Collection Video ToastedMW Collection [2024-01-24] [ToastedMicroWave/EvilToastedMW]


New Member
Nov 16, 2021
Yeah, i read the rest of the thread. Seems he also was a bit of a paranoid about content leaks as if he could stop them
Yeah he acts like his stuff is pure gold, and goes through multiple layers of password protection for his content. It's also expensive, and boringly vanilla.

I subbed the month after he said he was dropping beast stuff just to see if it was hidden. It wasn't, and I couldn't even see the animations for like 2 weeks since it needed a password for his archive that he -only- sends out via patreon direct messages.

Between the lame vanilla stuff, the high price, paranoia and the obnoxious attitude when they talk to their patrons... ToastedMW is one of the few people that I think deserves to have their content pirated.