Toxic Attraction DonSilver #Cuckold 8muses forum


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Jan 28, 2024
I am thorn between the ending I want tbh.

I think it would be morbidly funny if Lester died of a heart attack the moment Sarah's pledges herself to him while he is atop of her. Maybe an overdose of Cheetos or something.

"Sarah opened her eyes and looked up at Lester’s ugky face. It was beat red and unshaven. Sweat was beading at his hairline. She honeslty though he might have a cardiac episode, she knew the signs well."

I FUCKING TOLD YOU!! Cheetos heart attack is starting to cook!


Mar 31, 2024
I’ve read ch25 twice now and I’m really starting to dislike Sarah more and more the fact that she is just as manipulative as Lester towards Dan, I hope Dan can see for himself that Lester is not he’s only enemy.


Jul 11, 2017
This story begin to be so predictible, all the ideas are from patreon cuck fan, the story is just around Lester and Sarah now.

He make Dan so pathetic and dumb while making Lester james bond level , its not interesting at all.

Gonna finish the story but its to bad that DS listen to his paying patreon cuck fan when in the beginning hé said the couple gonna find a good ending with a strong Dan character . Money always win


Mar 31, 2024
This story begin to be so predictible, all the ideas are from patreon cuck fan, the story is just around Lester and Sarah now.

He make Dan so pathetic and dumb while making Lester james bond level , its not interesting at all.

Gonna finish the story but its to bad that DS listen to his paying patreon cuck fan when in the beginning hé said the couple gonna find a good ending with a strong Dan character . Money always win
Sad but true.
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Jul 8, 2024
I ask: In the USA, can anyone officiate a wedding if they meet certain requirements?

And if so, I'll leave you with a twisted idea: Dan is registered to officiate weddings and Sarah or Lester ask him to officiate their (fake) wedding. It would be so erotic and morbid, even if it's fake, that Dan marries Sarah and Lester while she wears her wedding dress that she wore with him.
Not sure if this was answered but yes, all you need to be is an ordained minister, a justice of the peace, a judge, mayor, governor, etc; and ordained minister is really easy, considering some of the garbage religion/ministries out there, just for money, have the ability to be ordained on-line.
Jul 8, 2024
I was thinking. I think that Sarah is in love with Lester already. I used to have this belief that when I met the woman I loved I would think her feet are cute. I, personally HATE the appearance of feet. I believe love can be blind, so if you love someone physical things that you have issues with melt away and they seem perfect. As stated in this chapter, "Lester sneered down at her, an ugly expression she found overwhelmingly attractive." Since when? The only plausible reason I can think of is that she has fallen in love with him. The mind fucks piled on, one after another until she finally, both emotionally and mentally fell for Lester. I mean, his cheetos breath is an aphrodisiac? She's fallen for him.

Oh, and I no longer believe that he being pregnant is the ultimate betrayal to Dan, although if she was pregnant and with the boy Dan "failed to give her" due to all Dan's girl swimmers (and he apparently gave up at having a boy as he tied his tubes rather than chance another girl). That would be quite the kick in the crotch for Dan, but I think if Lester asks her if she wants to help next time he talks to her about fucking over Dan (followed by her saying she would never help do that to Dan, followed by Lester telling her that she said she would do any fucking thing he wanted and he was tired of all this sex talk. All he has to do is start either telling him the truth when they are fucking too, or if she is stop backing off the minute she gets scared of really meaning it. The way she is feeling, I think she would help). She says yes and then guiltily spews out everything that Dan is doing to hurt Lester. She changes sides. THAT would be the greatest betrayal she could perpetrate and, sorry those who wish different, but I have been waiting for such a story for many, many years.

Merry ChrismaHanuKwanzikkah!!!!
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May 22, 2024
I’m sure the “honeymoon” vacation I discussed earlier will be at the location where Dan and Sarah honeymooned. There he can further corrupt elements of Sarah and Dan’s past while asking Sarah to role play them having a child of their own.
Or Don will just mention this idea in one of Lester's inner dialogue and never bring it up he is been doing in recent chapters.


