Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
...I only go up to like 1.2 or 1.7 stamina, it wont ever go up to full 2/2.
The new stamina indicator shows fractional stamina use. Round up to see how many actions you can still take. Under the hood, you have a stamina penalty of up to 0.999..., and stamina only goes down once that penalty hits 1.

I tried sleeping for longer after and it still didnt go up any more.
Maybe I should change that.

Also, sometimes it will force me to sleep at 0.9, other times I can keep going even at 0.1
Look at the colour. Orange means a stamina 'debt'.


Nov 13, 2020
Ah okay. So next question,

How do I actually get the witch to teach me magic? If I have any rage she says Im too tense, but if I do an activity that lowers my rage, she then says Im too tired. So I sleep but now my rage is back again and Im too tense again. Its impossible to be both calm and fully rested at the same time.

Also, I would say rage is way too crippling as it is right now. You start every day at angry, and turning down an encounter gets you another rage, so only two encounters and now you cant control your actions at all, which really sucks if you are starving because you cant choose to hunt down food, you have to hope that the RNG gives you a food encounter. This dragons anger issues makes Kratos look calm.

edit: So I just starved to death (well didnt die, but got stuck in the "starving dragon cant sleep" loop) because of horrible RNG and problems with rage. I had two full weeks of hunting without a single food encoutner and started starving to death, and apparently if you are starving you wake up with your rage maxxed out, meaning you literally cant go hunting for food. My dragon should not be giving a shit about random buildings and maidens when he is literally starving to death! This rage mechanic is horrible, and as it stands I would just remove it completely, as it serves no purpose other than limiting what actions you can take, which is already served by having a limited stamina.

edit2: starved to death 4 more times, again all because the rage wont let me hunt animals. Rage is basically making this game unplayable.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
So I sleep but now my rage is back again and Im too tense again. Its impossible to be both calm and fully rested at the same time.
Sleep only raises rage when you're starving. Also, you can perform up to 0.9 fractional activities to reduce rage, like robbing/eating/slaughtering a captive (-1 rage for less than 0.1 actions).

Also, I would say rage is way too crippling as it is right now. You start every day at angry...
That's the problem, you need some sort of outlet for your rage before going to sleep. Or perhaps just after waking up... have to hope that the RNG gives you a food encounter.
The various 'hunt' options. Although once you're on the 'rage' spiral, it's hard to get off of it.

Also, the most reliable way to lessen rage, get food, treasure, girls, etc is to quit relying on random encounters and raid villages. No RNG involved, guaranteed ~15 satiety and -1 rage, some bonus treasure and possibly a girl, too. More, if your minions can handle the bigger ones.

...starving you wake up with your rage maxxed out, meaning you literally cant go hunting for food. My dragon should not be giving a shit about random buildings and maidens when he is literally starving to death!
He doesn't. He's just so angry any systematic hunting becomes impossible. Hunting is a game of patience, after all. :D serves no purpose other than limiting what actions you can take, which is already served by having a limited stamina.
Stamina limits how many actions you can do, not which ones. So they're not the same.

This rage mechanic is horrible
Rage is basically making this game unplayable.
Nobody's really complained about this before, so I doubt it's quite as bad as you make it out to be. You're just not used to it yet.

I recently played a test game on the 'impossible' difficulty, and regularly had to go to sleep 'angry', since throwing fights for managing mobilization gives +3 rage. I was reloading a lot, but not because of rage, but because I was after specific encounters/results. 'Impossible' is very much a difficulty for real masochists, even I thought the savescumming was getting out of hand. And I'm a religious reloader. :p

Bottom line, I think your issues stem from not getting enough satiety, and rage is just a symptom of that. Raiding villages for food before rage overflows is probably the basic gameplay loop you're not using as it's intended here.


Nov 13, 2020
"Sleep only raises rage when you're starving. Also, you can perform up to 0.9 fractional activities to reduce rage, like robbing/eating/slaughtering a captive (-1 rage for less than 0.1 actions)."
Then why do I wake up at exactly the angry state *every* morning, even if I went to bed calm? No matter what I did the previous day, I always wake up angry.

"The various 'hunt' options. Although once you're on the 'rage' spiral, it's hard to get off of it."
The hunt options are still very unreliable. For example, hunting in the farmlands, half the time the dragon gets bored and goes looking for a random encouter instead of finding food. When he does find food, most of the time its cows or pigs, and I cant win those fights yet. Goose is basically useless, no real net result. The only useful encounter is the sheep, with only about 10% encounter chance. Though in practice it feels even less often than that cause Ive gone two full weeks before without a food encounter.

"Also, the most reliable way to lessen rage, get food, treasure, girls, etc is to quit relying on random encounters and raid villages. No RNG involved, guaranteed ~15 satiety and -1 rage, some bonus treasure and possibly a girl, too. More, if your minions can handle the bigger ones."
Anything larger than the lonely farms is a death sentance, and even the lonely farms is dangerous. I win that fight less than half the time cause mobs are really dangerous even with a full squad of goblins.

