VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Through Spacetime [Final] [Empiric]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing update [Ep.10.5]
    Banner and preview images pulled me in.
    Interesting set up in the game description mixed with the high average score for 60+ reviews made me think it would be worth my time as well.
    Sad to say but this one disappointed me.
    I'll just be blunt about this: The game is boring.
    The images are kinda flat, the animations are short and bland.
    Story setup/background is more interesting than the main plot itself.
    I dunno, gave it a shot. But it just didn't do anything for me except make me feel like I'd wasted an hour of my time. Gave up on the rest of the game/story and just deleted it. Maybe it gets better later on, but I'm not gonna bore myself for hours on end just to get to whatever good parts might come later.

    2 stars because some of the gals look decent. That's about the most positive thing I can think of to say here.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding game loved the ending, not enough pregnant renders and scenes these days, was just sorry to see it end. All the renders overall were excellent along with the storyline. Hopefully you continue making more games of this quality. Thank you!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games i've played in the last year. Its not fully complete yet but feels like it is. Its a lot of mindless sex but the story is great and the ending aswell. The pregnancy is done very well, any pregnancy lovers will love this.

    Definitelt worth 5 stars and cant recommend enough.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The best "real porn" game on the site, I have nothing more to add or say. Idk if there's still a quota on words or whatever, but yeah great game dev, hope you post frequent updates, thought I reached the limit but didn't. So 5/5 pics, storyline 5/5, I'm unfamliar with the dev but I like the writing style
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable as a simple and straightforward sex romp. The artwork is great, the writing does its job well, and it all works together nicely.

    If you're looking for a deeply involved plot with complex characterization and character growth, then you should read an actual novel. If you want to go to space and stick your penis in all the good looking women, this game is for you.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Ruff Ryder

    EDIT: Okay the end was rushed. At some point the non-king path made no sense so I was hoping for some good content in the king path, which in the end was just some sex scenes and us becoming a blue giant for some reason. This path had potential if you made a story worth of three updates. Too bad, down to 2 stars. Hope the next game will learn from these mistakes.

    I enjoyed the game quite a lot.
    It started weak but got better with time. The storyline about Andromeda and us becoming king was great and this could actually lead to much more content in the King's path.

    The weakest point in this game was the favoritism and the 'Savior'. It got so annoying with these nuns and that bimbo, I didn't even fuck that bimbo.

    In terms of favoritism it's pretty clear there were almost none to no plans for Sam and Hitomi. Sam had two scenes early which was funny with all that 'Sperm is healthy' trick but later on there was nothing of her. Hell I only saw Hitomi twice in the game and the first time was right in the beginning - not counting her scene in the end since it would make no sense.

    It's just you threw them in at the end just to have sex. Wished they would've had some more screen time and even some sort of relationship forming.

    I'm curious about the King's path but all in all these factors dropped the game a bit.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    After warping through a black hole, you end up arriving 800 years in the future as the last surviving human male. Discovered by a ship of ladies... you can see where this is going. While the second half of the story does get interesting for a bit, there's no personal growth for our MC or any of the girls. This game offers a kinetic novel experience where you spend your days and nights fucking and things fall into place for you without any effort.

    Renders are good but not remarkable. I wish there was some variety in the dynamic the MC has with the girls but it's all the same. Atleast 4-5 of the women have the same personality(sassy, smart talking, and hyper competent). We play as a hapless goofball and I don't like this style of MC at all.