May 22, 2024
Oh, Merry Xmas/ Happy holidays everyone. It was fun sharing my thoughts with you all in this forum. Let's hope for more optimism and good vibes , unlike Dan Williams who is probably dreaming Lester dressed as Santa clause and prone boning Sarah underneath the Christmas tree!!
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Jun 30, 2024
Merry Christmas to everyone. Poor Dan. When was the last he had meaningful sex with Sarah? Except for the facade, I wonder if Dan even recognizes his wife anymore. Sarah is become more deceptive and manipulative with each passing chapter as Lester’s influence takes root. When Dan confronted Sarah disarmed Dan by giving him a pity handjob while playing with her breast. I wonder if she was doing that while wearing Lester’s engagement ring. It is alsoevident Sarah is falling for Lester. Not one time, except for pity sake, did Sarah have a desire to see or be close to Dan. Throughout this chapter Lester’s smirk or scowl, his general sloppy appearance, his Cheetos breath, his amazing cock, and his fat sweaty body were desired triggers for Sarah. The time will come when Sarah will betray Dan when faced with a decision or ultimatum. Will Dan mark the hard decision and sacrifice his marriage to save his kids. While we see Sarah’s descent, Dan has went from confident loving husband and father to bumbling idiot who is still caught up in the fog of his fantasy. Not at one time has either parent placed their kids’ welfare above the situation they find themselves. Dan is self absorbed with the drama in front of him while Sarah goes through the motion of being a parent for appearance sake. Wouldn’t Sarah look at her kids and have a tinge of guilt knowing she is cheating on their dad and possibly ruining their family. No not at all. She was instead happy watching and listening to them interact about their elementary school drama in their lives. I don’t see Dan and Sarah returning to the couple they once were as it’s almost too late to save Sarah from her downfall. However will Dan remain a silent cuck sitting in the corner while raising another man’s kid or will he rise up and be the parent those kids need
Jul 8, 2024
Merry Christmas to everyone. Poor Dan. When was the last he had meaningful sex with Sarah? Except for the facade, I wonder if Dan even recognizes his wife anymore. Sarah is become more deceptive and manipulative with each passing chapter as Lester’s influence takes root. When Dan confronted Sarah disarmed Dan by giving him a pity handjob while playing with her breast. I wonder if she was doing that while wearing Lester’s engagement ring. It is alsoevident Sarah is falling for Lester. Not one time, except for pity sake, did Sarah have a desire to see or be close to Dan. Throughout this chapter Lester’s smirk or scowl, his general sloppy appearance, his Cheetos breath, his amazing cock, and his fat sweaty body were desired triggers for Sarah. The time will come when Sarah will betray Dan when faced with a decision or ultimatum. Will Dan mark the hard decision and sacrifice his marriage to save his kids. While we see Sarah’s descent, Dan has went from confident loving husband and father to bumbling idiot who is still caught up in the fog of his fantasy. Not at one time has either parent placed their kids’ welfare above the situation they find themselves. Dan is self absorbed with the drama in front of him while Sarah goes through the motion of being a parent for appearance sake. Wouldn’t Sarah look at her kids and have a tinge of guilt knowing she is cheating on their dad and possibly ruining their family. No not at all. She was instead happy watching and listening to them interact about their elementary school drama in their lives. I don’t see Dan and Sarah returning to the couple they once were as it’s almost too late to save Sarah from her downfall. However will Dan remain a silent cuck sitting in the corner while raising another man’s kid or will he rise up and be the parent those kids need
I agree completely with you Chillmeister. You know that its almost over when Sarah has lost total respect for Dan, thinking over and over that Dan is weak and Lester is strong. If weak and pathetic are how she sees her husband now, while keeping Lester as the strong man, able to take punishment due to that said same strength, then her respect for Dan is just about gone. That's where marriages end. However, I will not be booing this direction as anyone who has read my comments knows that betrayal is what I was wanting and hoping for in this story, hence the Darkness.


Jul 27, 2024
I was thinking. I think that Sarah is in love with Lester already. I used to have this belief that when I met the woman I loved I would think her feet are cute. I, personally HATE the appearance of feet. I believe love can be blind, so if you love someone physical things that you have issues with melt away and they seem perfect. As stated in this chapter, "Lester sneered down at her, an ugly expression she found overwhelmingly attractive." Since when? The only plausible reason I can think of is that she has fallen in love with him. The mind fucks piled on, one after another until she finally, both emotionally and mentally fell for Lester. I mean, his cheetos breath is an aphrodisiac? She's fallen for him.

