VN - Ren'Py - Thirty Days [v0.07.50] [3DRComics]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.86 - Rating 4,5/5

    Great new game with a great start!

    Characters- Let's start with the characters. I can't get enough of the twins. They are really beautiful. (5/5)

    Scenes- There are a lot of different scenes already, but it's not to crazy, what is good! (4/5)

    Animations- Animations are very successful, they certainly do not look artificial. (4.5/5)

    Places- Place designs are very successful. The atmosphere in the house is good, but it could be better. I'm sure it will improve further. (4,5/5)

    Personal Likes- It is easy and fun game play.

    These are my general evaluations of the game. The front of this game is very bright, I have no doubt that it will be successful. This game definitely deserves the best. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the production and wish you success. I will be following the development of the game with interest.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game. The story flowed from the start all the way until I got to the end of this build. I also enjoy the options the developer made available to have the MC is a cousin that the player decides on if they wish to play male or female plus the option is there to play uncle or aunt! If this is an introduction to what the developer wants to build, then I am anxious to see what comes after the Thirty days here and in the future games made by them. Good luck 3DRComics, you got a new fan/supporter.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This could become my new favorite. The artstyle is great. The dialogues appear authentic for the most part, really sweet. I think it could be a great dynamic between the characters with different kinds of tension and progression. Like a "Cure My Addiction" but without the MILF co-setting, and with the option to be a woman. Great ideas, huge potential.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a lot going on right now as it's a demo, but it is definitely worth keeping an eye on and waiting for more content! It promises to have a choice heavy story and already has multiple options for different player characters. Hoping we get more soon.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    definitely more than promising! aside from the nice renders the most interesting thing is the fact playing as a different role gives you a different dialogues and stats. This is definitely the way to present a new game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the characters models and the story setting. I'm not sure the sandbox brings much though, but I guess it can evolve later on.

    The renders are good.

    I like the relationship between the characters(what I've seen so far) but I think it's a little shallow. I'm not asking for them to have dramatic background or something that have to call for emotion, but anything that would make them relatable and likeable and "whole" would be appreciable.

    Some would say "it's just a porn game", but to me it's a lot more enjoyable when the characters feel more real :)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    There's nothing inherently wrong with this game, it's got good potential, but it still feels a bit rough. There's a few areas that need some love and a few pitfalls that although aren't issues yet, I kinda feel will be in future updates.

    The graphics are actually pretty good, kinda fresh and there nothing I've seen so far which pulls you out the game because you see a character and go "oh it's x from y". Story has potential as well, slightly convoluted but we'll go with it . The Dev's at least putting the effort in and that should be applauded.

    On the flip side, the English needs some love. There's quite a few typos and grammer problems and it's kinda basic stuff (didint as opposed to didn't, to as opposed too)

    There's also an issue where the game's a sandbox but certainly at the start it's heavily railroaded. A lot of "I don't need to do that" when you click on anything that isn't the one area you're meant to. I don't mind being taken down a particular path butwhy give the user the false sense of choice when there's only one choice to make? It makes a game feel empty that a standard VN wouldn't do

    I think what'll make or break this game is how the sandbox is implemented. Sandboxes are good to play in but they need to A) have the content and B) have a story that utilises it. As this game seems kinda new I'm not seeing that so that's certainly something to keep an eye out for. I'm also curious to see how the story will pan out. Before the game even begins they make a big point of highlighting that elements that will be available are closed off which is smart as it keeps the game tight and doesn't leave the user feeling there's not a lot of work being done. But at the same time it also talks about how days will have multiple endings based on things like relation, sex and story choices. That's..... good? But feels like an awful lot of work.

    The fear is going forward there will be a lot of releases which focus on a path you're not interested in, or worse, each path gets a little bitty update so there's a feeling the story is going nowhere fast.

    Again, this is all up in the air. Fears could be unfounded, but it's happened with other games where a lot has been promised early on. I wish the developer luck
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars to help offset the idiotic 1 star below judging a game by what might happen in the future or potential for it being dropped, writing much but saying little except that, mostly, it's not his type of game and he's cynical about its future... I agree with some things said but overall it's a quality game, and really hot, which is what counts really. Alexis is great and has a killer body, and I love the potential for sleepwalking and corruption with her, and I like that her motivations are still kinda in the dark.

    I hope dev sticks to his premise here and focuses on the twins a lot. I really wish it was just a straight forward novel with some choices here and there, I do agree that games that attempt really complex decision systems with a lot of stats and free roaming tend to run into a wall, but not always. I wish dev the best in any case, can't wait for the next update.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good story. Didn't get bored with it at all which is hard to do these days... so many creators need to hire a writer. Great renders. Good looking characters. Dick looks like a real one. One that doesn't look like one is starting to be a pet peeve of mine.

    I don't like sandbox usually so because of that, I probably shouldn't be rating this. However, the 1 star is forcing me to. The biggest reason why I hate sandbox is that I have to see the same scene over and over and over. This however does not do that. So, the main reason for not giving it a 5 star is because I tried multiple time to get enough points to see a certain scene and couldn't figure out how.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    [0.85] So far not much content, but i like the build up let's see how the dev develops this game. It is a sandbox, but one that keeps it simple to navigate so far it was a pretty linear story with some choices that affect stats.