    Still, with all that said, just hold CTRL down and go through the scenes, you'll find yourself satisfied with the sex available. Some might even say it's too much. Light 3 stars for the renders and one star purely for the second half shenanigans of double crossing and revelations which I found interesting. In their next game, the dev team should focus on characterization, plot and buildup the story organically.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously this is all subjective and reflects my own impressions of the game. Simple to play but still involves some meaningful branching (not just a kinetic novel). Interesting plot/setting, there are others but the sci-fi setting with exotic women is still a bit novel in the sea of contemporary/real world based settings. Beautiful characters in some diverse scenes and poses. My personal chief kink of breeding is well addressed, massive plus for me.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    - really hot girls
    - lot of lewds
    - very good renders

    - girls personality and story non existent
    - no music
    - basically a fuck all game
    - mc is basically a human dildo
    - below average animations

    if you just want to fap then yeah its a solid 4, but for overall package mesely 2
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    complete overrated, couldn´t play this game longer than 30 minutes (and that only because i had the hope that the good looking girls have some interesting story). when i see some 5/5 writting or storytelling points in some reviews i can only :rolleyes:

    the MC is a no go for me i hate characters that are stupid as shit and all they care is how to get as much pussys as possible (without having any knowledge about girls). if that were reality better let women take over.

    the animations were bad (no idea if they will get better later, but i dont really care)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok so here is my review.

    The game is funny with plenty of spit your drink out moments. The amount of sex scenes is huge I mean there are hot scenes every few minutes.

    Basically being the only male in the universe and being rescued by hit women who haven't seen a man in 100s of years, well you don't need to be a genius to know what goes on throughout the game.

    Renders are very good and the sex scenes are mainly run of the mill but you won't mind as the models are hot as the hottest thing in the universe.

    Favourites for me are:
    Nicole - fuck man she is a smoking hot blonde, they should make a sex doll of her and they would sell like millions.
    Katie - a sexy young redhead, i have a thing about redheads anyway so yeah she is hot too. Also Natalie is another red hot redhead.
    lily - pink haired slim, sexy as hell

    In fact I would say the models are all hot and there will be something for everyone.

    To be honest just make sex dolls of them all, they will sell millions men would buy them and only keep women around when necessary, much better than having drama with women lol.

    The game is not like excessively long you can get through it in about 1/2 day but it doesn't need to be longer. There could have been scope to make a sandbox version after the end, maybe where the MC could go around other planets either buying/conquering etc and spreading his love to the aliens lol.

    Thank you for an enjoyable game I look forward to seeing the alternate ending.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Aurelius Ambrosius

    This game has excellent models. I especially appreciate boobs of varying sizes. I'm not a fan of girls having balloon boobs, so this is a welcome change from some of the other games out there.

    There are no sounds, but there is some quiet piano music. I think that was a good choice, because a completely quiet VN always feels a bit stark to me.

    And, surprisingly, the game has a very enjoyable story. At the start of the game the MC is a real exploitative jerk. Fortunately, later he is much more of a friendly and funny guy.
    All the conversations feel useful and logical and are quite short (no filler).
    I also appreciate some of the short scenes where he talks to one of the girls and they have a non-sexual encounter where they just discuss what needs to be done. It feels a lot like a normal sci-fi show. Huge kuddos for that!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Review on Ep.10 Part 3

    There is a lot to like in this VN but I feel like a 3 star rating describes this game pretty accurately because it is, in so many ways, just so very average.

    Technical aspects (3 stars)

    The renders are ok to decent.
    Generally, the girls look very hot and I like their bodies but you do have typical DAZ problems with bustier gals like clothes somehow wrapping around and under their boobs or the breasts just looking weird and awkward when the women are in any other position than just standing.

    The environments are fine but also look exactly the same like all these other Ren'Py sci-fi games.

    The music is somewhat okay mainly because it's not too distracting but the dev also seems to only have bought two tracks; one for general all-purpose scenes which is just fairly atmospheric and non-obtrusive, and one for sex scenes which is a somewhat melodramatic piano piece that can sometimes feel a bit out of place. Both of these would be fine if they weren't the only two tracks we hear throughout so that it really does get extremely repetitive.

    Story and Writing (3.5 stars)

    The story is somewhat of a stronger point in my opinion. It's not the greatest storywriting ever but it does have a continuous throughline and ends reasonably satisfactorily, if somewhat abruptly. And at any rate, its function isn't really l'art pour l'art in this case, it's just there to serve as a basic foundation on which to lay countless sex scenes and I'm fine with that.