"He doesn't. He's just so angry any systematic hunting becomes impossible. Hunting is a game of patience, after all. :D"
Sure he might be less likely to be successful at hunting, but why is it he going to investigate empty buildings and random women when hes literally starving, instead of at least *trying* to hunt?

"Stamina limits how many actions you can do, not which ones. So they're not the same"
Still comes off as basically the same effect. The action you take while raged is completely random so the number of actions you can "choose" to take is effectively limited.

"Bottom line, I think your issues stem from not getting enough satiety, and rage is just a symptom of that. Raiding villages for food before rage overflows is probably the basic gameplay loop you're not using as it's intended here."
Yep. Its really really hard to keep satiety high, and rage just makes it that much harder. Villages are too difficult to raid even with a full squad of goblins. Ive probably done 40 playthrough attempts by now? And of those only *once* have I managed to increase my size to small, and that took a solid year of very careful micromanagment and a lot of luck to pull off.

If I could make a couple of ideas that might help? Make it so we can befriend/intimidate a farmer/butcher/hunter, and have an option to buy meat from them when we get desperate. And make it so that if we hit max satiety, we can bring further kills back to our lair to save for later. Say that our gremlin workers are salting/curing the meats so they dont go bad.

BTW I really hope I dont come off like Im complaining. I honestly really like the game, Im just finding it frustratingly difficult.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Then why do I wake up at exactly the angry state *every* morning...
I don't know. Is your dragon starving? Starving makes him mad. :p What kind of message are you getting in the morning, the one under the red dragon eye?

The hunt options are still very unreliable. For example, hunting in the farmlands, half the time the dragon gets bored...
Tiny (or rather, low-level) dragons are like that. If you really don't want to go through the period where your dragon is so vulnerable, just start as small or medium.

...goes looking for a random encouter instead of finding food.
He doesn't go looking, specifically, he just grabs the first thing he finds. :)

...cows or pigs, and I cant win those fights yet.
You should be finding lots of geese as well. Gods, how I grew to hate that goosegirl. :mad:

Anyway, one goblin should give you the ability to kill a single 'mob', at worst losing that goblin. If you're not magical enough to get milked, go find a peddler and rob him. Now you have enough money for a full goblin squad, who can take on even a bull+dog combination, i.e. 0-mobilization cows.

Goose is basically useless...
Geese and rabbits are for when you're desperate and trying to avoid the anger malus from starving.

The only useful encounter is the sheep
Sheep are really very nice, since the sheepdog doesn't get upgraded when mobilization rises above 0. But if all you do is hunt sheep, soon there will be no sheep to hunt.

Anything larger than the lonely farms is a death sentance
I win that fight less than half the time cause mobs are really dangerous even with a full squad of goblins.
Um, what difficulty are you playing on? On normal and normal+, a full goblin squad is a guaranteed kill against a 'mob'. At the worst, it's 40HP/(1+1+1+1+2 damage) = 7 rounds, and the worst he can dish out is 7*4=28, killing one goblin.

Even on impossible, it was usually two dead goblins and a win. A 'mob'+dog is a little trickier, but still perfectly winnable on normal.

...why is it he going to investigate empty buildings and random women...
He's in a frenzy. He's not acting rationally, just running head-first into whatever catches his eye.

Still comes off as basically the same effect. The action you take while raged is completely random so the number of actions you can "choose" to take is effectively limited.
Getting a random encounter and getting a useless one are not one and the same. It might feel that way, but that's exactly what rage is supposed to simulate, a loss of agency (for both the player and the dragon).

Its really really hard to keep satiety high...
That's only in the beginning. Towards the... third?... year of my 'impossible' test game, I was constantly maxed on satiety (small+bottomless belly) unless I was doing something special, like building altars.

Villages are too difficult to raid even with a full squad of goblins.
I still don't understand that, since I was raiding large villages towards the end of my impossible playthrough. And the deck is really stacked against you there.

Are you lowering mobilization via throwing fights and improving your minions? Recruiting a few peasant gals will considerably boost your power, as will using the cages to drain captives.

Ive probably done 40 playthrough attempts by now? And of those only *once* have I managed to increase my size to small, and that took a solid year of very careful micromanagment and a lot of luck to pull off.
Are you sure you're not playing on one of the harder difficulties? :p

Make it so we can befriend/intimidate a farmer/butcher/hunter...
...bring further kills back to our lair to save for later. Say that our gremlin workers are salting/curing...
This is not what dragons do. :D Dragons hunt.

Anyway, that would entirely trivialise satiety management. And meat-selling lizardmen already exist, although they're gated. If you want them faster, start man-sized and do the 'Tribes!' quest by screwing a noblegirl (you can get one by ambushing a carriage).

Edit: Also, intimidating farmers for food already exists under the 'Raid villages -> demand tribute' option. You're just not scary enough for that yet. Being a cat-sized dragon is a pain. :sneaky:

And a hunter won't be much better than hunting stuff yourself in the forest. If you can intimidate him, you can probably hunt just as well as him.

I really hope I dont come off like Im complaining. I honestly really like the game, Im just finding it frustratingly difficult.
No worries, you are not alone in thinking it's hard. :) I just happen to like gating and limits. A lot.

