Yes you are right, it doesn't loop perfectly yet unfortunately, this is really a tricky one - usually I go for the true and tried method to reverse an animation to "ping pong" back and forth but for the boob physics this looked very weird. I will try to improve it at later point to play more smoothly.
CutieLvr for the nice words!
My current plan is to include pregnancy in an epilogue if support / interest is high enough after I wrapped up the main story.
To explain a bit further: The "regular" endings in Chapter 3 will take place 1-2 months after the events in the tomb in Chapter 2. In an epilogue, I could fast forward a couple of months and add all kinds of cool stuff about the (good or bad) relationship at that point, without it being too distracting from the main story line.
It's worth noting that your save game already contains a variable that tells me whether or not you came in her... just saying