    I'm not a huge fan of the "last man in the world" trope, it's just a fairly lazy way to have an excuse for the ladies to all jump on the MC's dick even when he's nothing special, and not have insecure guys have to deal with some possible competition. The fact that the dev still had to invent some pheromone-based sci-fi reason for the women to be attracted to the MC, shows to me that they really didn't have faith in the MC's characterization being enough to be attractive, even with the added bonus of being the last man in existence, which really says something of the writing of the MC.

    The female characters are all fine, they're mostly either fairly clichéd characters, like the innocent Kaite or the slutty Eve, or just with not a whole lot of distinctive personality at all. But I feel like they're still mostly varied enough to be recognizable as their own characters.

    Sexual content (2.5 stars)

    For a sci-fi, sex-first story-second, type of game, I was pretty disappointed in the sex scenes. There are a lot of them, like the opening TL;DR of the game page says "Guy goes into space and sticks penis wherever", that's a pretty accurate description. But it also pretty much stays at that level. You have one guy, and one or two women (not even a foursome at any point, there were so many opportunities for great orgies), having the hottest sex that a 14-year-old boy could imagine. It's just fairly boring, extremely safe for insecure straight guys, and just more and more of the same.

    Even the alien women don't have anything about them that might make the sex scenes weirder or more interesting, they just have a different skin colour. Speaking of skin colour, as you can already see from the main game page, the lineup looks pretty homogeneous. The main LI's, except for the blue chick, are all white. There is one Asian girl on the ship who has two short sex scenes but otherwise appears to not exist in the story and one black girl whom you have one sex scene with before her too weirdly disappearing from the rest of the game. And then less than a handful of other alien encounters.
    It just all seems way too safe and boring for a game like this, why make a sex-driven sci-fi game when you're not going to explore a bit more adventurous stuff?

    And just n.b., there seems to be a weird dislike of anal creampies, it's really odd once you start paying attention to it. There's a fair bit of anal in the game, but while with vaginal sex you almost always get the option of either creampieing the girl or pulling out, there is not one scene where you get an anal creampie, you always pull out after anal sex. It's not that important of a point, it's just very weird and I don't really get it.


    All in all, I'll stick with my initial assessment of "average". This game is probably not gonna blow your mind, it's very straightforward and you mostly get what the label promises. Playing it through wasn't a bad experience, there's a lot of (fairly boring) fap material in there, but that's also about it. Seeing as it's now almost finished, with just the second of the two possible endings still needing to be implemented, I'll probably go back for that once it comes out for a sense of conclusion, but I don't see myself coming back to this one after that.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Played for the first time EP 10 part 3: good writing and good renders.
    What I liked:

    Graphics: 5/5
    Good looking characters, you see he put a good effort on them, not only the usual DAZ assets.

    Characters: 5/5
    Each one with its own background and way to behave and decide, as for the graphics you understand the dev tried to make them credible, coherent and not simple.

    Story: 5/5
    You see he planned the setting and the story, he's not sailing trying to understand where the story can go. It's a plus.
    Good balancing with sex scenes, coherent with the story,

    Writing: 5/5
    I love the setting and even some insides about time and space, he did his researches and wrote them in a simple but accurate way. No grammar mistakes I noticed.

    Humor: it's a plus you find some!

    Definitely worth your time!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The Good:
    - Most of the female characters look nice.
    - Most of the sex scenes look really nice too.
    - The developer has clearly put a lot of effort into their game and is improving. I hope they will continue to design more games in the future.
    - The game is simple, which is evident as there are really only two major kinds of choices:
    1) Watch sex scene/don't watch sex scene
    2) Cum inside/cum outside
    - There is no "Ugly" section in my review. The dev is a competent programmer. I didn't encounter any glitches or exploits of any kind.

