See, the problem with you people is that you think quantity equals quality. If you actually think that the earlier floors weren't so great quality-wise, then just look at Miss Claus' floor, I'd say the quality for that one is on par with 6F.
What some of us angry about the delays are asking for is one of two things: split the floors so that you don't have these big content droughts, or release shorter floors. The former they haven't addressed AFAIK, the latter they said "didn't feel right anymore" (naturally, such an arbitrary explanation isn't going to be all that satisfactory, but it's up to them so w/e). If you think neither of these are possible anymore, then you're dumb. And if you want "good quality" examples of these two things, just look at 5F (both parts) and Xmas update respectively.
@CAPTCHAsolver I don't think it's procrastination either, I mean, we'll never really know, but to me it seems like they're just really bad at organizing their work.