Oh, and I no longer believe that he being pregnant is the ultimate betrayal to Dan, although if she was pregnant and with the boy Dan "failed to give her" due to all Dan's girl swimmers (and he apparently gave up at having a boy as he tied his tubes rather than chance another girl). That would be quite the kick in the crotch for Dan, but I think if Lester asks her if she wants to help next time he talks to her about fucking over Dan (followed by her saying she would never help do that to Dan, followed by Lester telling her that she said she would do any fucking thing he wanted and he was tired of all this sex talk. All he has to do is start either telling him the truth when they are fucking too, or if she is stop backing off the minute she gets scared of really meaning it. The way she is feeling, I think she would help). She says yes and then guiltily spews out everything that Dan is doing to hurt Lester. She changes sides. THAT would be the greatest betrayal she could perpetrate and, sorry those who wish different, but I have been waiting for such a story for many, many years.

Merry ChrismaHanuKwanzikkah!!!!
I want that ending too. But it won't happen (or won't happen as well as it should) until we see Sarah initiating intimacy. She's stopped calling Lester "baby" and "daddy". No more "I love you". She demanded Dan kiss her in their chapter but has never even kissed Lester outside of sex or him demanding it

Like how is him not saving her job the perfect opportunity to progress their relationship? Instead she gets annoyed and goes home immediately. She falls asleep immediately after sex. She kicks him out without any goodbye or kiss. DS refuses to take their relationship beyond sex so how is this supposed to happen?


Jan 9, 2022
Merry Christmas to everyone. Poor Dan. When was the last he had meaningful sex with Sarah? Except for the facade, I wonder if Dan even recognizes his wife anymore. Sarah is become more deceptive and manipulative with each passing chapter as Lester’s influence takes root. When Dan confronted Sarah disarmed Dan by giving him a pity handjob while playing with her breast. I wonder if she was doing that while wearing Lester’s engagement ring. It is alsoevident Sarah is falling for Lester. Not one time, except for pity sake, did Sarah have a desire to see or be close to Dan. Throughout this chapter Lester’s smirk or scowl, his general sloppy appearance, his Cheetos breath, his amazing cock, and his fat sweaty body were desired triggers for Sarah. The time will come when Sarah will betray Dan when faced with a decision or ultimatum. Will Dan mark the hard decision and sacrifice his marriage to save his kids. While we see Sarah’s descent, Dan has went from confident loving husband and father to bumbling idiot who is still caught up in the fog of his fantasy. Not at one time has either parent placed their kids’ welfare above the situation they find themselves. Dan is self absorbed with the drama in front of him while Sarah goes through the motion of being a parent for appearance sake. Wouldn’t Sarah look at her kids and have a tinge of guilt knowing she is cheating on their dad and possibly ruining their family. No not at all. She was instead happy watching and listening to them interact about their elementary school drama in their lives. I don’t see Dan and Sarah returning to the couple they once were as it’s almost too late to save Sarah from her downfall. However will Dan remain a silent cuck sitting in the corner while raising another man’s kid or will he rise up and be the parent those kids need
First of all, I apologize for my English. I translate from my native language.
During my life, I had various acquaintances with women, from my own experience there were three that I can match with Sara, they were married and had children. It was very hot with them and wild, incredible sex. There were also conversations like Lester and Sarah even about pregnancy.
Was there an emotional attachment? it was so in the first two cases.
Was it difficult after the separation? so the heart hurt incredibly, but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
I noticed that my heart had hardened and began to perceive it as entertainment and even humiliation of my partners, which they liked, but as a result, when I got everything I wanted, emptiness remained.
I had fewer opportunities than Lester, which led to a divorce from them.
What conclusion can I draw from my experience?
Women whores become callous egoists over time. Their love disappears, their psyche is blurred, and their love is lost for everyone, for their children, husband, lover, maybe this is a retribution for their behavior, I can't say for sure. They are used and, accordingly, they begin to use anyone for their own purposes, showing hypocrisy, deception, debauchery.
Have I changed psychologically? definitely yes! I was no better than my partners, a mean, selfish jerk.
On the other hand, I realized how much I love my wife and how afraid I am to lose her, my dearest and dearest person to me.
Do I regret my actions or would I repeat this experience? rather yes than no.
I don't know if DS experienced this experience of "becoming a whore" in his own life, but he describes everything incredibly realistically, down to the smallest detail.
P.S. All these women do not live with their husbands now, maybe I will be punished for this once I was young and stupid.
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Jan 9, 2022
Oh, and one more note from my own experience, when they say "I love you" but there are no real feelings, the breakup is not far away.


