Collection Video ToastedMW Collection [2024-09-16] [ToastedMicroWave/EvilToastedMW]


Active Member
Sep 28, 2018
His evil content was some of the best out there. That Rey animation in which she leg locks the dog while he knots her and then licks her inside her open mouth before pulling out might be the hottest canine animation out there (despite it being an animation featuring Rey instead of e.g. Lara Croft). Would've 100% supported him if he had a substar for that.
He's more or less actively trying to hide the fact he did beast animations. Very doubtful he'd make a substar for that. Hell, no idea why he doesn't have a substar account in general. It's 2024. Gotta have a substar in case patreon scumfucks screw you over. Like how they looooove to hold people hostage at end of the month.
ZMSFM just did the same shit and now they are just your run of the mill porn artist. Not sure when he stopped
TLDR: He stopped in january. Put up a big message on subsar and supporter discord saying that he really doesn't want to do purely beast animations anymore. Doesn't enjoy making and dedicating time to them.
(You have to take in mind, ZMSFM has an insane output of 4 animations with variants every month)
He gave people choice to make one more beast anim before he stops or stop right away. Since lot of people like zmsfm in general, they voted for him to stop. He did say though that he'll still make monstrous animals and monsters. Not really a money issue either since ZMSFM is on substar and does very well for himself. Unlike Toasted, he didn't censor any of his content, delete posts or paywalled it under a special group or something. Animations are still there.
I wouldn't say he's "out of the mill animator" as he still does monsters and some hardcore bits combined with big variety. Plus has actual fetish content in terms of preggo, slave variants etc.


New Member
Dec 13, 2022
Is "evil" version of 2b riding cowgirl in this? Also, man I didnt know ZM stopped beast stuff. He was one of the best out there for that, I hope he does one occasionally every once in a while instead of stopping entirely.
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New Member
May 29, 2021
Not sure what you people are on about, he has done some blacked animations, a couple of previews and full animations were literally uploaded by himself on rule34video.


New Member
Nov 16, 2021
Yeah, i read the rest of the thread. Seems he also was a bit of a paranoid about content leaks as if he could stop them
Yeah he acts like his stuff is pure gold, and goes through multiple layers of password protection for his content. It's also expensive, and boringly vanilla.

I subbed the month after he said he was dropping beast stuff just to see if it was hidden. It wasn't, and I couldn't even see the animations for like 2 weeks since it needed a password for his archive that he -only- sends out via patreon direct messages.

Between the lame vanilla stuff, the high price, paranoia and the obnoxious attitude when they talk to their patrons... ToastedMW is one of the few people that I think deserves to have their content pirated.