And I can be convinced to change the game, occasionally. I just think that your current problems are not something that's caused by a lack of satiety, but rather a lack of combat prowess. Why that is, I don't know yet. Are you perhaps fielding the dragon as the front-liner? That will really crimp his style. Goblins are meant to be meatshields, not damage-dealers.

And did you not read the difficulty screen? It doesn't say "a rude awakening" for nothing. :p
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019

I think I know why the girl disappears after rape scene, she died.... so theres no error, just girls rng low hp.


Nov 13, 2020
"Fully rested and filled with new malice, [dragon name] wakes up in his lair. It is time to rape, plunder, and pillage!" With a satiety of 35, and hes at "angry".

Ive been playing on normal. With a full gobbo squad, A dog + a mob is about a 50/50 shot, a bull + dog completely wipes the floor with me. How do I improve my minions? Ive got nothing but the goblins, i havent seen a way to recruit peasants, and I dont have cages cause I havent been able to find a lair yet. I found a cave *once* but died shortly after and havent been able to find one again.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
I think I know why the girl disappears after rape scene, she died.... so theres no error
Oh, yeah. I'll put in a 'female is dead now' message.

"Fully rested and filled with new malice...
...satiety of 35, and hes at "angry".
And you didn't go to sleep angry? I can't really see why you'd wake up pissed off like that, out of the blue. I just tested, and it's not a regular occurrence, see the attachments.

...a bull + dog completely wipes the floor with me.
How? o_O I just tried, and it wasn't even close. See the final screenie for the moment just before I killed the bull. The dog and two goblins had already bit the dust by then. Only adding a 'mob' into the mix makes the combat much more difficult, maybe even impossible for a new dragon.

How do I improve my minions? Ive got nothing but the goblins
Goblins are reasonably okay for early game. Then you can groom some peasant girls, then you get cockatrices. After that, the homunculus or basilisks, maybe murlocks or townswomen/nuns/nobles, possibly even an elfgirl. Then you're starting to get to mid-game with various lizardmen, wyverns and whatnot.

Existing minions improve via surviving combat (verrry slowwwly) and by torturing girls in cages. You're going to hate goblins when you get your cages going, though. :sneaky:

i havent seen a way to recruit peasants
Torture her until she's at 100 affection (and not pregnant), then 'Invite'. Make sure she's actually good at combat, too, like ~25-30 HP, 3-4 attack and 1-2 attack mastery, at least.

I dont have cages cause I havent been able to find a lair yet.
Cages can be built even in the ravine. If your satiety doesn't allow you to make one yourself, you can pay the gremlins to do it for you.

I found a cave *once* but died shortly after
I think the most accessible early game lair is the 'Abandoned ruin'. You can manufacture those by selecting 'destroy' instead of 'rob' at the village menu.
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Nov 13, 2020
So I finally got my magic trained, but what can I actually do with it now? I dont see any options to cast spells or do anything magical anywhere?


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Magic does many things. Possibly the most important of these is the ability to properly impregnate women and get good minions. The cockatrices mentioned above are the weakest of these.

There are three combat spells which are unlocked by growing bigger, starting from medum size. And there are several places where magic comes handy, like entering the Capital unannounced, swimming without gills etc.


Nov 13, 2020
God damn it!! My game just bugged out and had me wake up with 0 satiety and at full rage, and I died cause of it... I was having a really damn good run for once to.. fuck.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
My game just bugged out and had me wake up with 0 satiety and at full rage
You did have enough satiety when you went to sleep, right? Running out during sleep makes the dragon angry. Really angry. :D

If you did, can you get me a save? An autosave will do as well.

I was having a really damn good run for once to..
Are you trying to ironman or something? Otherwise, auto-saves, quick-saves and just plain old saves are your friends. :p


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Does being a full size dragon kill every rape victim? so far peasants nuns and nobles have died on the first try...


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
No, size has nothing to do with it. :p Nuns and especially nobles are just kinda frail.

Although it shouldn't be that bad. I don't think I've fucked away more than 10 HP from a captive, ever, and pretty much all girls have that much. Are you doing something extra, like torturing or getting in a fight mid-fuck and having to start over?

Edit: Okay, size does have an impact. Your fear multiplies the damage you do, up to ~19 times for a 95-fear dragon vs witless power 1 peasant. o_O I guess I should reign that in. Maybe a maximum multiplier of 3?
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Maybe a flat increase, like size 2 gives a +2 ?

if its outside the lair I just hold hands then entwine.

In the lair is the rape action.

Both ways those frail ones die.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
The fear thing was actually meant to reduce damage when the girl is tough.

I'll make the fear modifier a little more complex, and cap it at ~4. So one round of fucking will only take at most 4.8 HP, and a full session 4*(3.2-4.8). Some weak girls may still die, especially when you're really scary, but that's their hard luck. :p


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Right now an angel takes abt 20ish damage.

A 35hp alva died from rape.

But mating seems to give no damage.

Where is the code block so that I can reduce my own numbers?

Thief is now too good to foil, need a specific type of minion?
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3.50 star(s) 8 Votes