    The Meh:
    - While I give the dev an A for effort, they probably would benefit from a proofreader. I've found a good handful of spelling and grammar issues, and and other basic mistakes. Oops!
    - The story is linear to a fault, and it appears there are going to be only two endings all hanging on one decision at the end of the game. Not much here for replay value.
    1) the "meh" ending, which is variable by pregnancies.
    2) the conquest/king ending, which isn't available yet.
    - The choices themselves are a little inconsistent. Sometimes you get an extra choice somewhere, sometimes you don't get a choice at all and you're stuck going through an ass-mouth-vag scene whether you're into it or not. That's what skip buttons are for.
    - The sex scenes themselves are a bit inconsistent as well. Sometimes they're animated, sometimes they're not. Sometimes they have both animated and not-animated bits. While the animations improve as the game continues, I hope the dev will go back and fix the old ones.

    The Bad:
    - While most of the women look nice, almost none of them have any personality. There is: Eve the super slut, Natasha the doctor slut, Noire the wolf-girl slut, Nicole the brainwashed slut... you see the pattern here.
    - Two supporting characters, Vira and Margaret drop off the map, completely forgotten. One of many amateur writing mistakes present in this game.
    - The MC is probably the actual the villain in this story. For being the best pilot NASA ever had, he's a complete meat-head. He probably cheated into being a NASA pilot by fucking someone into submission.
    He sometimes says he has principles, but he really doesn't have any moral principles at all. All he seems to care about is w/e gets him the most pussy.

    Through Spacetime isn't a bad game, but it did nothing to impress me either. It's little more than an immature fantasy of being the last man alive, because then, even if you're as ugly as Jabba the Hutt or as insufferable as Jar Jar Binks, and all the women have been educated into believing all men are evil and better off dead, everyone woman alive is still going to be throwing themselves at you.
    Ha. If only.
    Does Through Spacetime need to have a compelling story? Not really, no. Its primary function is to serve as fap material, and that's perfectly okay. But with that said, being fap material is par. Going above and beyond is what gets you 4 or 5 stars.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Pro: OK story/dialog
    Decent textures and the models/characters look good(except MC)

    Cons: Very short H scenes
    MC looks pretty bad

    I doubt Empiric will ever read this but non the less I'll give my opinion. I would avoid the MC's face if its possible, most games it is and this one is no different. The H scenes are very short. Maybe add some content in dialog, mix in story line a bit and do it smart if you do not have much animations/scenes to play with.

    There is a lot of potential I see with this project which is why I checked it out. Models/characters are great, maybe think of a way to interact with characters more or some other element would go a long way with this.

    I would suspect the high stars everyone throws out so easy is purely based on the models but this is suppose to be a game. If its just about how the model looks then might as well just read some hentai.

    Just my opinion.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This was legitimately my favorite VN I've played. The story was great and I look forward to seeing the ending. Lily and Noire.... best girls. Nicole was amazing too.
    I played this in one sit down. It was amazingly hot. The sex was not way to oversaturated and you also don't have to wait to long between sex scenes.
    The development of the group was stellar. The way the MC integrates himself actually makes sense, as opposed to most MC... lol.
    Empiric deserves an award for this one... Props!!!
    Truly an excellent VN!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    A pure harem VN.

    Don't think about the plot at all, just look at how to fuck the beauties.
    No grinding, no consequences, this is true erotica.

    But each sex position is too few, the scene is too short, deduct 1 star.
    This is the selling point of the whole game, it shouldn't be so casual. It's better to be more passionate.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3800202

    Way funnier than I expected, doesn't take itself too seriously. Plays around with the idea of, what if there were no men. For example, some of the crew really don't seem to care about the main character until his crazy pheromones kick in. Some great models. Look forward to more.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    To be honest, the start was ordinary, specifically the initial few minutes but as the game progressed quality of renders, animations, humor got better significantly. Sci fi harem theme with mc being only male human somehow survived all those decades. Girls are gorgeous, scenes are pretty erotic and credit goes to the writer. Special mention of those nuns, that cult arc was perfect fit to the story and weirdly satisfying.