
    The game with the cheats is playable, and in the late game there is more sex scenes and less grind.

    But in the other hand, the Peito Path is still awful.
    Only the main route is enjoyable, but there is nothing that really tells you that you will enter in a new route.
    For the Peitho path, it's just continuing a corruption quest, and you have also an option to stop the story, which is pretty stupid.
    But there is auto saves, and you can even start from a precise update, which saves the game.

    Each thing that doesn't consist of just moving on the map is tedious. I still don't really understand how you escape the "invisble foes". Moving in the night is also really boring, please add some way to be invisible. And i'm not counting minigames.
    Fortunately, there is a guide on their website. to complete some quests, but not a complete guide. Which means if like me you've droped the game for a certain period of time, you'll be stuck because you forgot what to do, and don't count on the game to tell you what to do. Especially when the indications for your mission are half broken because some finished quest are still marked as active.

    For the Peitho path, there is minigames like super deepthroat and other games that requires to move your mouse for 5 minutes. It's boring as hell and seriously ? Super deepthroat in 2020 ?

    Designs : 4.5 /5
    Not a 5/5 because even if the designs are awesome, the sprites on the map are so ugly.
    What really save this game are the sex scenes. They are good and well drawn, the designs are neat too.
    they are animated, which is cool,a nd there is a certain quantity of them.

    Story : 1/5
    The story is boring. I've tried to read the dialogs, but it takes itself too seriously to be enjoyable. You cannot really make a story when in one hand it tries to tell you the tragic love story of Jenna, and in the other hand she prostitutes herself because dicks are fun.
    It's a shame because the characters are nice, but the porn doesn't really fits, and without porn it would just be a boring story.

    In the end I give it anyway a 4/5 because you can ignore the rest.
    It's more a 3.5 than a 4 to be honest, but the game should be better in the future.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty dang good. The art style is well done, the situations very erotic, and the tactical battle gameplay is actually fun.
    A perversion system is introduced so theoretically you can play the game as innocently as possible. However perversion levels are needed to unlock scenes, clothes, and get higher paid jobs, so it's more like a needed system if you don't want to miss out on a lot of the game.
    If it gets finished it will be a great game, it's certainly more cohesive than a lot of F95 games, I highly recommend checking it out.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played!

    + Smooth gameplay with good tracker (sometimes fails, but is usually fixed)
    + Nice graphics with a variety of scenes
    + Good sense of humor in the story

    - May become a bit repetitive in the end, but it's updated rather frequently
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Super enticing. The game has a great plot and great scenes. I really liked the artwork and general feel of the game. The fighting mechanics feel really fluid. Makes you want to keep playing it. I hope it continues to get worked on!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my second review after having played a lot of other games here.

    Third Crisis is one of the very best games out here, maybe the very best.

    - It has great drawn art
    - A LOT of scenes
    - Absolutely one of the best corruption games (the female MC really likes becoming a totally submissive slut AND act like it)
    - It has cheats and console commands so you can set values and skip difficult or boring parts
    - There are many paths to follow, major and minor
    - The female MC is really cute and sympathetic
    - Great balance between a game and porn entertainment
    - You visibly let the MC run around naked, in torn clothes and covered in cum
    - Very un grindy for a rpg
    - Maker adds regurlar new content to existing routes

    Few downsides:
    - The few combats that are in there are pretty boring
    - Some scenes use same art over and over, for example most BJ scenes look the same

    If you like corruption games, this is one of THE very best (just make sure you set her perversion stat to max using the cheat engine)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    So this game has shameless puns, groan-inducing backronyms, and some Zalgo. What a gem! And not to mention good CGs, actual animations (hooray for Unity animation system), good story, some VA for adult scenes, and more.

    In all seriousness, this is a great game, although a bit unpolished at the moment. This is a tactical RPG made in Unity, meaning a modern renderer and an UX that doesn't feel like pulling teeth every time you open a menu (looking at you, RPGM games). On top of that the game has no level up system (meaning no XP grind) and a very high percentage of unique boss fights. It's not overly challenging or anything, but it has some actual tactics. As a foundation for a porn story, it's way above 'passable' mark.

    The story is excellent so far if you play the 'pure' route. Admittedly it becomes a bit silly if you decide to whore out the main character with reckless abandon, but I don't think it's fair to blame the writing for your illogical decisions. That said, even the slutty route has decent justification (in case you've missed the prologue, the bad guys win in this one, and the world becomes a sex-crazed dystopia with heavy doses of ambient mind control radiation).

    Additional kudos for the second boss fight on the plant level. Can't say more because spoilers, but the writing was very much TOP UNF (although it was very obvious from the moment that character was introduced, that doesn't make the writing of that scene any less juicy). pacha_just_right.jpg

    Hatefuck her when???

    The game as of right now (v0.23, June 2020) is a bit rough around the edges. Bugs are not uncommon (although I have not encountered anything that I could not bypass with a simple quit and reload latest autosave), and some CGs are still placeholders. Some quests got stuck as unfinished in the tracker, although the story progressed just fine, and some other minor stuff like that. My biggest issue is that the perversion score is not balanced too well, you can get these points too quickly (and too many of them, you can get like 1500 perversion, it's just overkill).

    tl;dr: great story, shitty puns :love: , thank god for Unity engine, decent gameplay, good CGs, nice animations, and some VAs. Has some bugs, but nothing serious. Easily 9/10 and a good chance to become 10/10 when all the bugs are weeded out and the perversion is re-balanced a bit.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Third Crisis is exceptionally well made! The highlight of this game for me is
    1. well-crafted art-work and animations
    2. The personality of the main character (would wife)
    3. The story, in general, is great. Either route you take has a cool story to it although there's a massive change in the main character's personality.
    The only negative thing for me is the combat. it feels slow, clunky and boring to me.

    Otherwise, I give this game full stars. Would highly recommend if you're into art-work H, great story, and fun characters.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I love everything about this game. It is one of the best adult games I've ever played (might be my #1 once its finished).

    The art is excellent, the gameplay is tight and fun, and the writing is both quality and hot. The bar night shift quest-line alone is better than most of the entire games on this site IMO.

    This is everything I've ever wanted out of an adult game. I now contribute to their Patreon.