Is there a walkthrough for the late release ???
all new content is getting descrambler from cops
1.visit Carson place(day 6)
2.give cops info about Carson(day 5 in pub after helping with VIP area at fair)(just follow cops storyline)
view result at Carson(day 6)
3.give cops full info(day 5, after using parasited Alice at VIP area)(help Alice day2, date with janice to capture parasite, follow the cops storyline)(dont use Warp menu for day 3, as it has impossible condition to talk to cops. You can use WARP for days 1,2,4)
4.visit Carson place to get descrambler(day 6)
5.(almost) successfully complete day 6 raid(investigate church after obtaining descrambler)
easiest way to do it, is setting up everything for step 3, then just go forward and backward in time getting all variants