Reviewed version: 0.2.0
A... Curious effort at a side-scrolling rogue-lite. However, it has a great many flaws that leave much to be desired.
In points:
A... Curious effort at a side-scrolling rogue-lite. However, it has a great many flaws that leave much to be desired.
In points:
- Combat, or the game's main focus (-2*):
- Floaty controls: sometimes if you jump too near a ledge, the girl won't jump. Sometimes when you click dodge she won't dodge. Attacks feel floaty and lack impact.
- Camera zooms in too close; both your and enemy's movement speeds cover the entirety of your field of vision in moments and can get cheap hits (attack spamming is encouraged to stunlock whatever is approaching, especially on chapter 2-X where nearly everything has high movespeed).
- There's occasionally rooms with unlocked respawning treasure chests, so you can get infinite gold, keys, healing and fill your item bar with whatever you want by going out of and back into that tile.
- Runtime & Lack of challenge (-1*):
- Look, I played this thing on the hardest difficulty it had to offer. I took a grand total of three hits. All of them cheap shots. The boss showed up and got taken down without even grazing me, then I blitzed through to the next boss - but there isn't one, apparently. Game ends after 2-5. Cuts to black. "Here's your scoreboard".
- In total, it took me 45 minutes (a playtime that was padded by searching every tile and even going AFK for a bit). That's not a great runtime.
- And what's there isn't very interesting; there's a distinct lack of enemy variety so all the game can do is spawn more goons that get stunlocked or spawn one of the three things that don't but are easily dealt with anyway via dodging. I won on my first run, and that's when I didn't know what the hell I was doing, which brings me to my next point.
- Lack of information (-1*):
- So you can't drop consumables once you pick 'em up, but the game won't tell you that (or if you can, I've no idea how). You get two consumable slots, so they're pretty important. But, here's the catch: the game won't tell you what a consumable does until after you picked it up! Some consumables do standard things; "+2 attack until the next room". Some do... Different things, such as making the girl ovulate. Now, if you're going for the "good girl" route this potion is actively harmful to you, but you won't know that it exists until you picked it up.
- Sometimes, when you pick a relic you get good points. Sometimes, you get bad points. Most will give you none. The game won't tell you if an item you're considering will give you one or the other or none.
- Most relics don't tell you what they do in numbers. "Increases attackspeed but decreases attack" - OK, but I'm hitting for 6-8 damage, how much will it decrease my attack by? "I'm not telling you!" "Increases lightning damage" - OK, by how much? "No comment!" and so on, and so forth.