Let the monsters fuck you and make "wrong choices"Can someone tell me how to become evil
dont buy the corset, has been bugged since day one. a search through the thread will confirm this (using the search bar)Can't move after buying corset. Can use dashes though. Any guidance on how to fix this?
In many hentai games your point is a very valid one. But because ThornSin is a roguelike/lite I don't think that contradiction exists here. In the sorts of games you're talking about defeat is a totally undesired failure state that just makes you reload a save, so it's only an annoyance/inconvenience. But in a roguelike, defeat is a valuable part of the gameplay loop, which is why death is permanent. It's intended that the player die many times on their way to an eventual (but never guaranteed) victory, and so in that case the "lose to sex" mechanic actually fits perfectly well, because in a good roguelike you should never need to deliberately lose just to see something, but instead losing is an inevitability forced on you by the game (until you get really good at it of course, and how long that takes depends on the difficulty of a particular roguelike game). So the hope with a game like ThornSin is that you just play as well as you can, and you will see at least most of the hentai content organically as you get defeated (for real defeated, not by giving up) by various mobs in various runs.To play devil's advocate, he does have a point. "Lose to sex" H-games create a contradiction between the game's goal and the player's motivation for playing the game (the sex content). The goal is to defeat enemies to progress and win the game, but you need to actively play poorly to actually get the sex content. Playing properly means you do not get any sex content while intentionally losing prevents you from progressing the game / winning. This is indeed not good game design.
An optimal H-game should weave sex into the game in a manner where it is either a beneficial action for the player or a part of the core gameplay loop. Or at worst, something harmless so you aren't encouraged to avoid it. Making it the consequence for losing is just backwards-ass design.
lol"Gameplay in a porn game doesn't matter".
I think my main issue with that in this game is that rn the basic level navigation is kinda tedious. The random nature of the map layouts means you often have to backtrack through empty rooms. Many of the rooms also barely drop any rewards, sometimes none at all. I think a smaller number of higher intensity combat encounters would work well, each with meaningful rewards, or hell, drop the """metroidvania""" aspect entirely and just have it be a random but completely linear sequence of rooms. Another option would be one I saw in a different roguelike where you can instantly teleport to any room via the map once cleared.Now, granted, this ideal isn't necessarily executed perfectly or even very well at all in every game
maybe have difficulty modifierI think my main issue with that in this game is that rn the basic level navigation is kinda tedious. The random nature of the map layouts means you often have to backtrack through empty rooms. Many of the rooms also barely drop any rewards, sometimes none at all. I think a smaller number of higher intensity combat encounters would work well, each with meaningful rewards, or hell, drop the """metroidvania""" aspect entirely and just have it be a random but completely linear sequence of rooms. Another option would be one I saw in a different roguelike where you can instantly teleport to any room via the map once cleared.
If they didn't go with one of those options or and equivalent, then they could just make the player movement and traversal actually interesting. I think the player's movement needs to "match" the map size and design. Like having dark souls movement in the just cause 2 map would suck and vice versa (if hilarious). So you can either do slow, deliberate movement in a smaller, tightly designed environment, or you go crazy with movement options/speed and bring the enemies and environment up to match. Right now it's in kind of a boring middle ground where the backtracking is both slow and uninteresting.
A lot of the items are also useless or outright detrimental, and they don't really vary the core gameplay in the way most roguelikes rely on to keep multiple runs interesting. The difficulty right now also stems primarily from the lack of healing, rather than the combat itself. That's really a spectrum, and I think the balance should shift a little more towards there being more healing, and more difficult individual encounters.
But the eternal curse of making a porn game is that a lot of the dev time has to go into sex animations rather than gameplay innovation, so we'll see how much development happens on that front.
bumping this cause im having this issue. Anyone know a fix?Any1 can help me? After loading auto saving stuck white screen before menu title
what you mean like godsend mode, that heals you often between levels, ups drop rates and weakens enemies?maybe have difficulty modifier
What component was it? And how can I check if this is the case for me? Im currently having this issue.I was having the same issue. My firewall was blocking one of the components.
Fire potion or ScrollSometimes there are rooms that have an area blocked off by thick pieces of wood with weird red plants on them. How are you supposed to get rid of those? No matter how much I attack them, they don't seem to break.
Agree on the level navigation. I've found myself wishing many times for the ability to just teleport to next stage once all rooms have been cleared in a level. Fortunately, that's a trivial thing to implement, and so I wouldn't be surprised to see a quality of life thing like that added closer to the end of development. And I think I mostly agree with all your critiques here. Again, fortunately these aren't necessarily fundamental aspects of the game that can't be modified/improved, and I'm hoping Scarlet Paper will make a lot of tweaks in improving these things as development continues. The game has a great foundation I think, but definitely has a lot of areas to improve. Still, by the standards of the hentai game genre, I think it's still up there amongst some of the best in terms of actual gameplay, which is both a compliment of ThornSin and an indictment on the majority of hentai games ^_^I think my main issue with that in this game is that rn the basic level navigation is kinda tedious. The random nature of the map layouts means you often have to backtrack through empty rooms. Many of the rooms also barely drop any rewards, sometimes none at all. I think a smaller number of higher intensity combat encounters would work well, each with meaningful rewards, or hell, drop the """metroidvania""" aspect entirely and just have it be a random but completely linear sequence of rooms. Another option would be one I saw in a different roguelike where you can instantly teleport to any room via the map once cleared.
If they didn't go with one of those options or and equivalent, then they could just make the player movement and traversal actually interesting. I think the player's movement needs to "match" the map size and design. Like having dark souls movement in the just cause 2 map would suck and vice versa (if hilarious). So you can either do slow, deliberate movement in a smaller, tightly designed environment, or you go crazy with movement options/speed and bring the enemies and environment up to match. Right now it's in kind of a boring middle ground where the backtracking is both slow and uninteresting.
A lot of the items are also useless or outright detrimental, and they don't really vary the core gameplay in the way most roguelikes rely on to keep multiple runs interesting. The difficulty right now also stems primarily from the lack of healing, rather than the combat itself. That's really a spectrum, and I think the balance should shift a little more towards there being more healing, and more difficult individual encounters.
But the eternal curse of making a porn game is that a lot of the dev time has to go into sex animations rather than gameplay innovation, so we'll see how much development happens on that front.
NoUpdate the game
In my experience so far, it mostly stops damage from direct attacks, but damage from sex scenes still goes through. You can get around this by tweaking max HP and using add HP to heal yourself to full, but it can be annoying to keep doing that. Still, if you set your max HP to like 1000 and top up, you should be able to take a lot of sex damage before you have to do it again.Godmode doesn't seem to work in the cheat app in 0.6.8
Just one thing, the Dev has been lowering the difficulty of the game as time goes on. The earlier versions we have squishy mobs with basic attacks that take a third to almost half your HP, and bosses that can take you down in two to three hits and you'll need to memorize their entire patterns to eventually take them down.I'm hoping Scarlet Paper will make a lot of tweaks in improving these things as development continues.