Geez, your attitude is seriously fucked. You might think it is funny or you feel like you are the hero, and I will leave you in your shitty dreams.
So, I redownloaded the update from Mega. It has the attached QSP in it.
Then I opened your perfect English FAQ.
Saves are located in C:\Users\Your Name\Documents\СохраненияигрQuestNavigator
Saves from V.18.03.20 are work
Enabled hints are displayed in character cards
The hints do not say full walkthrough, but only non-obvious moments
If the character is completely passed, this information is displayed in her card
Tower 0.548744
1.To pass this version, you need:Body type - 100.Cookery 30.
Tower10.01.20 Tower25.01.20 Tower13.02.20
Tower18.03.20 Tower07.04.20 Tower28.04.20
Tower19.05.20 Tower26.06.20 Tower18.07.20
Tower06.08.20 Tower30.09.20
Add +100,000 money
Take the photographer's course
To finish massage courses
Off hints
So in this babble I need to read the version?
Tower 0.548744 or something, but "Saves from V.18.03.20 are work" ?
Or is it the last one in the line?
So, then let's copy some translated stuff from the QSP:
Line 225+
'<div class="button"><a href="exec:minutes+=5 & gt ''park''">Уйти</a></div>'
'<div class="dialog_menu">'
if $data['события_аня_свид'] = 4:'
- Ань,ты как? Сходим на пляж в это воскресенье?</p>
- Ладно.Уговорил - пошли, - согласилась она.</p>
- Вот и отлично. Встречаемся в воскресенье на побережье с 10 до 12.</p>'
if $data['события_аня_свид'] = 5:' - Ань , в выходные обещают хорошую погоду,пойдем еще раз на пляж поплаваем, позагораем?</p>
- С удовольствием - с улыбкой, приняла она предложение.</p>
- Ну тогда, жду на побережье в воскресенье с 10 до 12.'
Fantastically translated.
Look dweep, it is ok if you don't like feedback, but why the fuck to you tell others they are idiots if you don't check the uploads yourself here?