Okay, so I live in the Southern US. Don't judge the whole region based on what little you've read.
Let me stop you right there. First, please, don't immediately assume I based what I said on just two vagues stereotypical shitpost found on Facebook. Second, I sense you took what I said as an insult (
wich is understanble, looking back at it, so my bad for that) but it really wasn't.
Third, you bring up racism, but that wasn't even my point to begin with.
And trust me, even in my country, who some of the more.... "politically passionate" let's say americans would with no doubt qualify as something like a "liberal socialist woke hellpit" (or something close to that) see racism, and a fair share of it.
All what I said regarding my feelings towards your country are made up after doing actual research, talking with american people (some friends of mine, and alot of random ones as well) and asking question to them.
And, again, my comments weren't turned towards racist murders specifically, but just the overwhellming presence of firearms there. I don't care about the color of the skin of the person who got shot, here. What's important is actually how "easy" it is to be able to shoot someone, or end up being shot (again, in my comments. Racism is a problem, but a seperate one, but I won't bring it on because trust me,right now, my country isn't one really shining regarding that topic)
I think my previous comments weren't elaborated enough to make my points clear, so excuse me for that.
Additionally, what you qualify as "progressive" could be, from my personal spectrum be qualified as "soft-conservative" or "liberal-conservatisvm", as much as it could truely be as progressist as we call progressivism here, since what you define as progressive is wildly subjective... and the mean to make it less subjective is to bring politics to the subject, and I really don't want to bring that here since that wasn't my aim at first, it isn't relelvant to the thread, I think, and I also really really don't want ending up with a swing from the mods hammer to the face x)
Anyway I'm starting to get a bit wasted atm, so if my ramblings aren't clear or are a bit confused, lemme know and I'll come up with something better after I get some sleep. Peace !
Edit : if you want to exchange privately on the subject, though, feel free to dm ! I think I fucked up enough with my comments here and don't want to pollute the thread more ^^'