Mar 31, 2024
Does Lester do everything in regards to hacking via that computer in he’s room? I know I’ve heard mentions of hard drives as he gave lizzie a hard drive with videos of them but he has back up of that but I’ve heard no mention of a laptop or anything also im assuming the cameras in the apartment are on a WiFi setup?
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Jun 30, 2024
Does Lester do everything in regards to hacking via that computer in he’s room? I know I’ve heard mentions of hard drives as he gave lizzie a hard drive with videos of them but he has back up of that but I’ve heard no mention of a laptop or anything also im assuming the cameras in the apartment are on a WiFi setup?
These are all guesses and assumptions .
I’m assuming Lester is using a desktop gaming computer rather than a laptop for his command center in Chicago. It would offer Lester more speed, power flexibility and storage which is why he was reluctant to move to Middleton when Thornhill offered the job. Not an easy job moving, re-setting up and most importantly sterilize the infrastructure once he is in the new location. I’m sure Lester has access to multiple off shore VPN and an ironclad security firewall if he does ever get breached. Lester knows who or how to develop viruses or keeps a library of them he can use to hide, erase or destroy his targets. Lester would keep a secured physical hard copy of his data, but I assume most of it is uploaded and stored to an non extradition off shore cloud server or uploaded to a private physical server located in or around Chicago. Lester is accessing his command center and cameras remotely through his phone or another secured laptop via Wi-Fi, satellite or cellular network.
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Nov 26, 2024
This story begin to be so predictible, all the ideas are from patreon cuck fan, the story is just around Lester and Sarah now.

He make Dan so pathetic and dumb while making Lester james bond level , its not interesting at all.

Gonna finish the story but its to bad that DS listen to his paying patreon cuck fan when in the beginning hé said the couple gonna find a good ending with a strong Dan character . Money always win
You are absolutely right...
Lester is not only chosen to be James Bond, he is also Superman, with his web of intrigue he is also Spiderman. A software and network genius who puts all CIA, Mossad and KGB agents in the shade !

Sarah is portrayed as a stupid, cock-hungry, naive bitch who, as soon as she smells the son of a bitch Lester's cock, loses all her senses and only thinks and acts with her cunt...
Put you down in the basement hole, and you never ssen the daylight
Jun 30, 2024
Oh, and one more note from my own experience, when they say "I love you" but there are no real feelings, the breakup is not far away.
I hate that Sarah still says “baby” and “I love you” to Dan while at the same time not voluntarily saying such words to Lester only during sex. Sarah was in hot water with Dan because she betrayed him emotionally and mentally. So part of me feels like she was putting a production or role play with Dan to disarm the situation. I truly wonder if Sarah still has real emotional feelings for Dan and all the words, kisses and I love you were heartfelt. But what if it wasn’t. What if she now devoid of any emotional attachment to her husband and we just witnessed a dark, conniving and manipulative Sarah. She already can turn on and off the sexual charm so who’s to say she doesn’t have this defense mechanism. It calms Dan insisting she was the victim while maintaining her hedonistic lifestyle with Lester.

On a side note Dan didn’t cue in on how much Sarah is attracted to Lester. During their whole conversation she was not focused on Dan. Sarah either thought about Lester or gushed about how Lester makes her feel this or that. Sarah was also insistent about going back inside the apartment to have a come to Jesus meeting with Lester. Why? Because she was hoping to be near Lester again with the possibility of having sex before she left. The next logical step besides adding some pillow talk is Sarah expressing emotions to Lester outside sex and not coerced by Lester. Lester is unable at this time to express emotions currently (probably due to trauma and apathy), but Sarah by nature is an emotional creature so let her express her feelings voluntarily. Don needs to make bigger strides.