
Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
People actually do NOT need money to work on games. Money is great, for sure, because if a dev can live off of donations, they don't have to work a regular job to pay bills and feed themselves. But, a person can definitely work a full time job for money to pay bills, and still have time after work to work on a game. The development goes slower, depending on how much they put on their plate at once. I.E: I am a musician. I do not get paid enough from playing shows and streaming, and selling merch, to pay my bills. I work a full time job. I still have tons of time after work each day, and on weekends, to work on music...which includes, but isn't limited to, practicing, writing, recording, promoting, booking, networking, interviewing, and google searching, and creating my own fliers....

I do all of this because of my passion for my art. It would be nice to be able to live off of it. But, as it stands, I need to play 4 hours of covers, in some run down bar in the middle of nowhere, 5 nights a week, steadily, while finding new venues regularly to not drown an area with the same band, just to make mediocre money. But all that is a different conversation. lol

Anyway...point from donations is not necessarily needed to continue working on a game.
Yea if you don't mind working on your music for free that is fine, from what you said yourself it seems like your job allows you to have enough time to do all those things. But that is not the case for everyone, some people also have families that they have to take care of. It's just not the time that people have to put into it, it's also the extra expenses that they have. For example if your GPU dies, which seems to be very common issue for devs, and if you're not making enough money with your IRL job to buy a new one or get it fixed then the project has to stop. So yea the idea that you don't need money and you can just work on it as a passion project it's not very realistic for most people.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
Many people leave and critize for his cowardice.

When people asked about NTR scene of Mom, He always replied about you can imagine what you want, anything can happen behind the doors.
Also killing a LI was bad choice, again here he replied you can imagine what you want, anything can happen.

He should show some guts and told everyone yes Mom will be gang-raped or raped by Orc/s. And Rose is dead.

So everyone at least wished him Good luck. And he lost patrons for his bullshits.

Another bad thing, in a harem game you had to force choose Between main LI's.

Some people (10%) like what he made
Some people (15%) dont say anything & play
Many people (20%) played and criticised
Rest of all played, criticised & left playing
Lots of bad/outright stupid decisions by the dev, the abandoned tag was somewhat expected
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