can you upload 1.03 without compressed pleaseTina, Swordswoman of Scarlet Prison [v1.03] [shinachiku-castella] Compressed With UAGC 2.7.6 (UnTested)
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Some less-than-ideal news, at least from what it sounds like through the automated translation.Looks like Tina 2 is being worked on now.
This is the end of the story of Suzuka and friends. (There are no plans for updates.) After this, I will work on localization and other doujin work. Once that is done, I will take a break. I think the frequency of updates for ci-en will also decrease, so if you are on the Natsuiro plan or above, you can cancel it.
After my break I'll be working on Tina 2. I'll set up a new development environment and do my best!
Well, first I'm going to play a lot of doujin erotic games and regular games---ฅ^-ω-^ฅ✨✨✨
1. go to castle as ceciledoes anyone know how cecile can sneak into southern durham, i was see a hint but no clue
it's effective, thank you so much for your instructions1. go to castle as cecile
2. right before door to the kitchen there be glowing star which is really hard to see
3. cecile will give her stew to samurai girl, then to her little student next door
4. student will take her "food" in excuse to save it for later but in fact she want to give it to tina
5. so u need to swich to tina and go to castle to the girl with axe and pigeon, she give tina stew
6. you give stew to the guard at the gate to south durham
Guard is down and you can use gate to go to south as cecile
i guess the the more suggestive face would fit tina more, cecille is more of a lady like and has bigger boobs and probably much thicker than tina (just assumption based on their inconsistent illustration)I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but you gotta get a hotter face bro. something like this View attachment 4011614
file 5 is not showing up when trying to loadI believe this is the full save, but emm pretty sure it's scattered all over this thread lol
Probably Tina 2, cause after the break, they working on Tina 2, so put two and two together for Tina twoView attachment 4142882
Just found this image on developer page. Do you know the game or it gonna be in Tina chapter 2?
You need to first save on file 5, then copy over the save and overwrite file 5. Finally reload that file 5 with the updated save file 5.file 5 is not showing up when trying to load