@Pugugly001 Hi ! Just wanted to say hi and saying that I was in your situation two weeks ago (I think I don't precisely remember). On pornhub you can the guy needs 25 hours to do much content (that you and I saw ). In fact the community was really kind toward guys like us because they give us free saves and a walthrough that not can help you but will definitely help you.
@theamazingdolphin I will do some charity like the community did before. Walkthrough is actually saying it but we don't get it at first.
It is important to reset her ATK buff by an attack. If you play correctly (at least if you can't then use walkthrough) you will have opportunities.
Finally it is as the walktrough said it is simple to survive 20 turns !!!
To speak about myself I finally saw all content and clearly understand (finally ^^ ) all rules and secrets about this game.
I'm seeing you are speaking about what will be next content.
If I could advise you I would say you should not fantasize too much next content or you risk to be dissapointed. Don't expect too much (even if we all think that ill be another good content ^^ )
(Sorry for my english)